Pacific Drive

Pacific Drive

Nedostatek hodnocení
Revising The Lore of Pacific Drive.
Vytvořil: Depressed_Tea
This guide is a theoretical concept on what a more scientific explanation of LIM Technology could look like.
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Forewarning and Spoiler Alert.
SPOILERS AHEAD, this is a guide about LIM-Tech, and references multiple points in the game. Continue reading at your own peril, Snape kills Dumbledore style.

Ever since the ending of Pacific Drive, I couldn't help but feel... unsatisfied. There were too many unanswered questions that the game had been teasing all the time. In this guide, I'm going to revamp the concept of LIM Tech by using in-game lore, or making stuff up as I go along. These are the questions I've answered thus far:
  • What is LIM Technology, and how does it function?
  • Why are Radio Waves boosted in the Exclusion Zone?
  • Why is there so much radiation shielding?
  • Why was LIM Technology never released to the outside world?
  • What are Quirks?
  • How were Anomalies made?
  • What was the 'Mass Hallucination Event'?
  • How do Remnants exist and work?
  • How did we get bonded and separated from our Remnant?
  • How are areas stabilised?
  • What are Stable, Unstable, and Corrupted Energies?
Alongside this, I wish to also rewrite the ending using this new foundation to provide a more fulfilling epilogue and story line which you can find here:


Everything before the final mission, 'The End Of The Road', will remain the same except for Lore dumps which can be provided in any way you the player see fit through dialogue, notes, and log-book entries.

One last thing, I'd like to state is for you to take all of this with a grain of salt. I'm just a who happens to be a professional idiot who can make up nonsense and make it sound scientific. I have no background in molecular biology, atomic structures, and radiation science. If there are any discrepancies, its a feature of Limnisum. Ironwood Studios is a fantastic game dev company - I'm just a guy who is neckbearded enough to create an alternative ending to a game when he has homework due. Have mercy on my ideas.
LIM Tech has always been a contentious topic in game. A mysterious technology that has no boundaries, infinitely variable, and somehow causes Anomalies to occur. The best way to solve it, is by giving it limits and hard rules. Introducing, Limnisum. (Yes it's a made up element if Avatar can get away with unobtainium I can to.)

Conceptual idea on what Limnisum looks like. A jagged white crystal with natural blue undertones.

Limnisum has a unique composite of Silica (SiO₂) and Copper (Cu) within a crystalline matrix that is similar to Quartz. Somewhat transparent at the edges, the crystal is predominantly white with distinct blue undertones which can be attributed to the presence of copper impurities within the silica structure.

It's physical properties display a hard and dense build of approximately 2.65 g/cm³. In tandem, its Birefringence is low because of it's innate impurities, but has a shockingly high Pleochroism meaning whatever light does get through, suffers interference and polarisation. It's also worthwhile to note that Limnisum is thermally stable over a wide range of temperatures; suitable for high-performance computing environments.

Leveraging the insulating properties of silica with the conductive properties of copper, it quickly took the place of place of the typical materials like plastic, copper and silicon which make up the components of computers like wires, CPU, GPU and Graphics Cards. This is because of a unique property of Limnisum which is exclusive to the element: It's almost unnatural repulsion and propulsion of electricity once supercharged

Currently, the main reason why computers can be slow is because it's a system of interlocking parts that talk to each-other. The Graphics Card updates the screen, the GPU runs everything, the CPU is always giving updates and talking. Nowadays, this process is insanely fast with data transfers in computers taking milliseconds as it runs through the computer using wires and electrical pulses.

However, Limnisum doesn't have a delay, or limit. Think of data being transferred via traditional wires like being cars on a road. It's fast, convenient and smart. Of course, if you're downloading a big file, or need to do something which takes up a lot of processing power, things will slow down and if it's really bad, get into a traffic jam.

Limnisum is the space-ship using a hyper-drive.

