Dota 2
505 ratings
The Art Of Warding (Defensive and Offensive) 6.83b
By (٩◔̯◔۶)_Neon_Deviant_ヅ
This Guide will help you understand an advance tips on how to place your wards both offensive and defensive. Wards placement is very important because it allows your team to have vision on what is happening around the Map. It will help you in ganking, killing heroes, for farming, for pushing, defending, for stealing jungle camps and others.
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Know the Basics

The Neon Art of Warding

The Basics

Observer Ward is an Item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Consumables. It produces an invisible Observer Ward to spy on an area, but does not have True Sight.

Observer ward. It costs 150 gold, and you get 2 stacks with one purchase. The shop will start off with 2 in stock, and that is the max. If the shop has less than 2, it will take 6 minutes for it to gain another stock.

Because of their usefulness, Observer Wards have an initial stock of 1 set in the store and a maximum stock of 2 sets, with each set containing 2 wards. The stock takes 6 minutes to replenish.

Observer Wards provide a large sight range of 1600 AoE around them and last for 7 minutes after being placed. However, they do not provide True Sight in this area. They are invisible to the other team.

Sentry Ward

The Sentry Ward is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Consumables. It produces an invisible Sentry Ward capable of spotting invisible enemy units, but lacking in vision.

Like their counterparts, Observer Wards, Sentry Wards can be placed down anywhere to spot and assist. Unlike Observer Wards, they have only temporary natural vision, but offer True Sight which can detect invisible enemies. Their detection radius is large, making them useful as long as you have vision in that area. Their primary use is for countering enemy wards, but can also be used for spotting invisible heroes by throwing one down where you expect them to show up.

Sentry Wards do not have a stock, and each stack will contain 2 wards. They also last for little more than half the time that Observer Wards do. The wards can also be targeted by Quelling Blade's active to be dealt 100 damage.

Sentry Wards Ability:
Places a Sentry Ward to give True Sight of the surrounding area. Lasts 4 minutes.
Hold Control to give one Sentry Ward to an allied hero.
Cast Range: 500
True Sight Radius: 850
Duration: 240

1. Provides 150 radius ground vision at its location for 12 seconds.
2. Can not be placed on the elevated area, including the ramp at the fountains or in Roshan's pit.
3. Sentry Wards are fully sharable. However, holding Control allows the owner to give an ally just one ward, instead of the whole stack.
4. It is not possible to give couriers or Lone Druid's Spirit Bear a Sentry Ward by holding Control.
5. The True Sight is provided in its whole area, it is not obstructed by anything.
6. The True Sight is provided by an aura, its effect lingers for 0.5 seconds.
6. Can not detect units under the effect of Shadow Dance and Smoke of Deceit.
Why wards is very important
Absolutely essential to victory, Observer Wards allow you to keep watch over areas and spy on your enemies while keeping you and other heroes safe. It is important to keep wards up in key locations, and destroy enemy wards.
They are considered essential to map control, providing vision for Runes, watching out for Ganks, and blocking neutral creeps from spawning in the Jungle. Wards are one of the few items in the shop that have a limited stock to discourage overly defensive play.

Although it is common for the support to purchase wards, mid and off-laners can purchase them to set up ganks or block the enemy team's safe lane jungle camp respectively. A common tactic used is to destroy the enemy team's wards using the True Sight provided by Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight. The wards can also be targeted by Quelling Blade's active to be dealt 100 damage.

Radiant Side - The Art of Warding
Having an effective wards positioning can be a life saver for your team, you can also counter ganks if they are trying to do it, and even spy on what is happening around the map. Below are some recommended locations in placing your wards.

