Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Linesman Balance (BETA)
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3 aout à 4h34
19 nov. à 3h34
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Linesman Balance (BETA)

Dans 1 collection faite par Firewatch
Firewatch's basement
24 objets
This balance mod was kickstarted by someone (淡彩沐素秋) who was frustrated with other balance mods and aimed to create one that made the game fun (again), with Isaakk doing all of the coding.

Our main goal is to balance VT2 around onslaught mods (primarily Linesman Onslaught, made by Firewatch), aiming to explore new ideas while keeping true to Fatshark's design philosophy.

We firmly believe that balancing is to preserve joy, not to eliminate it. Players should be free to choose between min-max optimizing damage or sacrificing DPS in return for team-wide buffs. On this basis, all characters have received a variety of new choices (with generous stats) to aid in the unending slaughter of vermintide.

Special thanks to Issaak, xx, Firewatch, 兰兮子, Royale w/ Cheese, and Mino.

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