Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Öğe (46)
Braven's Bicycles Redux
Yaratıcı: Braven
The Bicycle Revolution Returns! I always found it a bit odd that PZ didn't have any working bicycles, so I decided to do it myself. Goodbye pollution. Goodbye beaten up cars without gas or keys. Hello freedom! This mod introduces bicycles to the game. Bicy...
Bone Mod
Yaratıcı: Frognof
Built on 41.65; 41.73+ support untested Adds the ability to butcher corpses and collect bones which can be used for an assortment of unique crafting recipes. May be incompatible with other mods that add butchering functions Feedback is appreciated ⚠️IMPORT...
[B42/B41] Bandits NPC
Yaratıcı: Slayer
Bandits Also try WEEK ONE mod. During the zombie apocalypse, It's not the zombies you should be afraid of; it's the people... This mod introduces hostile (NPC) bandits into the game. Please be aware that the enemies in this mod are extremely dangerous, and...
Authentic Z
Yaratıcı: Authentic Peach
Want a FUN and REALISTIC zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you! This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their surroundings. It also adds over 150 custom outfits which are appropriately placed on zom...
Yaratıcı: Alree
This mod is not a LUA mod and require a manual installation by replacing an existing Project Zomboid File This mod works on Steam or GOG version Should works on any OS This mod is Client side and is not required to be installed on server This mod works and...
Better lockpicking
Yaratıcı: Aiteron
Description - Adds the mechanics of breaking the locks of doors, windows and cars using a bobbypin or crowbar. Lockpicking is done with mini-games! - Adds a mini-game of lockpicking ignition using wires. Also, the ignition lock can be broken with a bobbypi...
Brita's Armor Pack
Yaratıcı: BRITA
We are trying to fix the mod, no promises....Many of the work-around methods that allow the features of this mod to work have been shut-down and disabled by B42. Some are recoverable, some may not be, some will not be. Everything was affected, and not one ...
Brutal Handwork
Yaratıcı: dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer An update for this mod shouldn't be expected until 2025. Definitely at least not until B42 has multiplayer. A new save is not required A combat mod made ...
Braven's Utilities
Yaratıcı: Braven A set of tools This simple "mod" adds basic functionality I tend to use in my actual mods. This is absolutely necessary for some of my mods. Click here to see the full list. Free to Use Anyone is hereby granted ...
Change Rope Climbing Direction
Yaratıcı: paranoid
Now you can change direction while climbing sheet rope. Features While climbing a sheet rope: press Move Forward key (default W) to climb up; press Move Backward key (default S) to climb down. Singleplayer Safe to add or remove mid-game. Multiplayer Works ...
Climb B41
Yaratıcı: Tchernobill
You can climb one level up. How to climb You can climb to a place one level higher but not directly over you. The target place must have a floor (but no stairs). The target place must have no wall window or fence blocking the climb. There must be nothing o...
Common Sense
Yaratıcı: Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Damage and Zombie Health (Outdated)
Yaratıcı: pauldeelaek
Zombies display their current health and max health when struck. Your character will announce the amount of damage done also. If you want the health level to be displayed at every frame, change the "shows zombie healthpoint permanently" block. But this mig...
Dynamic Body Shape
Yaratıcı: Fed-cap
Dynamic Body Shape WARNING: THIS MOD REQUIRES JAVA MODDING (check instructions below) Your body is a temple. However, if you don't care for it properly it could have dire consequences. Sadly, the base game doesn't reflect your condition, and this mod fixes...
Extra Gun Slot
Yaratıcı: Braven Handguns! Are awesome! But I hate carrying them around while I look for a holster. What if we could just carry them on our lower backs? Oh wait! This mod lets you do that! Just like those generic action movies! ...
Fancy Handwork
Yaratıcı: dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A VERSION FOR B42 WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. There is currently a bug in B42 where Animation Sets are not recognized from the new B42 folder structure, and thus have to be duplicated which doubles ...
Yaratıcı: Sayer
Jump B41
Yaratıcı: Tchernobill
You can jump. Up to 4 tiles. How to jump You must be running or sprinting. You must be in good health condition*. Press the Jump key, 'F' by default, configurable. Health condition* Each of the following points apply to the lower torso, groin, legs and fee...
Improvised Silencers by Maxwell218
Yaratıcı: Maxwell218
This mod adds new craftable silencers and is 100% compatible with existing saves. You will require a screwdriver to attach all silencers. This is how it works in vanilla. If one day someone figures out a way to change that, I will remove the need to use a ...
Yaratıcı: Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
Mod Manager
Yaratıcı: NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Manager: Server
Yaratıcı: NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
Moodle Framework B41
Yaratıcı: Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Yaratıcı: star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
More Traits
Yaratıcı: HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
More Zombie Death Animations
Yaratıcı: WhiteSushiEater
Have you ever felt like cutting down a horde of zombies felt a little underwhelming? Perhaps seeing the same death animation repeat over and over again took away some of the fun and enjoyment that you would have otherwise gotten. Thanks to this mod, cuttin...
