The Star Named Eos

The Star Named Eos

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[EN/ID] Reawakened Memory.
By Paapurup
This short guide will help you to achieve 'Reawakened Memory' if you missed the small stickers in five scenes.
1. Bedroom
EN: On the TV after you collect Dei's camera.
ID: Di TV setelah ambil kamera milik Dei.

EN: On Eiffel tower, on the top shelf near Dei's table.
ID: Di menara Eiffel, rak atas dekat mejanya Dei.

EN: On the globe near the table lamp and music box.
ID: Di globe dekat lampu meja dan music box.

2. Train
EN: Near the window, turn right and capture the frame.
ID: Dekat jendela, putar ke kanan lalu foto framenya.

EN: Front door.
ID: Pintu depan.

EN: On your left, capture the briefcase under the table.
ID: Foto koper di bawah meja di sebelah kiri.

3. Cafe
EN: Right in front of your eyes, capture the table.
ID: Foto meja yang ada di depan matamu.

EN: Turn left and capture the picture near breads.
ID: Putar ke kiri lalu foto lukisan sebelah roti.

EN: Turn left again and photo the whale painting.
ID: Putar ke kiri lalu foto lukisan ikan paus.

4. Camp
EN: Turn right and you'll see the sticker on the SLS wooden sign.
ID: Putar ke kanan dan kamu akan melihat stiker di tanda kayu SLS.

EN: Turn left and you'll see a dreamcatcher and the sticker on the tent.
ID: Putar ke kiri and kamu akan lihat dreamcatcher dan stiker di tenda.

EN: Turn left and capture the yellow tent and the smoke.
ID: Putar ke kiri lalu foto tenda warna kuning dan asapnya.

5. Bedroom (Again)
EN: Turn left and capture the vase on the window.
ID: Putar ke kiri lalu foto pot dekat jendela.

EN: Turn left and capture the scenery photo near the box.
ID: Putar ke kiri lalu foto pemandangan dekat kardus.

EN: Go up and capture the secret drawer that you've unlocked it.
ID: Lihat ke atas lalu foto laci rahasia yang sudah kamu buka.

Thank you.