I.E: The instantaneous transmission of information - akin to opening a wormhole between two points in space, (From where it received, to where it spits it out.) while also generating the same amount as it receives removing any backups from occurring. Powerful, complex data arrays can occur in seconds as a Limnisum charged Data Drive could sort through it with constant back and forth connection.

The properties in Limnisum that allow for such an ability to take place is the innate atomic structure of the material, drawing in electricity like a magnet, but not wishing to store it - spitting it out once honed specifically - accelerating the data to be transferred faster than light. After trial and error, alongside being able to predict where to receive the data, you'll have a machine with no delay.

Only found in the Olympic Peninsula by Dr. Ophelia Turner at a young age, she was able to turn this fascinating element into the worlds first quantum computer. No need for massive bulky server racks and hundreds of thousands of wires to compute data, a single melted down and charged crystal would be able to match it in milliseconds. This also solves another question, 'Why was LIM Technology not released to the outside world'.

The simple answer is that there either wasn't enough Limnisum to warrant mass production, and/or the US Government/ARDA was to stingy and/or afraid to use such a rare and useful material.
Charging Limnisum.
To induce the properties of instantaneous transfer of data in Limnisum, you must first supercharge it through a controlled reaction involving oxygen. The super-charging process begins with the controlled oxidation of Limnisum. In this step, Limnisum is exposed to a highly pure oxygen environment, typically in the form of oxygen plasma or molecular oxygen under high pressure. The oxygen atoms react with the Limnisum surface, initiating an exothermic oxidation reaction. Below is the chemical recipe.

(2Lim+O2 → 2LimO) + (LimO+O2− →LimO* +O2) = LIM0*.

This creates a Controlled Thermal Cycling and Energy Accumulation. The LIMO* is rapidly heated and cooled in cycles that induce thermal stress within the atomic lattice. These cycles cause the atomic structure to expand and contract repeatedly, creating localised quantum instabilities within the Limnisum lattice. The oxygen atoms and ROS embedded in the Limnisum structure also serve as energy reservoirs, further amplifying the energy density within the material.

Of course, this is not enough as we need the energy to accumulate enough till it reaches a critical threshold, allowing quantum tunneling effects begin to manifest within the Limnisum atoms. The presence of oxygen and ROS promotes these quantum effects by altering the electron distribution and creating energy corridors that facilitate tunnelling. Additionally, localised quantum entanglement occurs, further destabilising the atomic structure.

LimO∗ Quantum Tunneling + Lim# +O2​

The combination of thermal stress, quantum effects, and ROS interactions pushes the Limnisum into a phase transition. Finally, Controlled Oxygen Depletion is introduced to calm the now Supercharged Limnisum. As the available oxygen is consumed or removed, the ROS within the Limnisum structure begin to react with the Limnisum atoms slowing down and spacing apart, allowing for sub-atomic structures to form and the electrical repulsion and propulsion to occur.

After this process in completed, the refinement of Limnisum into usable LIM-Tech is now possible. However, it is due to note that immediately upon completion, Stable Energy emitting is now possible and should be monitored and encased in Radiation Shielding.
Stable, Unstable and Corrupted Energy.
Raw Limnisum by itself is as safe as a rock. However, its true properties come to light, (The instantaneous transportation of information), when it is supercharged. Still, as good as this is, there is always a downside because that's life and we need controversy. Once supercharged, devices with Limnisum while being used will start to emit Stable Energy.

Stable Energy
More of a liquid than gas, we'd learn about this via some exposition dialogue LIM Tech will release Stable Energy in small amounts over the period of time it is active. Thankfully, Stable Energy isn't inherently dangerous as it doesn't affect humans and it can be blocked by radiation shielding, (That's why there is so much of it around). But in large amounts over a long period of time, things can get a little... quirky.

Stable Energy can be compared to Radiation as it shares many of it's properties. Latching onto atoms, Stable Energy hitches a ride and spreads around covering everything in an invisible and atomically small coat of Stable Energy. Some of it beneficial like boosting radio waves, and non-beneficial like making the air more conductive and acidic. Both of which are still somewhat safe in small amounts and can dissipate after a nuclear half-life.

