Dota 2
264 人が評価
How To Dota
作者: <REDACTED> と 1 のコラボレーション
This is how you Basically play the game.
Dota is a Language Learning simulator which makes you understand how the world works by matching you up with really angry and upset people from diferent countries of the world.
Learn all of the languages that you din't learn in School, Meet new friendly and fun people that will shout at you everytime you do something incorrectly, Learn how Russia controls the whole world.
All for the low price of your Sanity, Trust, Faith in others, Faith in Humanity and your Life.
This is how you are going to play the game.
1.Install the game.
2.Launch the game.
3.Hit Play.
4.Find a match.
5.Enter matchmaking.
6.Find a server.
7.Wait for people to decline your match.
8.Retry matchmaking.
9.Find a server.
10.Wait for people to Fail to connect to the match.
11.Retry matchmaking.
12.Find a server.
13.Wait for one guy to leave when everyone has connected.
14.Retry matchmaking.
15.Find a server.
16.Find a match.
17.Enter the game.
18.Wait for your team to pick 4 carries.
19.Pick carry.
20.Wait for your team to shout at you for not buying the courier or wards.
22.Try to play.
23.Get ganked because team refuses to buy wards.
24.Cyka blet nahui.
25.[Russian profanity Intensifies]
26.Cry some more.
27.Wait for someone to abandon.
28.Leave the match.
29.Cry some more.
30.Uninstall the game.
*If you are playing with friends, say goodbye to them now.
*Being bad is a choice.
*If you do something wrong, your teammates are going to shout at you and you will cry.
*If you need wards, buy them yourself.
> Can anyone upgrade the courier?
> Good game, well played!
> Game is hard.
You've learned basically how Dota works.
Now you can go cry in your corner because this is the worst thing you've ever saw and your eyes are problably melting.

Criticism is appreciated.

Dota is better than League of Legends.
Bonus video
133 件のコメント
Balutt 2015年8月20日 4時52分 
Look at the pic of the guy saying noob...xD
● ᴥ ● 2015年7月30日 7時35分 
D"N 2015年1月2日 23時16分 
lol noob
Logiat 2014年12月25日 17時36分 
What about mexicans?
2014年12月22日 23時10分 
@-w3e- Shulk:
But that's all the language on US and EU servers
Skyver 2014年12月20日 19時51分 
I would also like to add to what I said. There is little variety in abbilities only ultimates have some variety EG Miss Fortune's Bullet Barage and Ashes arrow (which is extremely familar to mirana's arrow may I say copied) LoL also requires SO MANY SKILL SHOTS which all do basically the same thing almost all heroes have spells that hit in a cone or hit in an AOE and just 1 or 0 single target spells. So when I play most heroes (I said most not all) on LoL I feel like I am not playing a different character also the grapics still look sh*t on the heroes/champions:Eri_Emoticon:
Skyver 2014年12月20日 19時47分 
@Gilbert Nightray I disagree I have played about 100 hours of LoL and 1500 hours of DotA and I feel LoL has a childish feel to it and its hard to properly communicate with your team because there is no ingame mic option. Even with the graphics update I dont like it, it still feels childish and the people there are usually extremely narccocist asses (like you) but with every rule there are exceptions. I do love the trinket option and also nerf effing Kog :baby:
76561198144132580 2014年12月20日 16時57分 
you fucking cunt
John The Butcher 2014年12月20日 16時22分 
lol lol fanboys
Vettel 2014年12月19日 14時50分 
are you retarded?, atleast league is not as broken as dota, for starters the items dont vanish be cause you can only have 6 and a trinket, dota is for Childern and idiots like you.

seriously get a fcking life...