Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

37 人が評価
Music School V1.0
Assets: Building
7.302 MB
2015年3月16日 5時02分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Music School V1.0

Music School V1.0 by andysave92

Price: 25k
450 studens

14 件のコメント
andysave92  [作成者] 2015年12月15日 8時46分 
@malik0112 No, I do not have the basic model. And at night in school nobody goes that there was a light =)
malik0112 2015年12月15日 8時16分 
i really like it, what about ad integration?
andysave92  [作成者] 2015年8月9日 2時19分 
Thank you, it's very nice =)
Tadoké Is N Aint 2015年8月8日 20時09分 
This is one of my favorite educational assets. It's quite compact, great range and overall stats not extreme. It's design is a stand out to the vanilla elementary school. I typically use this asset within my 'wealthier' residential areas. Thank you very much
andysave92  [作成者] 2015年3月21日 9時56分 
thank you =)
Dortmondo 2015年3月21日 7時42分 
Very nice to see some classic Dutch architecture in Cities: Skylines :)
andysave92  [作成者] 2015年3月17日 4時24分 
Fishermang 2015年3月17日 3時48分 
Tested it and it is really great. Adds a very beautiful diversity and fits perfectly if you are building for eample an old town.
andysave92  [作成者] 2015年3月16日 14時12分 
Perhaps such modifications appear to other users or in patches =)
Seed5050 2015年3月16日 13時18分 
thanks very nice,hope for more..maybe farms?