TAKE NOTE: Radiant Side
Bottom Lane and Rune, Radiant's Jungle
Radiant's Side
Bottom Lane - Provides vision near the Dire's Tier 1 Tower

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near the Radiant's bottom lane or Radiant's Easy Lane

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near the Radiant's bottom lane or Radiant's Easy Lane

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near the Radiant's bottom lane or Radiant's Easy Lane

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Bottom Lane and Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Bottom Lane and Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Bottom Lane and Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Bottom Lane and Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Bottom Lane and near the Radiant's Buttom Shop. Most Dota 2 players are using this area for Hiding, for setting-up ganks and also this area is consider the most common bomb placement if someone is using techies. Vision in this area can be an advantage because you can immediately avoid war, avoid set-up ganks, to counter ganks and also you can use this area to outrun enemies

Bottom Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Bottom Lane and near the Radiant's Buttom Shop. Most Dota 2 players are using this area for Hiding, for setting-up ganks and also this area is consider the most common bomb placement if someone is using techies. Vision in this area can be an advantage because you can immediately avoid war, set-up ganks, to counter ganks and you can use this area to outrun enemies

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Roshan, Bottom Rune, Paths going Bottom/Radiant's Jungle, Paths going Dire Tier 1 Middle Tower and Path going Dire's Secret Shop.
Number 1: I do recommend this because you can have atleast a glimpse near Bottom Rune and Roshan. Unlike Number 2 It only provides a vision near your Medium Camp and paths going Bottom Lane.

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Roshan, Bottom Rune, Paths going Bottom and Paths going Radiant's Jungle.

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Roshan, Bottom Rune, Paths going Bottom/Radiant's Jungle, Paths going Dire Tier 1 Middle Tower and Path going Dire's Secret Shop.

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Roshan, Bottom Rune, Paths going Bottom/Radiant's Jungle, Paths going Dire Tier 1 Middle Tower and Path going Dire's Secret Shop.

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Roshan, Bottom Rune, Paths going Bottom/Radiant's Jungle, Paths going Dire Tier 1 Middle Tower and Path going Dire's Secret Shop.

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Roshan, Bottom Rune, Paths going Dire Tier 1 Middle Tower and Path going Dire's Secret Shop.

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Secret Shop and Dire's ancient camp.

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Bottom Tier 1 Tower, and path going Dire's Ancient Camp and Dire's Secret Shop.

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Bottom Tier 1 Tower and Bottom Tier 2 Tower

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Secret Shop

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Secret Shop

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Secret Shop, Dire's Tier 2 Bottom Tower

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Secret Shop, Dire's Tier 2 Bottom Tower

Bottom Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 3 Bottom Tower and Dire's Base

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement)
If your tier 2 and tier 1 Bottom Tower are destroyed already you can use this area for placing your wards.
This is effective area for placing your ward because this area is high ground.
Take Note: If someone is in the higher ground the greater the vision they have and sometimes players are using this as an advantage to initiate a team fight, set-up ganks or even surprise attack. Having vision in any nearby high ground especially when your defending your base is very important.

Bottom Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Tier 3 Bottom Tower, Radiant's Large Camp, and near middle lane.
Middle Lane
Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Tier 1 Tower and Dire's Tier 1 Tower

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Tier 1 Tower and Dire's Tier 1 Tower

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Radiant's Tier 1 Tower, Radiant's Ancient Camp and Top Rune.
Number 1: I do recommended if you will place your ward here because it provides vision on the higher ground (ancient camp). You can avoid ganks especially if your opponents are using Pudge and Mirana.
Number 2: One disadvantage of this ward placement is that you don't have vision on the higher ground. You are still vulnerable and take note this is common location/area where Mirana or Pudge initiates a fight or set-up a gank.

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 1 Tower.

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 1 Tower.

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 1 Tower and Top Rune.

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 1 Tower.

Middle Lane - (It can be Offensive and Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Jungle and path going Dire's Tier 1 Tower/Tier 2 Tower.

Middle Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 1 Tower and Dire's Middle Tier 2 Tower.

Middle Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Jungle and path going Dire's Tier 1 Tower/Tier 2 Tower.

Middle Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision going Dire's Tier 2 Tower.

Middle Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near Dire's Tier 2 Tower.

Middle Lane - (Offensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near the Dire's Base.

