"M50 and 325a"
[+3z]FUSE  [author] 15 Dec, 2014 @ 2:55am 
Yes, modding Feature is guaranteed in, as far as i know. I think there will be some pretty decent Mods after Release. Battlestar Galactica would be a nice one! :satellite:
Mac6 15 Dec, 2014 @ 1:53am 
They did apparently say that modding will be supported out of the box, so I'm hoping there'll be one for battlestar galactica. hmm maybe i should start my own kickstarter for that :)
[+3z]FUSE  [author] 14 Dec, 2014 @ 11:04am 
Yep, Prices are tough at CIG but no one is forced to buy. At least you need your Standard Aurora MR+ Package with AC Pass and your good to go. 45$ Standard Price for AAA Games. Everything else could be bought ingame. Only Pledge if you got Money left and you are wanting to support the Game :duke:
Mac6 14 Dec, 2014 @ 11:00am 
Whoah, pretty hefty if you want a range of ships :( they got so much cash from kickstarter, they shouldn't go the freemium route.
[+3z]FUSE  [author] 14 Dec, 2014 @ 10:59am 
Or do you mean the M50 in Front? That´s a Racing-Ship!
[+3z]FUSE  [author] 14 Dec, 2014 @ 10:58am 
Didn´t played it but Kerbal seems also to be a pretty good Game. The 325 is about 70$
Mac6 14 Dec, 2014 @ 10:35am 
Ah so you're still in, good. I'll try again tomorrow or this coming weekend, for some reason i'm more drawn to kerbal at the moment :)

OH, how much would this fighter cost? $25?
[+3z]FUSE  [author] 14 Dec, 2014 @ 6:06am 
If you mean Elite Dangerous by Frontier: Yeah i am still playing. Had a Break for 2 Weeks because of the assumed Server Wipe/No Server Wipe. Now that i know that there will be no such, i started playing again. No need to sorry, we got free speach here :) Would be nice to have planet landing and such but ok, ya can´t have all ;)
Mac6 14 Dec, 2014 @ 4:35am 
Oooooh, almost like a Colonial Viper! Or a frakking cylon look-alike :) By the way, are you still playing Frontier? I just couldn't get into it, it just seems really shallow, unlike previus versions. I miss the ability to land on a planet and deploy mining structures. Eh sorry for the rant, was uncalled for.