Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Artículos (22)
Better Government
Creada por Mateus
Summary You always wanted more options in your country's government, if yes, this mod is for you. This mod is a agroupment and adjustment of three of my favorite mods, so go there to check them (Because i don't deserve all the credits): Extended Government...
Better Mechanics : Optimization
Creada por Amine Alkaline
https://i.imgur.com/8kFp1cx.gif https://i.imgur.com/c2lrhHQ.png https://i.imgur.com/TkXwqUi.png Hello If you click on the read speed, this mod may boost your speed by an absurd amount. However, if you use a poor computer, it will only minimally boost speed...
Change Ideology
Creada por RB33
A very simple mod that allows you to change ideology with 150 PP and a button click. REGARDING COMPATIBILITY: It's a very simple mod and is very unlikely to be outdated, try it out and it should work even if it says outdated. Gives you the choice to keep h...
Colored Puppets
Creada por Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Colored Puppets is a mod that aims to increase the clarity of the map by changing the colors of puppets for a color that fits their controlling state. The simple design and use of the mechanics rarely used by moders makes the...
Core Annex Puppets
Creada por Random
Get cores when you annex a puppet. Also Integration is easier for almost annexable puppets. Feel free to use in other mods just link to this :)...
Creada por ZhiZhong_
添加了一个新的地图显示模式,可以显示出自己的核心领土宣称领土并查看领土拥有状态等。 理论上和其他大多数mod兼容 -- 主要几种颜色代表意义: 绿色 - 你所拥有并控制的核心省份 红色 - 不在你控制下的核心省份 黄色 - 你的宣称省份 -- 注意:不兼容铁人...
Demand It!
Creada por deadorbit
Demand It - a mod for people who want things and want them now. With this mod, you get a GUI with three options, demand a state, demand vassalization, and demand tribute. Demand A State - cost 250 political power, will send a demand to the selected country...
Enhanced Diplomatic Actions
Creada por BlackLight
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif No Longer Being Worked on as of Jan 2023 - Feel free to use it in anything you want or make a new, better version. DON'T expect me to respond to DMs or messages about it Info Version: v1.2.2 (Oct 11, 2022) HOI4 Version: Aval...
Faster National Focus: 1/2th Edition
Creada por Conner
Description: This mod simply changes the national focus cost in defines to make every national focus take 1/2th the time. There are other options for this(that due to defines editing require separate mods), which you can view in this collection here. Compa...
Creada por MrGeneral
Training a Professional army is hard in these trying times but hiring a multinational arrmy of professional mercenaries from countries around the globe is way easier! This mod adds the ability to hire grizzled mercenaries from a pool of available contracts...
Make Peace, Not War
Creada por Skelsa
INTRODUCTION Hearts of Iron 4, like the prequel, doesn't allow conditional surrender and thus requires you to march through every enemy capital, even if you just want to capture the Falklands as Argentina. When you reach lategame eventually and minors beco...
Peace Deals
Creada por Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod offers the option to make a peace deal with a country/faction you are at war with without capitulating it. It offers EU4 like peace deals that you can configure and send as a proposal to AI or other players. Add...
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Creada por Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.15 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
Political Power Gain +100%
Creada por AeneasXI
Hello to another one of my Rebalancing Mods! This Mod increases Political Power Gain by +100% for all Nations! For other Political Power Gains please see here: Political Power Gain +50% https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2117808391 Poli...
Rename Factions (with keyboard!)
Creada por Yard1
State Transfer Tool MP
Creada por Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod is a Multiplayer version of State Transfer Tool. A mod based on newly added scripted GUIs mechanic. It has been balanced specially for multiplayer letting you transfer only your own states or the states owned by...
Universal Formable Nations
Creada por 2017 honda civic
Tired of never being able to form cool mega-states in your favorite mod with the regular formable nations mod? Despair no more! I have went through the pain-staking effort to make a formable nations mod that is compatible with all major mods on the worksho...
[CN/ENG]War Provoke
Creada por Stakataka_3030
This mod allowed you to use a New diplomacy function to provoke other country. They will declare war at you not trigger opposed guarantee do trigger YOUR guarantee you are the defense side cost 100 pp no ironman Please give me a like if you do like this mo...
[ENG/CN]Diplomacy Puppeteering
Creada por Stakataka_3030
Introduction: Welcome to Diplomacy Puppeteering, a small Hearts of Iron IV mod that allows you to dominate geopolitics in a simpler way than ever before. Are you tired of watching other countries slip from your grasp? Now, you can reassert your dominance t...
[ENG/CN]Diplomacy Core Demanding (And Claim )
Creada por Stakataka_3030
A Simple Mod: Spend 50 PP to Claim Core Territories and Assert Claims in the Diplomacy Interface Features: Since it's within the diplomacy interface, there won't be a heap of cores leading to a heap of decisions. You can clearly see AI tendencies. Improve ...
Universal Colored Puppets
Creada por LUCY
Makes it so EVERY single country's puppets will have their overlord's color. Unlike most colored puppets mod, this one should be compatible with any mod that changes the cosmetic.txt. Instead I've used the newly added "use_overload_color" within the puppet...
The Road to 56
Creada por Greatexperiment
https://i.imgur.com/G8Lt4Zo.png Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. https://i.imgur.com/rfEYHzt.png.png We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended ...