Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000

Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000

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Community's Guide For New Players
By Olde and 3 collaborators
An introduction to AVP from the community. Advice, tips, FAQs, and more.
This guide is going to contain helpful tips and advice from experienced players. Each contributor is going to have his/her own section to lay out what they see as the most important things to know when playing AVP Classic 2000.
Hello guys, I'm Ernix!
I'm not native in the English language. Have mercy on me ahah!
Well, let's go.
  • The first tip that I must recommand to all of you new players is that you absolutely should complete each 3 campaigns to take confidence with the game. There are 3 campaigns in the game, the Alien (Xenomorph) one, the Colonial Marine one and the Predator one. Obviously you will take confidence with all the weapons and movements of each 3 species after completing the campaigns. Then you can start playing in multiplayer. There aren't many servers online on multiplayer, but sometimes the Steam group of AVPCT administred by Olde and Grzegorz (Time ago also by Newt-Skalatti) allows as to create or join tournaments and events that are created very frequently by us, players of this amazing community.
  • Now it's time to speak about the species strategies in multiplayer.
    Alien: This is how I use the Alien.
    When I first played the Alien into the game, i was incredibly surprised about how fast is the Alien. Infact the Alien is very hard to be used in the game, overall in multiplayer. Before starting play with the Alien, I recommand to follow this amount of tricks and tips about the Alien by Olde: and memorize it. They're very useful in multiplayer and you absolutely must learn them to use fine the Alien. The Alien is also a character used to counter-attack. Playing offensively with the Alien is good, but stay on the defensive and always think before act while using it. Also, I recommand to jump very much when you're playing in mutiplayer, because the Alien can climb on the walls and can jump wallto-wall when you keep pressing the spacebar and watch the walls or places that you want to reach. The jump wall-to-wall is very useful to reach dark places where you can hide to elaborate good strategies to reach and kill the enemies. Also, jamping wall-to-wall you can always kill others enemies counting on the Alien's speed to kill the enemies, because the Alien doens't make any sound when it reaches a wall or just walk around the map. That's very useful when you want to play stealthly.
    Predator: The Predator is very hard to use, but very skilled. If you want to play fine with it without having problems with others players in multiplayer disable the Predator Pistol and the Predator Disc because they're just cheap and OP against all the species in the server. Well, before using the Predator, I recommand to memorize alone all the maps of the game before interact with the players in a server, because the Predator has a sort of mana which is limited, and it regenerates automatically , but very slowly, or you can find 2 or 3 orbs (if the others players didn't destroy them) that reloads instantly the full mana of the Predator. Well you must memorize all the maps and the orbs locations to play fine with the Predator in multiplayer. You will understand by playing the campaign why the orbs are very useful. In multiplayer I recommand to use as your primary weapon the Shoulder Cannon, because it's the best weapon from near distance (like against Colonial Marines), but it can be very useful against Aliens if you learn how to use it good. As your secondary weapon, you must use the Speargun, because it is like an automatic sniper, but it is very hard to use, because the game's speed in multiplayer is very fast and against the Alien it would be nice if you have a really good aim. Same for the Colonial Marines. I made a specific guide on the Predator's weapons time ago. If you want, give it a look:
    Colonial Marine: The Colonial Marine's gameplay looks like the same FPSs gameplays, but it is fastest. The falling damage damages you a lot, like 20 - 30 on 100 hp if the fall is small, but can hurt you with the 80% of the damage if you fall from high places on the maps. What I recommand while playing with the Colonial Marine is to masterize your gameplay with the Minigun, that is the best Colonial Marine's weapon in my opinion. If you use it good it can kill the other species in less than 1 second. While using the Minigun you asbolutely must stop while attacking, or the recoil of the weapons will take your weapon "to the moon", but this doesn't means that you must camp all the time you're using the Minigun. You can run all around the map, stop and shooting if you see an enemy. The Minigun is very good against all the species. The second Colonial Marine's weapon that you must masterize is the Pulse Rifle. Very useful against the Colonial Marines and the Aliens because of its Pulse Granades, that are granades that doesn't need to fall down and explode, but you just must keep aiming at your target and when you're sure to get him shoot. The pulse granades works like the normal rifles shots, without the recoil. As I said with the Predator, I think you should memorize all the multiplayer's maps because you must memorieze where are located all the medikits in-game. That's all about the species in my opinion.
And that's all! I think I'm done with my tips! I hope they will help you if you're new to the game or just you want to learn more about the species, the weapons and the maps in-game!
Have fun into the AVPC's community and see you on the battlefield!
BROOD-SkorpioN, Pt. 1
Statue Minigunning vs Aliens - Winning with your brain part 1