In this primal state, nothing Anomalies is bound to happen as the coating is far to thin to do anything substantial and will instead provide the base plate for Unstable and Corrupted Energy to form.

It's also fair to note that once condensed down into a solid nuclei, it can present stabilisation effects on the surrounding environment by literally sucking up its counterpart Energy. (I.E: Stable Stabilisers can only digest Stable Energy, and the same for the rest of the Energies.)

Unstable Energy
This is where Quirks can come in as start drastically effecting the local environment. Initially while Stable Energy would only coat the atom in a sub-atomic film and wouldn't change anything - Unstable Energy is when the coating leads to a quantum entanglement-like effect; Bleeding into the atomic structure.

Over time, the Limnisum coating continues to influence the atoms at a subatomic level. This influence mimics a meta-stable state where the atoms are 'poised' at the edge of stability, similar to pre-cancerous cells in biological systems. The atomic bonds and electron configurations begin to shift subtly, accumulating stress within the atomic lattice.

The energy output becomes chaotic and unpredictable while starting to exhibit non-linear behaviour. This also effects the innate energy of atoms and becomes erratic, fluctuating in intensity and frequency, which can lead to dangerous outcomes. As Unstable Limnisum Energy accumulates, it begins to disrupt the atomic structures of surrounding materials, akin to the way cancer disrupts cellular structures in biology. The energy causes atoms to adopt unusual properties, leading to the potential for spontaneous reactions, radiation emission, or structural failure, or in simple terms: Quirks.

Non sensible behaviour as objects afflicted with Unstable Energy can begin to have their bare properties 'malfunction'. Causing drastic mutational effects to occur in extreme cases, and bizarre activity where the atoms are almost 'linked' across states wherein a change somewhere else will effect an atom no-where close.

Like if you turned on a car radio, the trunk would open. Strange, and Quirky.

Corrupted Energy

The final, and most dangerous form of the Energy Byproducts from Limnisum is Corrupted Energy. This occurs when Unstable Energy undergoes a catastrophic phase transition, typically under extreme pressure, stress, and fatigue, fundamentally altering the atomic and subatomic structures it influences. At this juncture, the atomic structure undergoes a radical reorganisation, no longer bound by conventional physical laws.

The transition is marked by a complete breakdown of atomic cohesion, where electrons, protons, and neutrons no longer interact in predictable ways. This leads to the formation of novel atomic configurations that defy standard models of chemistry and physics. This can lead to a host of dangerous and irregular behaviours such as, and not limited to:

Quantum Instability: The atoms within a material affected by Corrupted Energy begin to exhibit quantum behaviours on a macroscopic scale. This includes quantum tunnelling, superposition, and entanglement, but on a scale large enough to influence entire objects and environments.

Reality Warping: Objects and environments within the Corrupted Energy field can exhibit bizarre and unpredictable behaviours. Inanimate objects may gain motility, change shape, or exhibit properties of entirely different materials. This warping is a direct result of the atomic redesign, where the properties of matter are in constant flux.

Spontaneous Biological Formation: One of the most baffling effects of Corrupted Energy, is a rare occurrence where it is the catalyst of new lifeforms. These organisms, dubbed 'Anomalies' are entirely new to science and do not adhere to known biological processes. Their existence is likely a byproduct of atomic restructuring, where random elements are fused into complex, albeit unstable, living forms.

