Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

651 人が評価
Lever Tower
Assets: Building, Office
9.989 MB
2015年4月9日 20時02分
2015年10月2日 12時17分
4 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Lever Tower

A fairly common cantilevered skyscraper, built in 1973, in less than ideal condition.

Finally a new type of tree! Make sure you download my Cypress Tree asset for it to show up ingame.

3x4 Level 3 Office Building

Please help me in making more assets
I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion of my time. If you really like my content, I would be very grateful if you could support me with a little donation.


49 件のコメント
Apples 2020年2月22日 10時29分 
A bunch of props are missing, i did a re-release with different props mentioned on the previous page of this comment section.
Allystrya 2020年2月22日 10時02分 
Love it :) FYI Though ---- Not sure if they are different but the Cypress tree listed for this leads to it looks like an old version which may have a higher tris count from the looks of it? Loading screen mod kept telling me the Cypress tree was missing and it lead me to the newer version one.

Old one listed in requirements:

Loading Screen Mod lead me to the newer one even though I had the old one here:
dacity3000 2019年3月22日 12時52分 
Please keep creating such office buildings~
Rothger 2019年2月25日 19時50分 
Amazing... Can't describe! Thank you!
Greqko 2019年1月29日 11時33分 
snt this the equitable tower or CBB bank tower,wilshire blv,Los Angeles?
수제알라봉 2018年11月24日 2時29分 
can i ask you what's the origin of this building?
수제알라봉 2018年11月24日 2時28分 
thank you for the nice building!
Apples 2018年6月1日 7時13分 
Yeah, he didn't include all the props he used.
InvalidEntityName 2018年6月1日 4時54分 
Your props always report as missing.
Apples 2017年11月8日 9時51分 
If you mean the windows, they fade on later in the night, i can't change those as they arn't done through the asset editor, i just changed the lights on the outside, so it looks less like a "Casino", while also changing the props used.