Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

77 évaluations
Interactive Commanders
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17 nov. à 3h16
27 nov. à 3h00
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Interactive Commanders

Add more depth to commander assignment to beyond simply choosing the character with the highest advantage


I find it extremely unimmersive that players have almost no interactions with commanders. All we need to do is find the guy with the highest number, assign him and then throw him away after the war is over. This mod aims to improve this part of the game by adding events that affects commander assignment, combat, and aftermath. Commanders can betray you or even turn your army against you and claim your title, just like in history.

Explanation to rebellion mechanics

When will a commander rebel?

There is long list of conditions, which certain number of them must be met for the rebellion to happen. Here are some examples:

Status of the commander: Does the commander has a (pressed) claim on his lieges primary title? Is he a powerful vassal? What personality trait does the commander has?

Commander relation with his liege: Whats the commander opinion to his liege? Is there any rivalry? Does the liege meets commanders legitimacy expectation?

Status of the liege: Is the liege capable? Is the liege a child? Is the liege skilled?

What happens when a commander rebels?

A war starts
Firstly, he will start a war against his liege using claim cb on his liege's primary title. If the commander is a courtier he will create a adventurer camp.

Commander gets army
Then the army he is commanding will be "converted" into event troops of the commander while the original army will be depleted. For example if the commander was commanding a 4k army before he rebels, he would get a 4k special army with the same composition while 40ish soldiers remain in the the lieges army.

The original army will be teleported to a nearby province to avoid both army locking into battle immediately after the event fires.

What next?
Either the liege beats the rebellion and keeps his throne or be disposed by the commander.

The special army will be disbanded after the war, regardless of the results.

A complete list of events added:

1. Noble knight asking to replace a lowborn commander
2. Reward and penalty after a decisive battle
3. Commanders can betray player and join enemy's court
4. Commanders can rebel using their liege's army ( If the commander is a courtier he will create a landless camp )
5. Loyal commander may fight extra hard ( gives army bonus but higher risk of injury/death)

Does not overwrite any vanilla file.
Can be added or removed mid-save.
All non vanilla MAA will be converted to light footmen in a rebellion event
39 commentaires
Бляdota 27 nov. à 9h55 
Как мод ведет себя в мультиплеере? Есть ли какие-то ошибки или вылеты?
CCP Virus  [créateur] 27 nov. à 3h01 
@NVA I have found the problem, there is typo where I mistype less than 40 as 400. Thanks the reporting!
CCP Virus  [créateur] 26 nov. à 14h03 
Betrayal event should not trigger if ur relation is >40 with ur commander. I will check later to see whats the problem
NVA 26 nov. à 8h14 
my friend with +100 opinion just defected to the enemy in the middle of a (winning) battle. Gotta uninstall this mod for now because it is even more immersion breaking than without.
Skelet 23 nov. à 9h55 
Is it translated into French? 👁️👁️
Tater 22 nov. à 19h10 
Great idea for a mod! Can't wait to check it out :)
Psijic 22 nov. à 5h12 
Nice idea, waiting for the stability.
LiterallyReverie 21 nov. à 17h11 
Thanks for the amazing mod Comrade Xi I will DDOS the pentagon in thanks
CCP Virus  [créateur] 21 nov. à 0h26 
@ck3user7748 Thanks for reporting, I have adjusted the frequency of events. For unlanded character event , my plan is to split unlanded and lowborn into independent events. What I am trying to represent in these event is that rulers are more motivated to appoint (powerful) vassals as their commanders instead of trusting low-born and guest.
ck3user7748 20 nov. à 21h44 
I like the concept but the only event I ever had fire was related to unlanded generals. I would recommend changing that event to commoner, such that nobles are able to serve. Also, the frequency should be reconsidered , as I had that event fire at least a dozen times and can't remember any other events firing from this mod. I am not 100% certain, but I don't think it is a given that field generals all had fiefs in this era in western europe but it is plausible at least for that location. I am certain that this was *not* the case outside of western europe, so if you are sticking with landed/unlanded you may need to make this culture dependent. Probably easier just to change to an event htat fires with commoners which is plausible for all cultures in that era.