Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

39 ratings
Companion Lifestyle Trait
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622.856 KB
15 Nov @ 7:15am
21 Nov @ 4:26am
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Companion Lifestyle Trait

In 1 collection by Dad needs a Beer
Dad needs a Beer Mod Collection
7 items
This is a standalone release of some features from "Seasoned Lord," a mod currently under development. "Seasoned Lord" is scheduled for release within this year.

Stuck in an alliance but dreading those calls to arms? Leading a mercenary company and not keen on getting dragged into a messy war? Yeah, me too. But what if answering those calls brought serious glory to you and your dynasty? This mod adds a lifestyle trait that gives powerful buffs when you answer a call to arms. And the AI, who will answer almost every call, will also benefit from this trait.

Vanilla let you get away with just saying you'd help, without actually sending troops. That's fixed now. Breaking the promise to help or dragging your feet ("you said you gonna help me " letter event is modified by this mod) could have serious consequences, so consider attacking the enemy as soon as you're mobilized. If you're busy defending your realm, declining the call might be less costly than breaking promises.

[Supported Language]
Korean, English, Chinese, French, German, Ruassian, Spanish
Other Chinese

Save Game Compatible: Yes.
Achievement Compatible: Yes.
Mod Compatible: Works with most mods. This mod modifies war_events.txt only.

[To do]

[Change Logs]
Player needs to join the war more than AI to reach max level.
Weakened the trait, but made leveling up a bit easier.
Landless would earn less XP.

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동맹을 맺었지만 군사 지원 요청에 응하고 싶지 않으신가요? 혹은 용병단 단장으로서 위험한 전쟁에 휘말리고 싶지 않으신가요? 저도 마찬가지입니다. 하지만 그 부름에 응답하는 것이 나와 가문에 큰 영광을 가져다준다면 어떨까요? 이 모드는 군사 지원 요청에 응했을 때 강력한 버프를 제공하는 라이프스타일 특성을 추가합니다. 그리고 거의 모든 부름에 응답하는 AI 역시 이 특성의 수혜자가 될 것입니다.

참전 요청에 응한 후 군대를 보내지 않아도 별 페널티가 없던 바닐라의 문제를 수정하였습니다. 약속한 지원을 어기거나 늦장을 부리면 ("네가 돕겠다고 했잖아" 편지 이벤트가 이 모드에서 수정되었습니다) 심각한 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다. 따라서 동원령이 내려지는 즉시 적을 공격하는 것이 권장됩니다. 만약 당신의 영토를 방어하느라 바쁘다면, 약속을 어기고 결과를 감수하는 것보다 참전 요청을 거절하는 것이 더 나을 수 있습니다.
Dad needs a Beer  [author] 20 Nov @ 5:08pm 
@jojo_star 피드백 감사합니다. 담 업뎃에 비지주는 경험치 짜게 받도록 수정하겠습니다ㅋ
jojo_star 20 Nov @ 4:00pm 
제가 금방 3단계 도달해서 뭐지 싶었는데 비지주일때 용병 군사지원 임무 때문인거 같네요. 몇백따리 전쟁 참여를 자주하니 채운듯
Dad needs a Beer  [author] 19 Nov @ 7:08am 
@ReDjOhN Thanks for your kind words.
ReDjOhN 19 Nov @ 6:04am 
Hi thanks for the cool mod, any modification of mod is welcome but its also fine as it is
Dad needs a Beer  [author] 18 Nov @ 8:09am 
@Rensi Thanks for the feedback! I'll make that event much more punishing. That should help balance things out. I acknowledge that there are other several ways to exploit it for free XP, but I just hope players won't attempt to do so.
Rensi 18 Nov @ 7:27am 
Since you get punished for declining CtA's, is there anyone NOT accepting them? You accept, don't send any troops, and hope that they don't get pissed off and send that "You promised me help..." event. So this trait just gives you free stat boosts for clicking a button and doing nothing to earn it.

I like the idea but for it to work as you intended, I think the penalties for declining should be removed and you should gain xp for actually fighting in those wars.
Fenragon 15 Nov @ 2:28pm 
Pretty cool trait. I like how over time you will be able to tell who's called upon a lot.
alegdansk 15 Nov @ 9:29am 
Can you please add, in the Memories, when a character is disfigured, mutilated and wounded in battles? 🙏
Thank you very much 🙂