The presence of Corrupted Energy is highly dangerous - not only because of its immediate physical effects, but also due to its potential for long-term environmental contamination. The corrupted atomic structures can lead to persistent reality distortions that are difficult, if not impossible, to reverse. Prolonged exposure to Corrupted Energy can result in severe physical and mental health issues, as well as the permanent alteration of ecosystems.
The Olympic Exclusion Zone Disasters.
Taking the previous concept into mind, this explains the Sierram Disaster as the calamity occurred during the LIM Fair. It's clearly stated that in game and in the wiki, 'The fair showcased applications for LIM Technology, especially as a household energy source'. Household energy sources. Imagine, dozens of experimental devices turned on in demonstration, already afflicted by the ambience Stable Energy in the air. In a flash, a horrific chain of events unfold:

A single strain of Stable Energy becomes Unstable due to age and proximity of other Stable Energies. This starts a chain reaction as anomalous properties exasperate themselves. (Feeds into itself). Within seconds as the reaction starts with the unnatural amount of Unstable Energy in the air - we get the first ever Corrupted Energy which flattens the town.

If Unstable Energy could make strange things occur, Corrupted Energy IS the strange thing. Twisting matter itself and perhaps creating the first ever semi-sentient anomaly, 'Colossal Cappy'. The one saving grace of Corrupted Energy is that it effects everything, including itself from it's unstable properties. As soon as it spawned in, it collapsed.

This is what most likely started the slow chain of events where bigger, and bigger Anomalies formed. Potholes, Honeypots, Bollards, Shakers, Bunnies, Airstrips, and air based Anomalies took hold.

The Mass Hallucinations.
The day of the mass hallucinations. This is where the Lore changes heavily, say hello to the newest final map: 'The Quarry'.

This took to long to make in Canva.

In the heart of the Exclusion Zone, there is a massive Limnisum mining operation. Spanning the entire mini map, is a deep quarry with a large sealed off part at the bottom.

(The big red dot. the rest of the icons will be explained in Revised Ending Guide which you can find in the Forewarning and Spoilers Section.)

Think of the massive transition seal from Portal 2, but built into the floor and is opened by a massive crane. Below this seal is a huge deposit of Limnisum, the sole and only area where it has developed on earth because of geological reasons I do not know. This is where the magic happens with ARDA hauling tons of Limnisum out daily to the factories to be processed. But, because of how dangerous it could be if the Limnisum is charged, it is sealed off most of the time with the metal door.

I think you can see where this is going.

After decades of being in use, the ambient amount of Stable Energy in the air has gotten critical from hundreds of LIM-Powered Trucks, Mining Equipment and miscellaneous items being used daily surrounding the pit. This most likely induced Unstable Energy to occur like in Sierram, and caused a horrific chain reaction to occur as Unstable Energy began to effect the unmined Limnisum.

This rare, but inevitable reaction occurred as something must have had its based properties Anomalised and turned into an electrical charge of some description. This began an uncontrolled reaction on massive proportions as the Unstably charged Limnisum effected Stably charged Limnisum.

Think of dropping a match into an open oil-well.

Luckily before destroying the world and the neighbouring galaxy, procedures kicked into gear and the seal is dropped back down and stops the reaction. Unfortunately, this still wipes out the power grid of the entirety of the USA, and practically the rest of the world. This gets covered up as a solar flare, (Wink wink, the timeline almost matches up.).

The damage is done. There is no true way to stop the leakage of Limnisum, but at least the seal is stopping most of it. Clean-up attempts fail as there is no way of stopping the dormant reaction process without accidentally introducing more oxygen into the equation. The Olympic Peninsula is a bust with major anomalies turning up like the Tourists and its family, Acidic Anomalies, Radioactive Anomalies, Burst and Impact Anomalies which can seriously mess you up.

As for the Mass Hallucinations themselves... I got nothing. There's no clean way I can fit this into the science of Anomalies without just saying, 'It'S AnOmAlIeS bRo.' If there's any somewhat clean explanation as to how the Mass Hallucinations could feasibly function, please say so and I'll credit you below:



Anomalous Stabilisation, and Energy Anchors.
Anomalous Stabilisation quickly became the most practical and developed technology by ARDA since the catastrophic failure of The Mass Hallucinations which destroyed the only source of Limnisum, and sent the entirety of the Olympic Peninsula into chaos. Fixing this mistake became paramount, and a solution was quickly found by non-other than Ophelia Turner: 'Energy Anchors'

Dr. Turner developed a chemical process which converts ambient Energy, (Of all varieties) into a semi-solid substance which can then be utilised within a Energy Anchor to inhibit or prevent the anomalous properties associated with Stable, Unstable, and Corrupted Limnisum Energies.

