Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Drowned Armor Fix
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14 de nov. às 10:54
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Drowned Armor Fix

Hello everyone,

I made this mod to reconstruct the Drowned Vault armor piece entries (the Fins, Fists, and Aspect of the Drowned), which were removed from the game in Age of Heroes Chapter 1.

I assume their deletion was unintended, as all other data pertaining to the pieces, such as feats and recipes, remained intact. I can't really explain how the error could have occurred, though.

In any case, the items were rebuilt with data I had cobbled together from various sources, the wiki being one, other Vault pieces next, and lastly from old versions of the armor pieces from a pre-Sorcery update of the game. I'm confident that the armor pieces reflect the originals closely, but I can't guarantee perfect matches.

They use the same IDs as the originals, so the recipes should now function correctly as well, and if / whenever Funcom re-adds the armor pieces, they won't need to be re-crafted.

For those who play the game in a language other than English, these items will probably remain in English, so my apologies for that. I also truncated the long descriptions for the items, as formatting the various paragraphs and italicized sections isn't really feasible within the DevKit.

As always, if you find any issues with the mod, or have suggestions for additions, please let me know.

Thank you.

NOTE: If you use Eldarium in the Exiled Lands, I have already included this change within that mod, making the use of this one redundant.

Mod ID: 3365755869
1 comentários
Grimmiekins 14 de nov. às 13:42 
i can see that being a bug that gets over looked and never fixed, seen many broken things in the game that have been broken for years but never get fixed