Nihilist's Silencers
Yaratıcı: Nihilist Penguin
Introducing silencer attachments for specific firearm calibers, obtainable in the world or through crafting. They vary in effectiveness by caliber, such as 25% noise reduction for shotguns and 40% reduction for 9mm pistols by default. They're intentionally...
Plain Moodles
Yaratıcı: Bion
Minimalist semi-transparent background textures for moodles with level indicator. Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes. Does it work on existing saves? Yes. Safe to enable/disable at any time. Compatibility Compatible with Clear description for Moodles, Weathe...
Profession Framework
Yaratıcı: Dr_Cox1911
Profession Framework Mod for Project Zomboid by Fenris_Wolf Adds a framework to simply adding additional professions and traits to project zomboid, and editing the default professions. As well as simplifying the modding process and letting professions have...
Profession Framework Old Build 41 Patch
As of January 13th, 2022, the original mod was updated, I recommend all to migrate back to that edition. This patch will remain until mods will switch dependencies to it. A framework for adding new professions. PATCHED FOR THE HYPERCHONDRIAC TRAIT JAVA ERR...
Progressive Multihit
Yaratıcı: nyhr213
Have you ever thought that you enjoy multi hit but feels a little too OP? Then this mod is for you. It brings: RNG check on each swing, depending on skill level Configurable parameters in sandbox options for overriding the game's default max hit values, in...
B42 / B41 Real Firearms【v1.1】WIP
Yaratıcı: 喵老大_MiaoLD
Language:CN 、EN 、RU 、UA( B42 ) Russian translation:ʀᴀᴠᴇɴꜱᴏᴜʟ —————————————————— Ukrainian translation:Danny —————————————————— The more people subscribe to the mod, the stronger the motivation for updates!!! My Game Video Channel bilibili Search:喵老大_MiaoLD...
Skizot's Carryable Everything
Yaratıcı: Skizot
Made for the KYRP server. This mod aims to make most stuff that SHOULD be carried, just that. now plays well with Fancy Handiwork! if you want to change or modify weight of things like the logs then Use this awesome mod! (Customizable Wood + Metal Weight) ...
Take A Bath
Yaratıcı: t10310
內容: 點擊浴缸後可以洗澡並起洗掉身上的污漬及血跡 , 在洗澡過後人物可以稍微降低不快樂以及無聊指數和感冒狀態 在 MOD Options 調整頁面中可以設定要脫下的裝備類型 目前模組只能在單人遊戲中執行 Make the bathtub able to take a bath and clean up the blood and dirt on the body After taking a bath, the character can slightly reduce the unhappiness a...
They Knew [B41]
Yaratıcı: Afterworlds
The Update for B42 can be found RIGHT HERE They Knew The Knox county incident was never a "random accident" or whatever the news was saying. Someone knew about this. They were there on the ground to observe the effects. What they didn't know, was how bad i...
TchernoLib B41
Yaratıcı: Tchernobill
Features and tools with high reuse potential. Global Object Simple interface to add your own Global Objects to the game. Details here. see Portal Gun mod for example. Spawn Spawn a specific item in a specific container. Spawn a specific item from a right c...
Tom Clancy's Professions
Yaratıcı: Mxswat
If you are PZ modeler and a The Division fan get in touch with me for an upcoming mod project A compilation of professions inspired by Tom Clancy games This mod incluses new professions from: * The Division * Ghost Recon * Splinter Cell Each profession has...
True Crouching
Yaratıcı: BOBcat
I'll update when B42 stable version is released. While sneaking, crouching animations will be played instead of sneaking animations. In other words, replaces sneaking animations with crouching animations. Includes crouched idle, walking, running, turning a...
Under Cover of Darkness
Yaratıcı: Hammy_Pig
Under Cover of Darkness Why should you be the only one to suffer from poor vision at night or in fog? This mod evens the playing field, allowing you to hide from zombies under the cover of darkness. Under Cover of Darkness is a super lightweight mod which ...
Weapon Sound Expansions
Yaratıcı: CreamPie Each gun should have a different sound. This mod gives different sound and different silencer sound for each gun. Mods Mods other than the list below are not supported. Na...
Yes' XP on Backstab
Yaratıcı: yes
Every backstab you do with a knife will grant you exp in Sneak. This amount is totally configurable in Sandbox Options. Basically the best way to grind Sneak right now is by just walking towards a huge horde while on a second floor or something. This can b...
Yes' Improved Stealth v2 [B42/B41]
Yaratıcı: yes
Now for B42 If you don't see the light moodle in your game and you had enabled the mod before then It needs to be enabled again. This is a complete rework of the stealth in this game. Making it more consistent under the right conditions. I got tired of wai...
[RU] Brita's Armor Pack
Yaratıcı: Macintosh
This is a Russian translation for mod "Brita's Armor Pack" NOTE! IT'S ONLY A TRANSLATION! NEEDS THE ORIGINAL MOD TO WORK! The original mod belongs to Brita. Workshop ID: 2845680469 Mod ID: BritaArmorPack...
This mod replaces the models, textures and names of nearly all vanilla firearms, attachments, ammunition and magazines. It also adds several new lore-friendly weapons and items. ⚠️ READ THE FAQ ⚠️ As of this version, 23 new firearms (and their magazines), ...