Idle Spiral
Spiral Upgrades and Mechanics Full Explanation
โดย BraveCaperCat
A full explanation of all mechanics in Idle Spiral (this game). The interpretation of this explanation is left to the reader. This guide is a Work In Progress guide and is not fully complete (this message will be removed when the guide is complete)
  • On the right side: Achievements, Spiral Points and Designs.
  • Expanding Sideways: Radial Upgrades.
  • The B-Menu: Battle Screen and Combat.
  • Prestige (never) no more: Prestige Upgrades.
  • Spin, 100 Times Round: Tier Unlocking System and Challenges.
  • The 3rd Dimension: Z-DIM Upgrades.
  • ???
Achievements, Spiral Points and Designs
Achievements are as you might expect, but different. Press the A button in the top left of your screen to open the Achievements Menu. You will first see the Daily Spiral Points section of the menu.

Full explanation of Daily Spiral Points is Work In Progress, please come back later.

You can press the menu buttons at the top of the screen. Except for the Daily Spiral Points section, these sub-menus contain achievements - 18 each, except for the special tab with 13. This is a total of
103 achievements. Full explanation of Achievements:

If you have unlocked an achievement signified by the full green bar and 100% text at the bottom of the achievement you can click it to gain Spiral Points. The requirement(s) of the achievement are listed in the text above the green bar - which represents achievement progress. Each tab of achievements tend to get harder from left to right, with the special tab being the only exception.

You can also press the S button in the top left of your screen to open the Store Menu. Here is where you can spend Spiral Points, provided to you by interactions with the Achievements Menu.

In the left most tab, Automation - you can buy automation upgrades to automatically buy R and P upgrades, as well as various upgrades relating to rarities in the battle menu. More on that in it's own section. In the centre tab, Spiral Designs you can buy various designs for your spiral. A full list of available designs is available in the explanation of that mechanic. In the right most tab, Variable you can permanently upgrade R related variables and Combat related variables. At the bottom you can see a Reassign Spiral Points button. It will downgrade all spiral point upgrades in all tabs and return the spiral points used.

If you press the D button in the top left of your screen, you will see the Designs screen. With this screen you can change the design of your spiral, both visually and functionally. You can use the designs visually to change the spiral. You can change your blue spiral Red or Yellow or White or White & Red Winding. You can use the designs functionally to boost your variables of all forms (depending on the design). You do not have to use a design visually if you only want the function.
Each design has a passive and active effect. The passive effect is applied when you have the spiral design available to select, the active effect is added on top when the design is activated. Full list of Spiral Designs and their effects:
Page 1:
Simple Blue: Active - a 10%
simple Yellow: Active - b 10%
simple Red: Active - c 10%
simple Violet: Active - d 10%
simple White: Active - e 10%
Blue and Green: Active - HP 50%, Passive - HP 10%
Violet and Pink: Active - Critical rate 5%, Passive - Critical rate 1%
White and Cyan: Active - Critical damage 20%, Passive - Critical damage 5%
Yellow and Red: Active - Attack 50%, Passive - Attack 10%
Red and Blue: Active - Defence 50%, Passive - Defence 10%
Page 2:
White circles: Active - Rest Regeneration 200%, Passive - Rest Regeneration 50%
Green and pink circles: Active - Rest Regeneration 50% + Defence 30%,
Passive - Rest Regeneration 10% + Defence 5%
Cyan and Red circles: Active - Attack 30% + Rest Regeneration 50%, Passive - Attack 5% + Rest regeneration 10%
Blue Dotted line: Active - Line Number multiplier 100%, Passive - Line number multiplier 25%
White Dotted line: Active - Line number multiplier 25%, Passive - A, B, C 5% + Line number multiplier 10%
Orange and Blue dotted line: Active - Line number multiplier 25%, Passive - D, E, F 5% + Line number multiplier 10%
Cyan and pink stripe: Active - V+5, Passive - V+2
Blue and Violet stripe: Active - Attack reward 5, Passive - Attack reward 2
Green and Orange stripe: Active - Defence reward 5, Passive - Defence reward 2
Green Winding: Active - Experience reward 3, Passive - Experience reward 1
White and Red winding: Active - Experience reward 10%, Passive - Experience reward 3%
Orange and Purple winding: Active - Attack Defence and Hit Points 100%, Passive - Attack Defence and Hit Points 30%
Page 3:
Pi: Active - Ohm 50%, Passive - Ohm 20%
Diamond: Active - Experience reward 5%, Passive - Battle upgrade cost -5%
Rainbow: Active - Equation speed 100%, Passive - Equation speed 50%
Kanji: Active - @ +100, Passive - Spiral equation slot +1
Laser: Active - Z reactor Experience 50% , Passive - Z reactor Experience +20%

Pages in the Designs menu can be selected on the left. Designs in page 3 cannot be obtained through the Store Menu, and are instead obtained through Challenges.
Radial Upgrades
This section will describe the R you've seen on the left of your screen - the whole time.
Battle Screen and Combat
B-Menu: Unlocks, Equations and More!
Prestige Upgrades
You've seen Omega Prestige, but have you seen Regular Prestige?
Tier Unlocking System and Challenges.
This section describes Tier Unlocking and Challenges.
Z-DIM Upgrades
Moving into the 3rd dimension, 1 upgrade at a time.