War Thunder
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Silly Guide for ppl new to top tier
От The rat Queen
Hopefully a helpfull guide to new players to toptier
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I'm still not quite sure how to play top tier to 100% but i think i get the idea of it. As someone who has played for over a thousand hours, I am still only top tier in 3.5 nations. I will most likely have a family of 5 before reaching top tier japan at this point.

I will only be talking about my experience thus far with the nations i played: usa, sweden, russia ,britain and how to overpresure tanks, and maybe give useful tips for new players who bought their way to top tier.
How to combat nations/weakness
USA: Pretty much the worst nation in the game in my opinion, you get nothing unique in air rb and little to nothing on ground rb. If you made the choice to play this nation, apologize to yourself.
Your main role in ground rb would be to sit behind a hill and BEG they don’t see your tall antennas peeking out like a minecraft beacon. As of now, until gajin decide to buff the albrem’s armor with uranium, you are stuck begin a caster. The main way to deal with american tanks (if you're somehow struggling against them) is to either shoot its neck or its hull, as it has NO ARMOR at all, if you have a spare HE shell, shoot it straight into its cupula/commander sight, shooting the right side MG would do nothing unless it somehow hits the lower part of it, and even then it might not overpressure it.

Ikea: Simply meatball. They have the second best, if not the best lebord in the game with a really solid line up and good cas, the only downside is lack of proper spaa and maybe helis. Best way to kill PLSS or any of their meatball armor is to shoot its driver hatch to the left (may not kill the crew if it's a bad shell) or simply shooting the neck of it, which is like threading a needle, way too tight to rely on. If you are in close combat with it… Say your prayers, god has abandoned you, the only thing you could do in that situation is to shoot its cannon out or neck, it can’t be oneshotted by lower plating shots except if it carries more than 18 rounds (highly unlikely).

Russia: The most annoying tech tree in the game by far, playing russia is always a 50/50, you either get one-shot by a gust of wind, or eat nukes for breakfast.. The main way to play them - and the only way - is to rush headfirst into a good ambush/sniping spot and wait.
Theres too many cons for their tanks to be broken as they are misunderstood most of the time. Main way to deal with them is to shoot the right side of their manlet, espeically the t80bvm, you will knock down its cannon and gunner in one shot, if you're feeling mighty and the god’s allowed it, just shoot it bretch right in the middle, a bit low to knock breatch/comander/autolouder and maybe full crew if your playing with a good shell(DM 53) for the t90M, same rules apply but it has a big weakness; a tall ass neck and OVERPRESUREABLE, if it's behind cover simply switch to HE and shoot its left cupa where the weird miror is located, and for the right side just shoot the gunner sight

Important tip for the russian rushers: For the love god, DON’T TURN AROUND CORNERS EXPOSING YOUR SIDES! As you could ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DRIFT INTO THEM just hug the wall and move and turn at the same time around them to NOT get ammo racked as easily.
Before trying to overpresureing tanks theres some things to know:

1- It only works with HE/HESH useing heat fs will not overpresure MBTs
2- Know the amount of tnt filler you're usein.
(Hopefully more nation will be able to overpresure when they release proxy controll)

-Where to shoot?

USA: Note, the HE filling vary from tank to tank, as shown: russian tanks got enough filling to shoot the comander sight instead of the cupula, and it also could overpresure it from gunner sight//mg.. AND you are able to overpresure albrem with the russian HE into IT UPPER PLATTING - This work for all types of albrems, from albrem M1 to V2 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2453988791679640548/83568AB77746299259687AB5F3C85C88BDFBFFDC/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2453988791679642132/4DAA8F47DC2E3BA96CAC822BE87267B9F686F8C6/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false

Ikea: penning this tank is a nightmare, other from it neck and lower plateing it basicly unpennable . and it even harder to overpresure, as you'd have to shoot the upper part of it mashine gun port, even then it may not overpresure.. If your playing on the russia side with good HE filling, simply shoot the ram, anywhere on that plate will cause it to overpresure (yippy)https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2453988791679652012/C76ED7CC207633E67161DF4400C138A6009366CE/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2453988791679655050/2EA8FEE3B069033472810E93FE317235DCB20DD1/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2453988791679659350/C7C501D4C499A5726A1CC1EB5D229534043AF081/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false

Ussr: For the t80bvm, it not really worth overpresureing it, you could shoot around it breatch to the lower side for overpresure or the inner era around the canon, but, a adpfs could do that and better from long range.. If it deep in cover and only showing it roof it could be pened by shooting right above it era, where the comander/gunner sight is
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2453988791679683027/D0613AA1EC52E46A44ECD0EAE70EA7555E32A0BA/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false (adfs)

T90M: only britsh/russia as of now could overpresure it . it still got the same weakspots as t80bvm but way more obvious, overall you shoudn't be scared of this thing unless it snipping across map, the bretch is too big to oneshot (Expect if you got dm53 or similar round to it)
Many thanks if you have taken the time to read this guide, it my first time writeing something this long/documnting. If you Got anymore quistions/requests i will try my best to respond <3

As for the last tip: Have fun suffering :3 This comunity might be nice sometimes and the other points just pure insanity, especially in air rb, Those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ be saying the most random ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ever for the sake of saying it, none takes the game too seriously and nor should you. You died? Just use a backup, as a famous cringe lord once said “ NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT?”

-If you ever think of buying the k-50, think about life, how many social credit you would lose from making such purchases, just grind them by ground rb, it more fun than shooting ai for 3h for 160k rp.
4 коментара
The rat Queen  [автор] 20 дек. 2024 в 2:58 
Love you too <3
Deguile 20 дек. 2024 в 2:29 
i love amcrica i hate you
cas6 18 дек. 2024 в 10:34 
Very helpful thx a lot
hanu 16 дек. 2024 в 4:45 