Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

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Splatoon 3 Amiibo
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Marcadores: SFM
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6.028 MB
18 de set. às 13:30
19 de set. às 13:56
2 notas de alterações ( ver )

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Splatoon 3 Amiibo


- I'm sorry for the poor quality, the pack will be updated regularly.

:Promotional Artwork:

- For promotional artwork. Pinging my @ on social networks:

- @MisterCraft__ on Twitter
- @mistercraft__ on Instagram

(due to steam limitations, posters will be scaled down to 720p)

5 comentários
TheMasterOfChaos 24 de set. às 7:15 
Are you planning on making any other amiibos?
Mister craft  [autor] 20 de set. às 15:29 
it's a custome made by me ( and thank you very much for your kindness, even if I think that what I do is not incredible ).
TinyBee1212 20 de set. às 15:14 
this is awesome! out of interest, what is the inkling in the images wearing? is it a custom top or something in game? never seen it before but it looks really awesome!!
Mister craft  [autor] 19 de set. às 2:48 
grayscale0007 18 de set. às 14:11 
congrats on making it to the front page!