Middle Lane - (Defensive Ward Placement) It provides vision near middle lane, path going Radiant's Secret shop, ancient camp and top rune.
Top Lane and Rune, Dire's Jungle
Vision near Top Rune

Vision near Top Rune and Dire's Medium Camp

Vision near Radiant's Top Lane, Dire's Top Lane, Dire's Medium Camp and Large Camp

Vision near Radiant's Top Tier 1 Tower.

Vision near Top Side Shop.

Vision near Top Side Shop.

Vision near Dire's Top Tier 1 Tower.

Vision near Dire's Top Tier 1 Tower and Dire's Medium Camp.

Vision near Radiant's Top Lane, Dire's Top Lane, Dire's Medium Camp and Large Camp
Number 1: I do recommend this ward placement because you have a vision going to Radiant's Top Lane or path going to Dire's Jungle Camp.
Number 2: This ward placement is good but the vision going to Radiant's top lane or the path going top lane/Dire's Jungle is being blocked by the trees

Vision near Dire's Medium Camp.

Vision near Dire's Jungle.

Vision near Dire's Jungle.

Vision near Dire's Jungle.

Vision near Dire's Jungle.

Vision near Dire's Tier 2 Tower.

Vision near Dire's Jungle and near Dire's Tier 2 tower.

Vision near Dire's Base.

Vision near Dire's Base.

Dire Side - The Art of Warding
A very Effective Ward Location
If you will place an observer wards before the neutral camp spawn. That neutral camp will not spawn until that wards will expire or dewarded. It can only block neutral camps if it is affected by the vision provided by the wards.
Take Note: You can only do that if you placed the wards before the first neutral camp spawns.

A very Effective Ward Location

Near Radiant's Jungle Camps
You can prevent the neutral creeps coming from this camp using an observer wards.
Take Note: You need to place this wards before the first neutral creeps spawns.

Near Radiant's Jungle Camps

Near Radiant's Tier 1 Tower

Near Radiant's Jungle Camps, Roshan, Rune and others

Near Radiant's Jungle Camps

Near Radiant's Jungle Camps

Near Radiant's Jungle Camps, Middle Tier 1 Tower

Near Radiant's Ancient Camp, and Near Tier 1 Towerr
Having vision in this area is very effective especially if your opponent is doing stacking. Stacking Radiant's Ancient Camp and using this to farmed up their carry, offlane or midlane hero is not good. This vision would allow you to check if they are doing stacking, setting ganks, and farming the ancient.

Near Radiant's Ancient Camp, Radiant's Secret shop and top tune

Near Radiant's Middle Top Tier 2 Tower

Near Radiant's Buttom Tier 1 Tower

Near Radiant's Top Tier 1 Tower and Middle Tower

Near Radiant's Middle Tier 1 Tower

Near Radiant's Upper Ground

Near Radiant's Middle Tier 2 Tower and Radiants Ancient Camp

Near Radiant's Upper Ground

Radiant's Base

Radiant's Base
Understanding Neutral Camps
The jungle has several neutral creep camps in it, that can be used for various reasons. The most common ones are jungling, pulling and farming.

Neutral creep camps come in four tiers of difficulty. In each jungle you find: Easy (1 camp), Medium (2 camps), Hard (2 camps) and Ancient (1 camp).

Creeps spawn for the first time at 0:30 and will spawn again at the start of each minute if the camp is empty. A creep camp will not spawn the same set of creeps twice in a row.

Chen's Holy Persuasion, Enchantress's Enchant, and the item Helm of the Dominator have the ability to control creeps. Additionally, Doom's Devour allows Doom to gain the abilities of creeps.

Neutral Camp Spawn Boxes
Creep Pulling
Creep Pulling allows a Hero to "pull" a group of Neutral Creeps into their lane, causing them to attack their Lane Creeps. This is executed by getting the attention of a Creep Camp nearest to the lane and timing it with the spawns of the Lane Creeps. Pulling allows Heroes to avoid damage from Neutral Creeps and bring their abilities off Cooldown, while also denying friendly Creeps and preventing the enemy from earning Experience.