Collecting energies was the easiest part of the process as the entire Peninsula had been afflicted with it for many years. Following in the steps of carbon capture, a massive amount of Energy can be captured using specialised energy-absorbing materials. These materials are composed of a network of nano-engineered structures that resonate at the same frequency as the Energy, allowing them to effectively absorb and concentrate it.

The absorbed Energy is channelled into a central collection unit where it is further concentrated. This unit typically consists of a high-density energy trap, often based on superconducting materials or quantum dots, which helps to amplify and store the energy at a molecular level. Once concentrated, the Energy is introduced into a reactor containing a specially formulated catalytic compound. This compound is typically a coordination complex involving transition metals like palladium or platinum, which have the ability to interact with high-energy states.

Finally, the selected Energy-Catalyst Complex undergoes a polymerisation reaction, where the stable energy is chemically bound into a network of interconnected molecules, forming a semi-solid gel-like substance. This substance retains the coherent energy properties of the collected energy but in a stabilised, semi-solid form.

With all that being said, Ambient Energy is far different from this highly concentrated Energy which I will now refer too as Energel for simplicity sake.

Energy Anchors.
Now, we have to make the Energy Anchors themselves. The Stable Anchor is a device or structure designed to hold the gel-like energy in place and direct its effects. The Anchor is typically composed of a high-durability material, such as a composite ceramic or a metal alloy, that can withstand the stress of interacting with Limnisum Energies. The inner surface of the Anchor is coated with a highly conductive layer that helps channel and distribute the Energies stabilising effects.

The semi-solid Energel is infused into the Stable Anchor, filling specially designed reservoirs within the structure. Once in place, the Energel acts as a stabilising agent, emitting a field of coherent energy that counteracts the destabilising effects of Unstable and Corrupted Energies. The Energel within the Stable Anchor generates a low-frequency, coherent energy field that interacts with the surrounding Limnisum Energies. This field is capable of dampening fluctuations in the atomic structure that lead to Unstable and Corrupted states.

The coherent energy field emitted by the Energel disrupts the quantum instabilities that give rise to anomalous phenomena. By interfering with the quantum tunnelling, entanglement, and chaotic atomic behaviours induced by Unstable and Corrupted Energies, the Energy Anchor effectively hinders these properties, maintaining the stability of the surrounding environment.

Stable, Unstable, and Corrupted Energies despite being unstable, want to be stable. Energy Anchors use a harmonic frequency which can calm down the afflicted atoms in the hopes of them maintaining their original positions and likeness. This does not reverse the effects of the ambient energy, but rather duct-tapes it together as a temporary solution. Using an Energy Anchor as a long-term solution is impossible due to rampant decay in the structure from stress and anomalous properties which once reached critical can cause the device to explode and cause a minor Corrupted Energy Disaster.
Remnants, and Seperating Them.
Everything has a unique signature attached to it in its atomic code. This can be drawn out via a certain unique sound. Limnisum Energy seems to do this accidentally by vibrating during its inception. Believed to resonate within a specific range, typically in the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum, possibly in the range of terahertz (THz) to infrared (IR) frequencies. This resonance allows SLE to interact with certain materials, environment and humans.

In exceptionally rare situations typically created after massive Limnisum Disasters, Limnisum Energy can become afflicted by its own vibrations and devolve into Remnant Energy.

Remnant Energy is an incredibly rare phenomena. Only documented after the initial Mass Hallucination Event, two atomic structures afflicted with Limnisum Energy can become 'linked' through quantum entanglement. Mostly mentally, or physically in extreme cases, any change in one structure will instantaneously cause a corresponding change in the other, regardless of the distance between them.