Welcome to the first Marine strategy guide for AvP Classic 2000. This guide was created with the purpose of sharing some useful strategies I've picked up over the years with the Marine. The Marine is probably the most strategy focused species out of the three, as he can't really effectively compete with the other two species in open spaces. There are in-depth strategies for effectively using him in virtually any map, but this guide will be restricted to Statue.

I decided to focus on Statue due to three factors: It is my favorite map (sorry, Subway lovers); it is the only map in the game that allows all three species to be effective in; and most importantly, Statue's unique vertical design allows for an efficient use of one of the game's most underrated tools - the Motion Tracker - essentially turning it into a low level wallhack.

This specific guide will focus on ways to combine the map's design along with clever motion tracker reads to set up effective camping spots and ambushes that would frustrate Alien players to the point of ragequitting - all in a map most Alien players should usually feel comfortable in. The goal of the guide it to spread those tactics around in order to (hopefully) spawn a new breed of annoying Minigunners that would provide with the type of mindgames I had experienced while playing during the game's golden years. Keep in mind, this guide is 1vs1 oriented and while some of those tips can be used in mass DM's, they will not be nearly as effective.

So let's get started.

Main room setups

This should be one of the most common scenarios for you to run into while playing as the Marine. It will be reached and replayed many times during any 1vs1 fight. In this particular screenshot you are positioned in an ideal location for the Marine. You have a clear view of the entire room and you're with your back to the wall (the stairway should be slightly to the right of you). This setup, on top of giving you good vision, makes sure that an unsuspecting Alien player, after dropping through Alien tunnel, will simply run out and miss you. Now lets discuss the details of this scenario:

As you can see, I have highlighted the Alien's position on the motion tracker in a RED circle. This particular location should tell you exactly where the Alien player is on the map: he's on one of the top ledges. Based on that knowledge, you can deduce that the Alien player can only come at you by dropping down to the bottom platform, highlighted in GREEN (Note: If you can't pick the Alien up on your motion tracker at all in this scenario, the Alien is in the red room because that's the only place your tracker can't pick up from your current location). Since you know exactly where the Alien is, you can safely camp away and wait for him to drop down. You will have a good chance of gunning him down with a significant distance between him and you.

Another, slightly riskier way to approach the same scenario is the following:
Here I have highlighted where the Alien cannot come from due to his location from the map. The upside of this position is that it makes gunnig the Alien down a lot easier. The downside is that you're closer and more accessible to the Alien once he drops, so it leaves you exposed if the Alien knows how to safely drop to the bottom platform on Statue.

What you should strive for as a tactic is to mix your positions up, so that the Alien player won't know where exactly to expect you to be once he drops down from the upper ledges to the bottom platform.

Another effective camping position for the same scenario can be by standing underneath the bottom platform, as demonstrated here:
This is probably one of the best ambush locations you can have in the main room due to the fact that the Alien player will not know you're there, but you'll know when he'll be coming due to his motion tracker signature, again, highlighted in RED. From this position you will not only be able to have the element of surprise while gunning down an Alien that drops down to the main room, but you'll be able to gun him down in mid-air if he'll jump away to the other platform. Pay attention for the Alien player's patterns to learn what he prefers doing. Also keep in mind that both corners underneath the bottom platform are equally as effective for your ambush location.