Why Creep Pulling is Important?
1. Allows you to avoid taking damage since your creeps fight for you.
2. Denies some enemy experience since your creeps may die to neutrals.
3. Useful while your summons are on CD or you do not have sufficient mana.
4. Greatly disturbs the creep wave line (first, brings the "wave" way back under your tower and after the creeps have finished engaging, there will be a push back in the other direction towards the enemy tower as your wave will contain more creeps).
5. Makes it difficult for enemy team to lane as they will have to proceed far past tower to stay in exp range (or go to the neutral area where you have creeps and they do not).

Creep Stacking
Creep Stacking is a process in which a Hero draws Neutral Creeps away from their camp so that they leave the area before a new wave of Creeps respawns.
Generally, neutral creeps will spawn in the first 30 seconds of the game and at every minute thereafter. However, new creeps cannot spawn if a unit such as a player or a ward is present.
This allows players to significantly increase the number of Creeps in a particular Camp, allowing them to earn more Gold and Experience from a single Camp, or increasing the effectiveness of Creep Pulling. Creep Camps can be Stacked indefinitely, allowing there to be massive amounts of Creeps at one time.
By pulling neutral creeps beyond their camp boundaries, the game will generate a new set of creeps for the player to interact with in addition to any remaining creeps. This is incredibly time efficient, since it effectively increases the amount of gold available for a team. In many cases, a support who has stacked a substantial amount of creeps can build a sizable chunk of gold for fellow teammates. However, this can work against you if the enemy team reaches your camps first.

To stack a camp, you can either attack a unit in the camp or simply walk close to it. The neutral creeps will then attempt to chase you for a few seconds before returning to their initial position. Most camps can be stacked at around the 53-54 second mark. However, this timing varies depending on the spawn box size and the type of units involved. If done correctly, a new set of creeps will spawn at the minute mark.

The above method can be done multiple times, but timing might start to differ, as some creeps have auras which affect movement speed. Furthermore, all neutral camps can be stacked indefinitely, so long as all the creeps have escaped the camp boundaries.

The Image Below shows the Neutral Camp Spawn Boxes:
Blocking Camps Using Sentry Wards
Blocking Camps or preventing them to spawn in a couple of minutes will prevent your opponents in stacking, pulling, and farming. Below are some of the sentry wards location where you can place in preventing a certain Jungle Camp from spawning. This is very effective to counter Pulling Neutral Creeps, Stacking Neutral Creeps, and Farming Neutral Creeps. You can check the "Countering Jungler (Offensive Warding)" Section for more Recommended Sentry and Observer Wards Locations in Blocking Camps in an early game.

Radiant's Jungle Camps

Dire's Jungle Camps
Blocking Camps Using Observer Wards
This section is about blocking neutral camps using observer wards.

If you want to prevent neutral camps from spawning,
1. Place your observer wards within the range of spawn box of that neutral camp before the neutral creeps from that camp spawns.
Check Below, I do have suggestions where you can place your wards to prevent the neutral creeps from spawning using observer wards. You can check also the section entitled "Countering Jungler Using Offensive Warding"

Radiant's Large or Hard Camp
Radiant's Easy/Small Camp
Radiant's Hard or Large Camp
Radiant's Medium Camp
Radiant's Medium Camp

Dire's Large or Hard Camp
Dire's Medium Camp
Radiant's Easy/Small Camp
Dire's Large or Hard Camp
Dire's Medium Camp
Dewarding Using Sentry Ward
What is Dewarding?
This is the process of finding and eliminating enemy wards. Commonly done with Sentry Wards or other sources of True Sight like Gem.

Here are recommended dewarding techniques.
Botton Rune Area and Near Roshan

Botton Rune Area and Near Roshan

Botton Rune Area and Near Roshan

Botton Rune Area and Near Roshan

Botton Rune Area and Near Roshan

Bottom Lane, Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane, Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane, Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane, Radiant's Jungle

Bottom Lane, Secret Shop

Top Rune

Ancient Camp, Near Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Middle Lane

Top Lane, Dire's Jungle

Top Lane, Dire's Jungle

Top Lane, Dire's Jungle

Top Lane, Dire's Jungle

Top Lane, Dire's Jungle
Countering Tinker and Other Heroes
This is a special mention:

Below are some unusual ward location to counter some heroes like Tinker, Nature's Prophet and other heroes.
Before i will proceed, Let me discuss some of Tinker's gameplay.
Tinker is very effective in ganking, pushing and defending. He usually does is to teleport and use dagger to blink near the trees and cast his spell called the march or tinker's third skill for pushing and defending. It is hard to kill him if Tinker has a dagger. But below is the common place where Tinker is hiding especially if tinker is pushing or defending. Having vision in that area would allow you set-up a gank to counter him.