This linking effect allows for instantaneous transmission of information between the two atomic structures, although mostly one-sided. A change made to one structure (e.g., applying a force, changing its temperature, or altering its electromagnetic state) will cause an equivalent change in the linked structure, no matter how far apart they are. This could have applications in communication technologies, where information could be transmitted without delay across vast distances.

The quantum link can also facilitate the transfer of energy between the structures. For example, if one structure undergoes an energy input (such as being heated or subjected to electromagnetic radiation), the linked structure may experience a corresponding energy change, enabling synchronous energy manipulation across distant locations.

Anything can technically be afflicted, but its most common for objects and humans to be linked. When a human becomes linked to an object through the effects of Limnisum Energy, a dangerous and ultimately fatal process unfolds. This linkage not only creates a strong bond between the person and the object but also leads to a progressive deterioration of the human's mental and physical health. The process, which typically lasts about a year, involves a growing fascination with the object and culminates in insanity and death if the link is not severed.

(Demonstration of a Critical Case in real life.)

The process begins when a person comes into prolonged or intense contact with an object that is heavily afflicted with Remnant Energy. The Energy permeates the human's biological system, gradually establishing a quantum link between the person and the object. The Energy creates a resonance between the atomic structures of the object and the human’s neurological system - particularly within the brain. This resonance mirrors the quantum entanglement seen between atomic structures, but with far-reaching consequences for human cognition and health.

As the link strengthens, the Remnant Energy begins to subtly influence the human’s thoughts and behaviours. The individual develops a profound fascination with the linked object, often interpreting it as an object of great personal significance or even attributing mystical or supernatural qualities to it. Over time, this fascination deepens into obsession. The person may start to spend more time with the object, feeling an irresistible compulsion to be near it or to interact with it in specific ways. This behaviour is a direct result of the Remnant Energy's impact on the brain, which alters neural pathways to prioritise the object over other aspects of life.

The human brain, not designed to sustain such a link, begins to show signs of strain. This can manifest as headaches, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, and mood swings. As the link persists, the individual’s mental state deteriorates. They may experience hallucinations, paranoia, and severe anxiety, all of which are linked to the brain's inability to cope with the ongoing quantum entanglement. The person might begin to perceive reality differently, often believing that the object holds the key to their existence or sanity.
(Areas of Affliction)

Insanity typically sets in at the last 30% of time the human has left. The person’s mental state reaches a breaking point. The constant interference from the Remnant Energy overwhelms the brain, leading to a complete loss of cognitive function. The person may become delusional, unable to distinguish between reality and the influences of the object, and may exhibit erratic or dangerous behaviour.

The individual’s physical health rapidly declines, culminating in death. The exact cause of death can vary, but it is typically due to a combination of neurological breakdown, cardiac arrest, or organ failure. The time it takes for a linked person to reach this terminal stage varies depending on factors such as the intensity of the Remnant Energy, the person’s physical and mental resilience, and the nature of the object. On average, the entire process from initial linking to death is estimated to take about a year, though this can vary from several months to a few years in extreme cases.

There is only one way to separate a human from a Remnant. Still a hypothesis, but its assumed that by introducing the human and remnant simultaneously to the original Limnisum Energy which afflicted them, it can undo the effects.

It's assumed that the overwhelming power from the source could be enough to break the link as it is overloaded with variables. However, this is still a theory, and yet to be tested on anyone to try.

I think this image sums up this entire guide. Thank you for reading so much if you actually dug through and comprehended this muck. Its gone through a couple reworks, but I finally think my theories hold water to some extent. I failed my English Test, but I can write this.
Počet komentářů: 2
Gamemaster3000 11. pro. 2024 v 4.48 
Natelolzzz 8. říj. 2024 v 11.13 
Woah. Thats a lotta cool stuff.