Caves of Qud

Caves of Qud

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Show Weapon, Item Stats
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Branch: Stable
Type: Cosmetic, Script, UX
230.418 KB
24. Nov. 2024 um 17:27
20. Jan. um 20:35
33 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Show Weapon, Item Stats

Adds customizable options, each being optional:
  • Display a melee, missile, or thrown weapon's calculated average damage (using it's PV and damage dice) vs 1-to-5 customizable player-set Armor Values.
    • By default, shown in description.
    • Can use to estimate how much damage a weapon would deal through your armor.
    • Assumes a regular hit, doesn't account for misses, criticals, or on-hit effects.
    • For injectors, instead shows chance to penetrate at least once, including melee criticals.
  • Display an energy cell's known current and/or max charge, and/or any item's charge costs (each adjustable to be in smaller easier-to-read numbers); and/or an item's number of uses/shots/turns remaining with it's energy cell.
    • Also liquid cells; and passive charge gain from fidget, solar, radio-powered.
    • Uses only known info, such as the percentage from techscanning/metered, or the lowest value from 'Used/Fresh/Full', to calculate 'at least this much' current charge.
    • Doesn't reveal any information (like the exact charge value) that the player couldn't get from experience, testing, wikidiving and math, or tedious but technically-optimal gameplay; the same is true for most of this mod's options.
  • Display a missile weapon's ideal effective range for its shot spread, relative to other weapons. Most shots will hit a target that many tiles away, rather than off to the sides.
    • When aiming to fire, view the range for the least accurate equipped missile weapon, where the targeting line turns green to yellow.
    • Note, because the aim angle is a cone, a 4-range gun aimed across 8 tiles should have around the same chance to hit as a 10-range gun aimed across 20 tiles.
    • Around 50 agility will nullify aim variance, and hit a tile that far away 99% of the time. A more typical creature should hit 50+% of the time, and more with greater agility, skills, scope, etc. It's calculated from the weapon's base variance, which can only be reduced by certain un-tinkerable mods.
    • Also, missile weapons don't have damage falloff.
  • Display a thrown weapon's strength-scaling range; further has heavy accuracy falloff.
    • Thrown weapons also have about half of a missile weapon's aim variance, or chance to veer off to the side, nullified at 30-ish agility.
    • Weapons that are both melee and thrown, like daggers, will display their throwing range with their melee stats, to indicate that they have throwing stats (displayed while equipped in throwing slot).
  • Display a weapon's original PV and damage dice, and/or:
    • For melee and certain other weapons, display the PV-scaling stat and/or PV max.
    • Display the average roll of it's damage dice, or both the dice and average.
    • Display a missile weapon's number of shots (carbine: 3x♥1d8), and/or multiply any dice averages or estimated damage values by the number of shots.
    • Display missile weapon max ammo; ammo type if empty.
    • Makes flamethrowers and similar weapons show their stats.
  • If an item is damaged, display it's status, either as vague percentage based off of the visible condition label ('Fine', 'Damaged'); or exact Hit Points, if have scanning.
    • Items become broken at 1/4th HP, and destroyed at 0.
  • Shorten or remove vowels from item mod displays over a set length; and more...
    • Display shield block chances. Only blocks melee, unless?
    • Display any item startup times, and charge costs with any charge display options.
    • Show the max drams of liquid containers. Show the liquid used, number of uses per dram, and/or total remaining uses for liquid-fueled items.
    • Show fluid generator liquid, and a loose time (hours) or exact turns left.
In any combination and order (except damage dice then PV).

Default options are tested to work with all base game items, up to version 1.0, so bugs are unlikely.
It is recommended to customize the display options to preference.

This mod also:
  • Displays thrown weapon actual PV and max PV, rather than just max PV.
  • Makes melee+thrown weapons with <tag Name="HideThrownWeaponPerformance" /> show thrown stats in thrown slot, and those without tag show melee stats in hand slot.
  • Displays the bad default throwing stats of melee-only weapons in throwing slot.
  • Displays the bad default melee stats of throwing-only weapons wielded in hand.
  • Hides ammo's melee stats, if stats are only PV 4 1d2, which is the default for all items.
And finally, adds one non-cosmetic option: "Instead of losing cooking/metabolizing effects when hungry, lose them when famished instead. Allows keeping effects while traveling on world map. (default: Off)"

Mod Details
Compatible with mods that add weapons, and other mods in general.
  • Doesn't mess with any data, so can add to an existing save or remove without issues, though if this mod is toggled on or off from the in-game mod list, will need to restart game (otherwise game will freeze harmlessly and require restarting anyway; this appears to be normal harmony behavior? Save data won't be affected).
  • Uses Harmony, but just to skip and add text.