There are other heroes also you need to check. Natures "Profit" Prophet is good in pushing. Some players used dagger for Natures "Profit" Prophet for pushing and for survival item. One of his gameplay is to teleport either top, mid, and bot lane and cast his skill to create his treants. He will use that treants to push. Other style is to teleport, and then cast his skill to create treants, use dagger to blink away, use teleport to teleport to other lane and push. Below is a usefull wards location which can help you provide vision to counter heroes that can hide in that area. Try it.

Understanding Jungler Heroes
An enemy Jungler can be countered by frequent ganks and offensive Observer Wards to make ganks easier. Wards, when placed inside the spawn area of a Neutral Creep Camp, can also be used to prevent the Neutral Creeps from spawning to limit the enemy Jungler's options and income.

Advantages of Jungling:
1. Gives your team an additional solo lane (increased EXP, money for you AND the team as a whole).
2. You do not have to compete for last hits against allies/enemies.
3. Easier time ganking because you can just pop out at the best time.
4. If pulling, you can decrease the enemy's experience/money gain.
5. Some heroes perform better in jungle (can farm better unhindered by enemy)
6. An entertaining change of pace from conventional laning

Basic Strategy
In general, Jungling Heroes will need more Health and Mana regeneration in their build to be effective. Most Junglers will take a lot of damage while fighting and use a lot of abilities, and the additional Health and Mana regeneration will allow them to earn more before having to return to base to heal.

Below are list of some heroes who are capable in Jungling.

Summoner Heroes
Summoner Heroes can Jungle very well because they don't have to attract the Creeps' attention in order to deal damage. Summoners refer to Heroes that can not only summon more units, such as Enigma or Nature's Prophet, but can also convert enemy units to their side, such as Chen or Enchantress. Summoners will often prioritize getting Mana regeneration over Health, due to high Mana costs associated with their abilities. Often, they'll purchase a Clarity or Sage's Mask early to keep their Mana up during the game.

Generally speaking, Summoners have an easy time Jungling because they just need to stand back while their units take care of the Creeps. Summoners that can convert Creeps are also capable of taking on Medium and Large Camps early on, while other Heroes should generally start with Small Camps.

Heroes with AoE Abilities
Area of Effect Abilities make for more effective Jungling because they allow the jungler to attack multiple creeps at once, rather than concentrating on single targets. In Jungling, there are two kinds of AoE Heroes: Mana-independent and Mana-dependent.

Mana-independent Heroes require little or no Mana to use their AoE Abilities, such as Axe or Tidehunter (less so Tidehunter because of the change to anchor smash). These Heroes should focus on increasing their Health and Health regeneration early by purchasing items that provide Strength and Health bonuses. Mana-independent Heroes can make best use of Creep Stacking and Creep Pulling in order to increase the effectiveness of their abilities.

Mana-dependent Heroes need a decent amount of Mana to use their AoE Abilities. These Heroes should focus on items that boost both their Health and Mana regeneration, such as a Bottle, but should concentrate on keeping their Health and Mana regeneration as high as possible. Kiting is recommended to avoid taking damage while low on Mana.

Heroes with Lifesteal
Heroes with Lifesteal or similar Abilities, such as Lifestealer, or Wraith King, can jungle Mana-independently and with a reliable source of Health Regeneration. However, the amount of Lifesteal might not be sufficient in the early game and their Jungling speed is rather slow, making them more effective in the lane. Jungling with these Heroes might also force the user to distribute their ability points in an unusual or ineffective way.