The last ambush location you can add to the mix is the corners next to the pillars, as shown here:
As always, the Alien's location is known to you thanks to the tracker and is marked in RED, while the areas you should expect him to end up in are marked in GREEN. The likelier of the two areas will be a result of the Alien player's patterns. This particular location provides an added bonus of an item for you to camp on top of, which can save you from a tail hit if things go sour.

Red room hallway setup

As I said in the introduction, the Marine won't be able to fight toe to toe with the Alien in the open, so while good setups in that room are important, your game plan should never be to stay there. Staying there is the ALIEN's game plan. Your goal should be to slowly move the match from the main room into the red room, where you'll have the advantage. This is done by camping the hallway leading into the red room, shooting at the Alien player and preferably using the following setup:
As you can see, I have tossed around all four of my flares in front of me. The purpose of that is to blind the Alien player while attracting his attention. While camping in this hallway is risky in a 1vs1, keep in mind your plan is never to STAY in that hallway. Always keep in mind that we are trying to draw the Alien into the red room.

There are only two ways for the Alien player to reach you while camping in this particular location. He can either rush you straight from the main room, or flank you by climbing up and entering the red room from the stairs. BOTH of those scenarios are equally good for the Marine if he knows what he's doing.

Red room main setup

Once you noticed that you drew the Alien player's attention, retreat into the red room (keep in mind, the Alien player will be blinded and won't see that you left your camping spot in the hallway) and await the incoming Alien player with the current setup:This should be the main position for you while camping in the red room. I have highlighted the hallway in GREEN, which is the area you need to focus on. While awaiting the Alien player to rush the hallway, pay attention for the possibility of the Alien flanking you and using the stairs to enter the room.

As you can see, I have highlighted the location of the Alien player on the motion tracker in RED for the off-chance he decided to flank you. Currently, the Alien player is at the enterence. If he is not yet aware of your tactics, you can completely ingore him and wait for him to drop down and rush into the hallway while filling his backside with some Lead. If he is aware of your tactics, the minute you detect his movement on the tracker - run into the hallway and out into the main room. Once the Alien player enters the red room and finds out that you're gone, he will follow you outside through the hallway. By then you should be ready for him with a camping setup similar to the first setup shown in this guide.
BROOD-SkorpioN, Pt. 2
Statue Minigunning vs Aliens - Winning with your brain part 2


Welcome to part 2 of my Minigun camping setup guide for Statue. This part of the guide will focus on a few other aspects regarding the usage of the red room while fighting Aliens. This section will cover an effective red room trap for the Alien, as well as the scenario in which the Alien player manages to consistently enter the red room successfully and avoid the setup described in part 1.

Let's get started.

Anti hallway rushdown setup

This is a setup you switch to if you have accomplished the goal of enforcing your game plan on the Alien player. The result of this should be the Alien player constantly trying to attack you in the red room. From the Alien perspective, entering the red room is safer through the hallway than through the upper staircase because Aliens are bad at running downstairs via staircases.

Since that is the case, you should add flares to your main red room setup in order to achieve the following effect:
As per usual, the goal is to blind the Alien player so that he'll have a harder time at deducing where exactly you are located, and thus giving him a harder time reacting to you while you're firing at him. Even if the Alien player knows that you hide behind the flares, the blindness still has a good chance of messing up his tail timing if he somehow manages to reach you.

An added bonus of this flare setup is that it allows you to effectively counter an adaptive Alien player; One that constantly tries to rush down your location by deducing the fact that you hide behind the flares. If you notice that the Alien player constantly rushes your position, use this to your advantage and set up a nice trap for him by doing the following setup:
As you can see here, I have abandoned the usual red room position in favor of a corner position that observes it, and yet I still tossed my flares to the location of the main red room setup position. The goal of this is to use the Alien's blindness and willingness to rush that position down in order to set up an ambush for him and shoot him down from behind.

