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"One hour played, exfiled, but bugged and NOT finished! Thanks for nothing... :/"
20 коментара
Elímínv†e 21 дек. в 4:01 
»❀ OnlyMisu 15 дек. в 9:40 
・   ☆゛。
Sp00kY 10 дек. в 14:53 
Guter Schuss! :cozybethesda:
Nu meine güte davon geht die Welt nicht unter, tust ja fast so als währe dein Leben von abhängig ... :steammocking: ... ist uns schon während des EE im Bossfight das passiert ... machst halt neu gut ist.
muskymei 3 дек. в 4:48 
least botted game
🎄 Slavik_HD 🎄 2 дек. в 6:31 
ᴹᴿƝƠƁƠƊƳ☠ 2 дек. в 3:30 
You get anything for exfil? I just leave the game usually when I had enough of zombies.
Karma Miguel 1 дек. в 13:51 
bruh are you botting your images or something, there's no way these comments are legit. they aint even on topic
Dots 1 дек. в 4:18 
DemonBlade Husky 1 дек. в 1:46 
Beautiful :loveALL: