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Old Growth Forests
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2014年12月14日 14時46分
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Old Growth Forests

One of the main problems I have with Banished is that the maps are uniform and somewhat boring. You've seen everything there is to see within 20 feet of your starting position. This is the first of several mods that aim to change this.

Normally, the map generator has 3 spawn sweeps: first the stone, then the iron, and then the trees. The game, however, treats pines, oaks and birch trees exactly the same.

This mod adds a forth spawn script: old growth forests. Old growth forests are essentially towering clusters of pine trees. They are somewhat rare, and maps will likely only have 1-3 good sized old growth forests, or perhaps none at all. They will not die of old age, but they cannot reproduce either. As well as adding more visual variety to the environment, the goal is to add strategic value to these regions of the map, as gathering huts will benefit to settle nearby one. Old growth forests attract mushrooms and roots at an accelerated rate. The mushrooms and roots that grow in old forests live twice as long, and have the ability to reproduce on their own. They however are not strong enough to overwhelm the map, and will not spread very far.

During my tests, my gathering huts netted about a 25% gain compared to normal. Is this cheaty? I do not think so, because it is a compromise for the fact that these particular trees do not reproduce, and so you sacrifice being able to harvest wood from the land.

This mod is compatible with everything I have tried so far, such as colonial charter and huge maps. It is probably not compatible with mods that change the starting "care package", such as number of citizens (like the Adam & Eve mod), or starting pre-built buildings.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2014年12月27日 13時06分
Some Questions I Had.
47 件のコメント
Teralitha 2022年8月3日 12時38分 
@bjc814 You have foresters only plant trees, and just manually tell your laborers to cut down specific trees you dont want there.
心有希翼 2021年8月25日 17時58分 
我在《放逐之城》中遇到的主要问题之一是地图是单调而又乏味的。 这是旨在改变这一点的几个mod中的第一个。正常来说,地图生成器有 3 次刷新:首先是石头,然后是铁块,接着是树木。此mod 添加了第四个生成脚本:原始森林。原始森林将以更快的速度衍生蘑菇和根须茎(寿命是原来的两倍,并且具有自行繁殖的能力)。 然而,它们的韧性不足以压倒地图,也不会扩散很远。

在我的测试中,我的采集小屋与正常情况的相比(收成)大约增加了 25%。 这是作弊吗? 我不这么认为,因为这是对这些特定树木无法繁殖的事实的妥协。该mod与我迄今为止尝试过的所有东西都兼容,它可能与更改初始条件的“关爱包”不兼容。

TAEMIN B 2021年6月25日 5時38分 
yeah I wonder how did you get the free angle of camera.
Ahab1851 2019年6月30日 2時38分 
Sorry if this is a question that has already been addressed in this thread but is there some sort of option to have foresters avoid old growth trees when cutting and if not is that a possibility?
Maestro4202 2019年5月27日 22時46分 
How do you get the camera angles in those pictures?
ManAnt 2018年12月21日 6時30分 
Recently this mod seems off. At start it is easy to see the Old growth areas. It works great for a few turns but then none reproduce and normal berry spawn is almost absent in these areas...
Turbotowns 2017年8月17日 23時07分 
WHat about compatiblilty with "More Terrain"?
imfrank 2017年1月25日 13時52分 
or could you make this compatible with megamod or cc 1.7?
imfrank 2017年1月25日 13時27分 
If you have abandoned this mod would you make the code availble? for someone willing to update it so it can be compatible with other mods, like cc.
Keen 2016年8月24日 10時43分 
Conflicts with Busy Laborers, so I can't use it.