In this scenario, the Alien player will have no time to observe the situation as he'll be expecting you to fire at him from the same place you fired at him before. Instead, he will try to reach your position as fast as possible, hoping he'll do so before you have a chance to react. To his surprise, he'll find that you're not there, and will usually end up getting killed (Note: of all the moves the Alien can do in this scenario, wallgliding is the worst choice for him and the best one for you because of its slow recovery time once he'll hit the wall).

Upper red room staircase setup

This setup is designed for one of two scenarios: Either the Alien player constantly tries to attack you through the upper staircase, or he consistently manages to gain safe entry from the hallway.This screenshot is showing how you should set up for the first scenario. The difference between the two would be that in the second scenario you will be watching over the hallway instead of the staircase.

As you can see, I have again marked the area of focus for you in GREEN. If an Alien player tries attacking you through there, the staircase will slow him down and he will most likely die. If he tries to get tricky and come back through the hallway again, I have highlighted his location on the motion tracker in RED. He is currently located at the red room hallway enterence. Once you see him pop up on your motion tracker - run up the stairs in order to obtain the following setup:
This location allows you to easily gun down the Alien on the off chance he'll decide to follow you up the stairs. He doesn't have a lot of room to avoid your shots, and that particular staircase hallway has an added bonus of having a ton of light sources that can attract his tail if by some miracle he manages to reach you. I have highlighted them in BLUE (Note: If you're an Alien player and see a Marine using that hallway against you, your HIGHEST priority should be to destroy those lights ASAP).

As you can see, I have marked the staircase lower enterance in YELLOW, which is where you should expect an inexperienced Alien player (with the game, or with this current tactic). The smart players would never try to rush you from there. Instead, they will most likely try to flank you from one of the enterance points next to you, such as the one highlighted in GREEN. This is the attack location you should be ready for by expecting the Alien player to appear on your motion tracker, as highlighted in RED. The current screenshot shows the Alien's location while trying to flank you from the staircase closer to you. Once you see him popping up on the tracker, make your way down the staircase, as indicated by the RED ARROW. This will result in the Alien entering the very scenario he wished to avoid while trying to enter the red room: doing so while coming down the stairs, where he is slow and has no manuverability prospects.

If the Alien tries rushing you from the second staircase enterance, stay put and start firing at the enterance based on prediction. The Alien will be entering right into your line of fire and this would result in a quick death.

Your goal from here on should be to run back and forth in that staircase, based on the readings you get from your motion tracker. This tactic makes the upper staircase setup the safest place for the Marine on the entire map. The Alien player will have to resort to mindgames in order to overcome this setup, and a simple reliance on his superior speed won't be enough. If he beats you while using this setup, he truly has earned his win.
Hey everyone. If you're new to AVP and just reading this guide, welcome! You've stumbled across a fantastic game that will give you endless amounts of fun if you're willing to travel along the steep learning curve of this game. Now, I have over a dozen other guides for this game and I don't want to repeat any of that here. My other comrades and colleagues can put it more eloquently anyway. So I just want to take a little bit of space here to mention a few hidden/not-very-well-known aspects of the game that might be helpful. Let's get started.

Console Commands: This game has a number of console commands that aren't just cheats. Actually, some of them are really helpful in multiplayer matches. Remember that bind commands must always be in capital letters.

