

54 ratings
Obsessive Tea Drinker. ACHIEVMENT (Auto start/stop script)
By Camanis
Most easiest way to get achievment "Obsessive Tea Drinker." with simple auto start and stop game script.
Easy auto script

Works great on Windows 7 and 8 (Don't know about XP or older versions)

Just create 2 New Text Document files on your desktop.
In 1st of them copy and paste this code:

:repeat start "" "steam://rungameid/289090" timeout /t 4 wscript %CSIDL_DEFAULT_DESKTOP%"amputea.vbs" timeout /t 3 taskkill /f /t /im "AmpuTea.exe" timeout /t 1 goto :repeat

After you copied this code, press File --> Save As and in File Name write "start.bat"
Save as type change to All Files.

In the 2nd file copy and paste this:

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.AppActivate "AmpuTea.exe" WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" WshShell.SendKeys "^s"

And Save it As amputea.vbs
Also Save as type switch to All Files.

And finaly you got auto start and stop script. Simply open your first saved file (start.bat)
Go to kitchen and make some cup of tea while your PC is restarting game automaticly :D

Enjoy your Obsessive Tea Drinker. ACHIEVMENT!

To close this script simply close that black CMD window.
Vilas 21 May, 2023 @ 6:13am 
Thank you :stok:
twinbladeArisen 28 Apr, 2023 @ 11:09am 
Nice one!

I've made a couple slight improvements to the batch script:

1) Will only launch a set number of times (change value of launchesRemaining)
2) Reports the number of launches remaining
3) Calls you a nerd


@echo off

set/A launchesRemaining = 393

echo Welcome to the Unofficial AmpuTea ReLauncher
echo Launches Remaining: %launchesRemaining%

start "" "F:\Games\STEAM\steamapps\common\Ampu-Tea\AmpuTea.exe"
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
wscript "%CD%\littlehelper.vbs"
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
taskkill /f /t /im "AmpuTea.exe" >nul 2>&1
set/A launchesRemaining = %launchesRemaining% - 1

if %launchesRemaining% GTR 0 goto repeat

echo Congratulations for being a nerd!

Windmill 5 Oct, 2022 @ 3:08pm 
It works, thank you :happy_yeti::btlthumbup:
[BLG] Alisa 26 Apr, 2021 @ 3:33am 
كاتيرو, thank you a lot
pelvisgin 4 Oct, 2020 @ 2:16am 
the configuration window stops the game from launching. any help?
24 Nov, 2019 @ 6:46am 
Worked perfectly, thank you.

You can also try with:

timeout /t 3
timeout /t 1
timeout /t 1

It's faster.
كاطيرو 2 Apr, 2019 @ 6:03pm 
start "" "steam://rungameid/289090"
timeout /t 3
wscript %CSIDL_DEFAULT_DESKTOP%"amputea.vbs"
timeout /t 2
taskkill /f /t /im "AmpuTea.exe"
timeout /t 1
goto :repeat
Jhon 5 Oct, 2018 @ 1:24pm 
Thanks a lot
Camanis  [author] 9 Jan, 2018 @ 10:57am 
KoeLeiku sure you can copy this if you want.
Li 9 Jan, 2018 @ 4:32am 
Hey,guy.Do you mind if I reprint the post to the bbs?