These Heroes should focus on damage blocking items such as Stout Shield and items that increase their Jungling speed, such as Quelling Blade or Power Treads.

There are other heroes who can go in the Jungle to farm like:

Bloodseeker is also considered a Jungler Hero. Getting the Bloodseeker's Bloodrage before going in the jungle is very effective because it increases damage. Heroes affected by Bloodrage will be healed for 25% of the max health of any units they kill. Heroes affected by Bloodrage when killed will heal 25% of their max health to their killer.

Batrider can be a good Jungler Hero but you need to get experience to level-up for you to be able to get your Sticky Napalm and Firefly Skill. Once you had that skill you can go in the Jungle to farm.
Sticky Napalm Effects
- Drenches an area in sticky oil, amplifying damage from Batrider's attacks and abilities and slowing the movement speed and turn rate of enemies in the area.
- Additional casts of Sticky Napalm continue to increase damage, up to 10 stacks. The extra damage is halved against creeps.
- Cast Range: 700
- Effect Radius: 375
- Max Stacks: 10
- Hero Damage per Stack: 10/15/20/25
- Creep Damage per Stack: 5/7.5/10/12.5
- Move Speed Slow per Stack: 3%/5%/7%/9%
- Turn Rate Slow: 70%
- Stack Duration: 8

Firefly Effects
- The entire spell effect lasts 18 seconds, meaning when the duration ends, the entire flame trail disappears as well.
- Damage is dealt to every enemy unit which comes within 200 radius of the fire trail.
Deals 10/20/30/40 damage in 0.4-0.6 second intervals, starting 0.1 second after cast, resulting in 37 damage instances.
- Can deal up to 370/740/1110/1480 damage (before reductions) to a single unit when it stays in range for the full duration.
Countering Junglers (Offensive Warding)
Take Note:
An enemy Jungler can be countered by frequent ganks and offensive Observer Wards to make ganks easier. Wards, when placed inside the spawn area of a Neutral Creep Camp, can also be used to prevent the Neutral Creeps from spawning to limit the enemy Jungler's options and income.

Below are recommended wards location to counter jungler hero from farming. But I do recommend you guys blocking the medium and easy camp.
Why Block only the medium and easy camp?
1, Blocking them in an early game would definitely allow all jungler hero to farm the Hard Neutral camp because only the hard camp is left. Farming Neutral Hard camp is definitely hard because hard camp is harder to kill and it takes time to kill them. Level 1 Jungler Hero will be having a hard time farming since Hard camp is the only option. Unless they will dewards your observer ward or sentry ward.
2. Dewarding can also prevents neutral camp from spawning. This would be an advantage for your team because they will use sentry ward worth 200 gold and if you place your observer wards near the camp iteself, sentry ward would definitely prevent the neutral creeps from that camp to spawn.
A good strategy.

This is common ward location but this is very effective in scouting and for preventing the Radiant's Medium neutral camp from spawning.
1. It provides vision near that camp and near radiant's tier 1 tower. You can also check if your oponents are setting-up gank near that area.
2. Preventing that camp from spawning.
3. Prevent your opponents from pulling creeps and stacking

1. Since that area is common area for placing your wards for blocking and for vision, It is easy for your opponents to just deward that observer wards. Maybe you can try this location below.

To place the ward in that area/location, you need a queling blade or tango to cut a tree near that area for you to go inside and place your ward in that area.
1. You dont have vision.

1. It is hard to find or deward that area. Of course dewarding is easy but some players will not think you placed your wards in that location.
2. For Blocking

Another good location.
1. You have vision near the hard and medium camps. Also vision going button lane.
2. Blocking the medium camp from spawning.
3. Prevent your opponents from pulling creeps and stacking

1. Prevent your opponents from pulling creeps and stacking
2. Blocking the medium camp.
3. A small vision near roshan and buttom rune and going buttom lane.

1. Prevent your opponents from stacking.
2. Blocking the small or easy camp.
3. A small vision near tier 1 tower and going to button lane and going rune area.