BIND: This is a common one and probably the most important. A typical BIND command looks like this: BIND [key you wish to bind] [function] An example would be: BIND Q ID_PLAYER
To bind the game to send the same message looks like this: BIND L SAY lol!
You can bind multiple phrases to the same button. For instance, you can say BIND L SAY lol! BIND L SAY i hate u and in-game it will read:
Olde: lol!
Olde: i hate u
On top of that, you can bind the same message multiple times to the same button! So you can technically say "lol" or whatever you want twenty times or more by just one button-press. :)

Aside from the SAY command, the most useful bind commands are ID_PLAYER, CROUCHMODE 0/CROUCHMODE 1, and NETSHOWBANDWIDTH. In debug mode, you can bind spawn commands like this: BIND 1 MARINEBOT, BIND 2 ALIENBOT, BIND 3 PREDOBOT, BIND 4 PREDALIENBOT, BIND 5 PRAETORIANBOT, BIND 6 XENOBORG.

CROUCHMODE 0, CROUCHMODE 1: These console command switch the game's "crouchmode," that is, whether you have to hold crouch to stay in a crouched position, or whether it functions as a toggle. CROUCHMODE 0 is the game's default mode, where you have to press and hold crouch to stay crouched. CROUCHMODE 1 is where you just need to press the button once to stay in crouched or uncrouched position. The advantage of the former is that you have much more flexilbility and control over your movements, especially when playing as the alien. The advantage of the latter is that it helps in situations where you're sneaking, hiding, or just overall staying in one spot on the ceiling or wall as an alien. It also allows you to type while wall-crawling. I like to keep CROUCHMODE 0 bound to Z and CROUCHMODE 1 bound to C.

ID_PLAYER: The game will identifiy the player closest to the center of your screen with a message "You see ___." It's very helpful for distinguishing between players of the same species. I like to keep this bound to Q although others have told me they prefer to bind it to Z.

NETSHOWBANDWIDTH: This command displays the current input/output bandwidth underneath the current time left and score. There are at least two reasons I've found for why this is helpful. First, it can show relative latency; that is, if the numbers are over 3000 per player, there's weird lag stuff going on, especially if the numbers jump all over the place and the number of players remains the same. The second is that it will let you know if someone has joined your server. You can keep it constantly activated, not having to press Tab every time to check the players. If it says 0, you're the only one in the server, but if the number is different, someone's joined. I sometimes like to keep it activated while I tab out and do something else but can come back to check if someone's joined. I like to keep NETSHOWBANDWIDTH bound to N.

Since this is the closest thing to a Ping meter in the game (aside from GoG's servers), I'll try to explain it the way I understand it. NSB calculates BPS (bits per second), measured in an In/Out ratio. Output is typically 2000-3000 (2-3 kb/s) for every player in the server who's not you (so if you're playing in a server with 5 people, it should be around 12,000). Input is what you're receiving from other players. The better your connection is to other players, and the better their connection is, the lower the input will be. At or below your output level is best, and naturally the lag will get worse the higher up that figure goes. If input doubles your output, you'll definitely be feeling lag. If it triples output, the server basically becomes a joke.

Bad Ping

Good Ping

Alien: The alien can clip through floors that are thin enough. To execute this kind of move, climb onto a ceiling, then look straight down at a floor you can clip through. At the same time, press and hold jump while releasing crouch. If done properly, you can pass straight through a solid floor or wall. This trick can be used to access a secret area in Meat Factory and can be used to easily move from floor to floor in Office.

Marine: There is a glitch that will give the marine 255 magazines for the grenade launcher, although only of a single type. Let me preface this by saying that this is obviously cheating and I don't promote using it in matches, especially competitive ones. If you have to use it to "win," well, you suck and it's not actually winning. However, if people want to prevent this, they can always prohibit the grenade launcher from their server, so I will explain it. First, decide what grenade type you want to have an insane amount of ammo for, let's say, proximity mine. Empty out all your grenades of the other types, saving proxy mines for last. Empty out all the proxy mines and you should automatically switch to either the pulse rifle if you're a standard marine or the pistol if you're a specialist. Once you've switched weapons, switch back to the grenade launcher and spam right-click as fast as you can. If done correctly, you will "reload" your empty stock and have, bizarrely, 255 magazines. This gives you 1,530 grenades, however, if you run over a new grenade launcher pick-up, you will go back down to 1 magazine.

