Infestation: The New Beginning

Infestation: The New Beginning

205 ratings
How to uninstall Infestation: Survivor Stories
By iicca2k
Have you ever downloaded a game and realised how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it is and wanted to kill yourself 'cos you paid good 15 bucks for it? Uninstalling is the best thing you could do in that kind of situation. Follow these simple and easy steps to uninstall today!
First step
Locate your "Library"
Second step
Find your copy of Infestation: Survivor Stories from your library, this step can be hard if you have alot of games like i do

Aha, found ya little bastard!
Third step
Right click that bad boy and this little menu should appear.

Move your mouse over to "Delete local content"
Fourth step
This is probably the best part of uninstalling, if you've done everything right you should have no trouble doing this.

Click "Delete local content" and this little box should appear.

Steam will ask you if you really want to uninstall this game, of course you want to uninstall that piece of garbage, be gone!

Press that delete button
Gongratulations now you have uninstalled your Infestation: Survivor stories! Feels good aye?

Thanks for reading and have a nice day :) dont forget to give me that 5 star guide will ya?
After this guide, you can be happy or really mad.
So just incase you are mad,
Dr.syklopaatti's latest invention: Butthurt cream!

Starting just 9,99€
Max.Pain 9 Sep, 2020 @ 8:02am 
instructions unclear - still checking for new updater
JaYun 15 Aug, 2017 @ 5:55am 
Jade Ottsel 27 Aug, 2016 @ 3:43pm 
Wish there was a way to wipe this piece of shit from my entire Steam, so it doesn't even appear on my game list. lol
AFK 在线非本人 6 Jul, 2016 @ 7:12am 
Warm Fuzzies™ 8 May, 2015 @ 10:18pm 
mmmmm need to get me some of that cream....if I pay extra will she rub it on my crack?
76561197979693103 25 Apr, 2015 @ 8:47am 
Best guide for this **** game! Ty! 16 Apr, 2015 @ 5:31pm 
same thing happens to me after every call of duty on pc xD
. 28 Mar, 2015 @ 10:12am 
this game is retarded i cant even get gun ?