1. Prevent your opponents from stacking.
2. Blocking the medium camp.
3. A small vision going button lane, going rune area and going large and small camps.

Number 1
1. It provides vision near that camp and near dire's tier 1 tower. You can also check if your oponents are setting-up gank near that area.
2. Preventing that camp from spawning and for pulling.
3. Prevent your opponents from pulling creeps and stacking

1. Since that area is common area for placing your wards for blocking and for vision, It is easy for your opponents to just deward that observer wards. Maybe you can try this location below.

Number 2
1. You dont have vision.

1. It is hard to find or deward that area. Of course dewarding is easy but some players will not think you placed your wards in that location.
2. For Blocking

1. You dont have vision.

1. It is hard to find or deward that area. Of course dewarding is easy but some players will not think you placed your wards in that location.
2. For Blocking

1. For Vision near Dire's Jungle Camp
2. For Blocking

1. For Vision near Dire's Jungle Camp
2. For Blocking
Last Words
Recently the map was updated and of course i want everyone to be updated by simply using the updated map, I created a Guide about the common wards location, how to deward, about neutral camp, countering Heroes using offensive warding and others. Check the section above.

Most of the time we really need wards for vision and for dewarding/blocking. Observer wards is very helpful to scout enemies location, to scout your opponent if they are going to set-up a gank, push, go roshan and others. That is why you really need wards in your game whether that game is in public game, ranked game or even custom games. Be a good team player out there. It doesn't matter if your hero is support or not, just take note everyone is capable in buying wards. If the team needs something like wards dont afraid to buy it. Thanks and enjoy playing Dota 2.
Thanks to every Dota 2 Professional Team and also Dota 2 International Competition. - (For some knowledge about warding) #Dota2Competition, #Dota2International, #InternationalProPlayers,

Thanks to Dota 2 Wiki for some Definition
Description[], Dota 2 Definition[],Observer Wards Information[], Sentry Wards[], Jungle[], Neutral Creeps[],

Special Thanks to Pet Vergel the Chinese Named Guy, Erickson theLivingCoward, Gig the Gigatron, Lycah, Cal the Trix, Unknown Name with Beautiful Face, A GirL with Long Hair, my Trade ParTners, Trix o Trix, my Friend Named DelGut, Levi the Famous Clothing Brand, Sylvester the Stallone, Carl the Menace, Six the Sixshooter, CahTLiEn, SeNsei, Funny unKnown Person who came out from noWhere named ♥ JuJu ♥ and others.

Conclusion and Suggestions
Any suggestions and comments feel free to leave a comment below. Don't forget to Rate this guide if you like it. Thank you so much.... Enjoy Playing the Game and be a good team player in your team by buying wards and placing them in the right location. >_< - Best Regards "Trixie" ZrNbE the Feeder+Noob Gamer.
Cityzen 14 Jan, 2021 @ 2:39am 
not up to date with the version in use now. but really fine done .
7 Oct, 2020 @ 7:10am 
Immortal 13 Aug, 2020 @ 2:30pm 
So outdated that it is worthless
jajakal 13 Aug, 2018 @ 9:52am 
playingdotabeforeitsdead 15 Nov, 2016 @ 6:39am 
very useful tips :)
✿ Daisy ✿ 17 Aug, 2016 @ 3:23am 
I would also be interested in the answer to your proposed question. Anyone with ideas please post and help us become better support players!
CaucasianCrustacean 12 Aug, 2016 @ 10:58pm 
One thing I'm still confused about is WHEN to ward. When should I purchase wards and prioritize them over my items, and when should I use them offensively/defensively?
DripleD 16 Mar, 2016 @ 6:59am 
Amazing and very detailed thank you very much.
One thing I want to ask could you reupload a screenshot with the radiant easy camp which shows the lower bounds of the camp more accuratly.

You can also enable visiable squares in cheat lobby which show the bounds. (think there is also a custom map with buttons)
R Æ B B I T ! 2 Jan, 2016 @ 10:04am 
Learned some new small spots as a 2.5k hour player :P
Should update for the new map btw.