Predator: The predator can reach high places by jumping in tandem with firing the speargun at the ground. This allows the predator to reach places only previously reachable by alien. The predator can also steal other predators' discs if it's embedded in a wall. If you see someone's disc in a wall, run past the disc, put yourself adjacent to the wall, and back up into the disc. You should pick it up and now have two discs. If your disc is stolen, I don't think you'll be able to get it back unless you die or steal it back.
Mr. Mandatory
MandatoryAlcatraz's short guide to playing AVPClassic

Hello, I'm Mr. Mandatory. Today I'll be explaining MY PERSONAL playstyle within the great game of Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000. Hopefully, instead of regurgitating information already spread throughout the community, I'll be able to explain the way I play each species. So, without further prefacing, I'll start my short guide:

MARINE- Pulse Rifles & Miniguns

I don't have too much to say about the Marine. Honestly, I really only use mainly two weapons within multiplayer... The Pulse Rifle and The Minigun. When it comes to using the Pulse Rifle, you should only use Pulse Grenades, the secondary fire. The Minigun is... well... the minigun, not really too much to say about it. I recommend checking out my Marine Weapons Guide:


I also don't have too much to say about the Alien, all of it has been said before. The Alien's tail (the claws are kinda useless) is all about the timing. Not much to say but practice your ability to comprehend when to release the tail.


I'll admit it, I'm not very good with the predator. It's the species I play least. But, that doesn't mean I can't give you any tips on one of the lesser used items in the game, the wristblades.
The wristblades are my favourite weapon because not only do they provide a decent challenge to a predator whom uses them, it also makes PvA and PvM situations a bit more balanced.

The wristblades are the only weapon in the predators arsenal that doesn't use energy (with the exception of the speargun, but I exclude it because it uses ammunition). Meaning you can use all that saved up energy for placing into medicomp heals (and cloak, if you so desire).

Like the alien, the wristblades are all about split second timing. Remember to note a few things about the wristblades:

1. Primary fire is useless. There is absolutely no situation within the game where primary fire is helpful. The charged secondary fire is the only thing that is practical.

2. There is a slight delay when releasing the secondary fire. This takes some getting used to, but remember, practice makes perfect.

3a. While the charged wristblades are a 1 hit kill on marines, that is not exactly true for alien. Blades to the front of an alien (health at spawn) will administer about half (spawn) health. This means you'd need to get in 2 hits. However, blades to the back of an alien (health at spawn) will be a 1 hit kill.

3b. If an alien gets a live headbite, that player will gain a large amount of health, above the normal 'at spawn health'. Note that you will have to execute a few more hits to put that player down.

4a. Since the wristies don't use any field charge, you can put that charge to two other uses: the cloak OR the medicomp. Obviously, you'll probably be using the medicomp more than the useless cloak. But, not to say the cloak can't be... moderately useful. Wristblades are really the only weapon the cloak can be used. The two most used weapon by most predators are the speargun & shoulder cannon. The speargun decloaks the predator upon use (effectively making it useless as you'll be sucking up a lot of charge by cloaking after every speargun shot). The shoulder cannon, while not decloaking the predator upon use, itself uses a large amount of energy, and you'll be wanting to pour most of your energy resources into the shoulder cannon, not the cloak.

4b. The wristblades are the odd one out, however. The wristies don't decloak upon use, AND themselves don't use energy. Although the cloak isn't super useful (it is pretty easy to see people who use it), it can be a slight advantage to use with the wristblades AS it does make you blend in slightly, which can be useful as you'll be getting in real close whilst using the blades.
Mr. Mandatory  [author] 11 May, 2018 @ 10:35am 
I totally forgot about this guide. This would've been a great idea for a game with more players. Ah, if only AvP was that game.
Diablowe 8 Nov, 2015 @ 8:39am 
Awsome guide, thanks!