Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

280 평점
Popcorn Cart
즐겨찾기 해제
Assets: Prop
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901.299 KB
2015년 4월 1일 오후 3시 51분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)

다운로드 위해 구독하기
Popcorn Cart

ReticentDaikaiju님의 1 모음집
ReticentDaikaiju's Amusement Park Set
아이템 12개
A cart selling popcorn. A prop which can be placed as a decoration in the park editor.
댓글 3
forestfey 2015년 4월 18일 오전 10시 32분 
"after Sunny Grain discovered, that grilled and popped (nonGMO) corn offered in a ...'corny', rural environment are well accepted among passing-by customers, the board decided to make it a f-ranchise. Perhaps even with small, private cooperatives. Their daughter Myrtle is already experinced with that..."
Stranger 2015년 4월 1일 오후 5시 07분 
This is really good.I hope you also make a cotton candy stand and a food trailer for selling hotdogs and hamburgers.