None yet.

Display temperature of objects and creatures when Look, both roughly and exact with scanning. With option to see any extreme temperatures added to name? maybe alter the frozen/flaming tags, so don't overlap and show both?
Display degree of astral burdening?
Display rough AV or DV, maybe relative to their difficulty rating relative to you? so an Tough enemy (+1 step) with below-average AV for it's difficulty/level (-1 step) could show 'secure' for average, or 'guarded/protected' if higher AV? and same for quickness, total move speed?
Display estimated damage multiplied down by offhand weapon strike %? Add option.
Show estimated actual damage reduction of armor stats.
Bioammoloader regen/etc details.
Add at least witchwood's confuse duration dice and healing effects, since is always known, and possibly similar for other items, such as yuckwheat.
Add more section options that turn off a category of mod options.

Confirm if booster/dart gun PV is correct.
More missile weapon range detail, from flat value to current range / max range?
Show firing cones, but can have multiple missile weapons, and not sure if practical to account for every factor.

See Issues and Troubleshooting (hit character limit here).

Base game bugs:
Datadisks record the name of their item when generated, including current strength penetration, the 'show detailed weapons stats' option, and stats added by this mod. Even if change strength or options before or after learning the disk, that's the name that's stuck showing in the tinkering menu.
Equipped arc winders don't display cell condition in bottom right.

u/jojoknob, for where I graphed the range data from.
With thanks to kernelmethod, gnarf/gnarf37, sol/suno_lili_so, books/librarianmage, and Tyrir, on the Qud discord and in the comments; for harmony and source-code-delving help.

Similar mods
Highlight unread books and data disks.
Zone Loot List for value/weight ratios and sorting.
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (3)
17. Jan. um 6:27
ANGEHEFTET: Issues and Troubleshooting
25. Dez. 2024 um 12:13
Error when opening inventory (Update: 25 Dec @ 5:30am)
20. Dez. 2024 um 6:43
stack trace for error during world creation
37 Kommentare
Zoloft Enthusiast 7. Jan. um 1:24 
Oof sorry I missed the replies. Yeah - I'm not sure. They were dual jacked counterweighted morphogenetic rhinox horns, only the melee weapons were gone. I suppose it's more likely that I accidentally sold both than you made that wild of a typo, and no one else is reporting this bug as far as I can tell so I'm inclined to think this is a me thing, not a you thing
biocrystalluminescence  [Autor] 4. Jan. um 12:51 
Your Player.log ( might also help, if you haven't restarted the game since then? Could put it in a new discussion.
biocrystalluminescence  [Autor] 4. Jan. um 11:58 
Forgot to ask what the weapons were, or if you have any unusual mods.
biocrystalluminescence  [Autor] 4. Jan. um 11:53 
Checked code and didn't see anything... in worst case, it should just display wrong. I don't actually know the code to remove items, so it'd have to be a really unlucky mistype, or a weird interaction with base game triggered by this mod? I'll ask on discord.
Zoloft Enthusiast 4. Jan. um 8:12 
I think the latest update removed my melee weapons from the game. Updated the mod & they're gone now - they were there this morning & gone after the update
biocrystalluminescence  [Autor] 30. Dez. 2024 um 23:51 
About to log off, but there is a mod for that:
Tyrir 30. Dez. 2024 um 23:40 
Not sure if this is in line with what you want to do with the mod, but it'd be handy to have some text or indicator that readable items are unread/unknown, data disks, books, etc.
biocrystalluminescence  [Autor] 25. Dez. 2024 um 12:39 
Added __state features, so no more prefixes returning false/skipping, trailing | removed, and a few other things since.
and no problem, glad people enjoy it.
Pausbrak 22. Dez. 2024 um 17:24 
Awesome, that's just what I needed! Thanks for making such a great mod!
biocrystalluminescence  [Autor] 21. Dez. 2024 um 17:17 
Added options for item damage status, and to remove/reduce strength-scaling display.
Will look at the __state features in a bit.