Pummel Party

Pummel Party

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Mod Type: Board
Board Theme: Colourful
Board Size: Huge
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4 aout à 9h19
11 déc. à 16h27
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Pummel Casino!

Welcome to the Pummel Casino where your goblets and keys are up for grabs! There are 5 games that you can play around the board! Hitting the right spaces could let you win/lose something big!
Discussions populaires Tout voir (1)
11 déc. à 16h28
15 commentaires
SAUCY WAFFLES 23 nov. à 20h34 
Great map!! Me and some friends did a championship video on this map and it was awesome! Very creative and we all loved it!
J3FFmaster 18 nov. à 6h43 
OnlySoft_ 19 oct. à 23h53 
helped with my addictions
Regenrinne94 (Ghost8) 25 aout à 11h30 
Oh okay then I guess we just got really lucky then! Definitely gonna play the map a few more times, we`ll see what happens then :D I just thought that one of us landed on a three on roulette and didnt lose a trophy, but maybe he just landed on the good field or we saw something wrong haha. Thanks for the reply! Like I said really awesome map!
Chatty  [créateur] 21 aout à 0h35 
I'll look into the background music issue in the next few days and will try to update it!
Chatty  [créateur] 18 aout à 16h46 
You can lose trophies on every game. One thing I should've done better is to show what every game has to offer. For the card game if you land on spades you lose a trophy. There is a mystery box space that is lose a trophy. The "game over" space is uhh lets just say your game is most definitely over. If you land on a 3 on the roulette wheel you also lose a trophy. Thanks for the comment <3!
Regenrinne94 (Ghost8) 18 aout à 12h07 
Really like the different games on the map! that makes it really unique! Definitely one of my favorite maps! I just feel like it would be nice if you could loose some trophies on some spaces, especially on something like the high risk path where you can win 3 Trophys. That would make the gambling aspect more balanced/fun in my opinion :D (at least I dont think you can loose trophies right now)
Capridog 18 aout à 6h10 
Yeah, the background music isn't working unfortunately. I tested it and my volume is all the way up. Here's a video from my POV: https://streamable.com/de62mi?src=player-page-share
Capridog 10 aout à 19h07 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH-Mc0zaRCo I think this would work perfectly haha
Capridog 10 aout à 19h01 
Can you add a background song?