Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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DownTooDeep 1.2.9
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26. Okt. 2024 um 14:06
1. Jan. um 8:05
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DownTooDeep 1.2.9

Hello, dear fans of kinky content!

This mod adds so called "furnitures" into this game, which are based on an asset/object and a suiting animation, so to create a sit-in-pose like a sit-on-a-chair. The mod is mostly addressed to smart bondage and hardcore bdsm related gameplay. But you may find in future also "ordinary" content as well. It also will spend some kinky clothing assets, which are still missing to me inside of this game, although I used and played with lot of other clothing-mods during the last year.

The new mechanic of this mod is featuring a professional mechanic with optimized functionallity, created in a most serious way,
created by a serious professional.


-BDSM related furnitures with a new lock-mechanic based on a keyholder as the dom. The keyholder poits and clicks onto a furniture and forces one ore more nearby slaves/subs into close standing furnitures...The dom can also point to a next furntuiture and make a sub run to the next furniture and so on, I call that "furniture-hopping". If the subs wear a collar, the dom can set the sub free by wearing the standard vanilla chain inside of the short cut menu (weapon-shortcut-menu). At this point the sub always will be set free directly into the leash instead standing free around. This works for all collars which are offered by all collars coming from all different mods. The mod also now is accepting the keys of "Restricted Exiles and the "Thrall Wars Slaver-Mod". You can also use the RE-chain-leash to set a sub into the furniture and then swap over to DTD?s leash system as long you only use DTD - furnitures. The leash of RE is not forcing the sub into the DTD furniture, but it is a good start to keep your sub nearby and start to set them into DTD furnitures, then without a chance to run away. The DTD leash has always to quit by using the last furniture, drop the chain for a monent into the backback, set the sub free from the furniture and then go back to use other leashes. This we will see how it works in the gameplay, soon. With this mechanics, the mod shall become really flexiable and professional, I am really happy that this now is all possible!!!

-scale-function to suit for all different sizes during the use of the devices

-auto-equipping restraint-assets, as far a furniture is needing those

-by using a foreign (TW/RE) collar leash, a player can become pulled out of the device without a key, leaving the furniture in a regulary way

-furniture assets can become created by using a construction hammer, under DECORATIONS you will find the mod-name: DOWN TOO DEEP

-clothing is available by placing and using an artesan-workbench, also furnitures can become crafted there if wanted

-the mod is level-friendly and can be used also for beginners at the first levels easily

-DTD now is LOCKING the inventory access if you are inside a furniture-this should work error-free and safe !!!

-DTD now is switching off the chance to pull the bracelet (this game-function is simply bended off during the stay inside of the furniture), while you are a sub inside the furniture as well as the inventary blocking, so to spend once more a closer feel to be helpless !!!

-furnitures come with their open-close-mechanic and offer a local sound, which should be by distance be more quiet


If you do not like this content or gameplay, simply move on and skip this mod!!!!

And for all others, I can only wish you a lovely gameplay with this new content,
have fun and enjoy your roleplay:-)


Next plans: male?s version of the content, where it ?s necessary

Many thanks I want to spend here to "Rejunion", who found the golden pin inside the steam?s haystack!
And also I want to thank "LilMissHentai" for creating scripts which are professional in only some few minutes, yes!...that?s crazy but the reality!...

You can visit us on DISCORD:

61 Kommentare
Mikilangelo 2. Jan. um 16:30 
Hi, could you make whipping stand v2 where slave is turned around 180 degrees, facing the other way with back exposed instead of front?
Player1 25. Dez. 2024 um 2:22 
Very nice mod. Any chance to get a valid discord link that is not expired? :D
Star© 21. Dez. 2024 um 17:50 
I agree with Yusei & Darnexx, please keep the support for males going too. :)
Netzari 14. Dez. 2024 um 13:05 
Discord link is invalid. thanks
Darnexx 14. Dez. 2024 um 4:15 
Love the Mod, but like Yusei said, keep the Male support up please. The playerbase might be smaller but we are still around, ready to enjoy the game and these cool mods!
Yusei 遊星 矢本 13. Dez. 2024 um 10:13 
awesome mod. but as a gay men i pray that you add/keep male support going
woshixiongdaye 5. Dez. 2024 um 2:48 
作者sir 我proposal您可以搞一个倒掉的刑架 非常遗憾STEAM里面的MOD 找不到连裤丝袜 都是秋裤
woshixiongdaye 5. Dez. 2024 um 2:46 
你们这帮子可爱的外国人 嘟嘟嘟说了一堆这个那个问题 什么没有钥匙下不来呀 什么仆役被锁在刑架上就自己跳下来啊 我测试发现 仆役可以一直呆在上面 但是前提 他/她的技能与你已经拥有的建筑无关,比如你有了篝火,那么厨师就会自己往旁边凑,你有了铁匠铺,铁匠就会往旁边凑,你有了木匠席,木匠就会自己过去找活做,所以他们就在刑架上呆不住。但是,只要他们的技能是“战士,斗士,舞者,巫医”他们就会老老实实呆在刑架上,非常养眼,因为他们认为自己正在执行“站岗”任务,如果有敌人进入你的领地,这些人还会下来进攻敌人,等到敌人死亡,他们就又自己回到自己之前的刑架上面。
RogerM 2. Dez. 2024 um 9:04 
Very nice
Ivarsgaard 1. Dez. 2024 um 10:56 
Heyo! Do you have a discord for this?