The Station

The Station

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100% Achievements!
Autorstwa: cadis_raizel
To achieve 100% completion in achievements for the game "The Station" on Steam, you'll need to accomplish specific tasks and fulfill certain conditions throughout the game. Here’s a detailed guide to help you unlock all achievements. By following this guide and thoroughly exploring "The Station", you should be able to unlock all achievements and experience the full narrative and gameplay the game has to offer.
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Into the Unknown

As you launch the game, you'll experience several minutes of cinematic sequences before stepping aboard the space station. After that you'll get your first achievement:
Into the Unknown

Retrieve the cylinder from the ground and place it into the slot located to your left.

Continue walking until you encounter a blue orb (Audio Log 1) positioned near some couches. Interact with it to listen to the crew's recordings.

Next, continue exploring the room until you locate a panel featuring a blue handle and two yellow symbols.

Open the panel and slide the circle along the path to unlock a door on your left.

Proceed through the unlocked door.

Ascend the stairs to the right.

This is where you'll encounter a display featuring trees. Collect the nearby 2nd Audio Log, then descend the stairs back down.

Proceed forward and to the right to enter an area resembling a bar. Here, you'll locate the 3rd Audio Log.

Afterwards, direct your attention to the right where you'll find lockers. Two of these lockers will feature an orange panel with a 3x3 grid. We will first focus on Aiden's locker.
Suspect: Aiden

Next, proceed down the hallway to your right. Follow this path until you reach the door leading to Aiden's room.

Once inside, locate the 4th Audio Log.

To determine the pattern for Aiden's locker, examine the note on his desk device.

Observe the pattern on a nearby hammer.

After retrieving this information, exit the room and approach the leftmost locker.

Input the discovered pattern into the locker's panel.

The following achievement will unlock:
Suspect: Aiden

Access Granted - Aiden in The Station

Proceed left of Aiden’s room to the Maintenance room. As you enter, the lights will illuminate the area.

Look for a brown and yellow poster labeled "Maintain order in the workplace" with adjacent blue cabinets.

Pick the tool on the ground nearby and approach the right blue cabinet.

The tool will automatically insert itself.

Now, you need three additional tools to acquire the ID bracelet: the first is on a workbench where a tool resembling a gun is placed.

The second rests on a blue table at the room's center.

The third sits to the left of a purple kiosk on the opposite side of the entrance door, atop a table.

After retrieving each tool, return it to its designated place. Finally, collect the ID bracelet positioned atop the cabinet.

The following achievement will unlock:
Access Granted - Aiden in The Station
Master Mechanic - Maintenance in The Station

Ascend the stairs to the left and enter the door on the left.

Look left to find the 5th Audio Log.

Return to the lower area and interact with the Maintenance Robot.

Locate a blue panel with square white buttons. Press the button in the upper left (refer to the image).

After the crate falls and breaks open on the floor, move to the right side of the room and pick up the purple magnet tool.

Bring it to where the crate opened and use it to collect some of the spilled objects (simply point the purple tool at them, and the necessary items will attach to it).

Then, return to where you found the tool and approach the maintenance robot hanging there. As you get close, one of the objects will automatically attach to the robot.

Next, go to the other side of the room and find a wall panel that you can open (similar to the one in the first room).

Slide the node and turn off the power.

Return to the panel with buttons and press the button shown in the image.

This will cause another crate to be pulled from the slot. Open it and pick up one of the purple glowing objects.

Bring the object to the robot. The following achievement will unlock:
Master Mechanic - Maintenance in The Station
Access Granted - Mila in The Station

Exit the room and turn left down the hall. You'll see a door on your left leading to the Dining room.

Head inside to find the 6th Audio Log in front of you.

Walk further to find 7th Audio Log.

Return to the hallway and enter the door on the left labeled "Mila Lexa."

Explore the lower part of the room to find the 8th Audio Log.

Then, go upstairs and grab her ID bracelet from the small table.

The following achievement will unlock:
Access Granted - Mila in The Station
Suspect: Mila in The Station | Master Mechanic - Engineering in The Station

Return to the hallway and turn left.

Go through the door to find the 9th Audio Log.

Head through the door on the right labeled "Medical" to find the 10th Audio Log.

Next, return to the hallway and enter the "Bridge" door to pick up the 11th Audio Log.

Slide the two sliders on the Emergency Lockdown panel.

Then, head downstairs and go through the door into a hallway.

Turn right and head to the Conference room on the left.

Inside, you'll find the 12th Audio Log,

Pick an item at the end of the long table under the hologram.

Mila's pattern requires two pieces you need to assemble in the inventory.

Exit the room and turn left to find the 13th Audio Log.

Return to the locker with the orange panel on the right and input the specified pattern.

After opening the locker, interact with the item on the bottom shelf to add it to your inventory.

The following achievement will unlock:
Suspect: Mila in The Station

Now, go to the nearby door labeled "Science Wing" by the conference room.

Pick up the 14th and 15th Audio Logs.

Exit the room and turn left, heading to the other end of the hall where you'll find a locked door with a panel to its right.

Slide the two nodes on the panel to activate the airlock.

Enter the door and grab the 16th Audio Log.

Go into the small room on the left and grab the canister with yellow markings.

Carry it across the hangar and through a door leading to the engine room.

In this room, you'll find a large device holding six blue canisters and a fuel cell calibration station nearby. Put down the canister you brought and remove the two empty canisters from the device. There should be another yellow canister nearby.

Take either the one you brought or the new one and place it in the fuel cell calibration station (to the right of the large machine). Ten buttons will appear on the panel.

Press exit and look at the wire extending from the empty slot in the left side of the large device.

Follow it across the room and you will find the sequence for its frequency.

Press the buttons in the indicated order and then press Commit.

After the canister changes colour, pick it up and place it in the slot on the left side of the large machine.

Next, look at the wire extending from the empty slot in the right side of the large device.

Follow it across the room and you will find the sequence for its frequency.

Pick up the remaining yellow canister and place it in the fuel cell calibration station.

Press the buttons in the indicated order and then press Commit.

This canister will also turn blue. Pick it up and place it in the remaining slot in the large machine.

Slide the three sliders on the console.

Another achievement will unlock:
Master Mechanic - Engineering in The Station
Access Granted - Silas in The Station | Puzzle Master in The Station

Turn around and collect the 17th Audio Log.

Go through the door across from the large machine.

Enter the room marked "Silas Haze" on the opposite side of the hall.

Retrieve the 18th Audio Log, then head downstairs to find a locked door on the left.

This door requires a combination, similar to the ones on the initial lockers. To determine the pattern for accessing Silas's bedroom, first read the note next to the door.

Then examine the books to the left of the window, positioned between two parts of a split head statue.

Use the pattern from the book about revolution.

Input the pattern on the door starting from the bottom.

Enter the room, collect the 19th Audio Log.

Take the ID bracelet from the small table.

This will unlock two achievements:
Access Granted - Silas in The Station

Puzzle Master in The Station
Thorough Investigator in The Station | Mission Complete in The Station

Return to the hallway and enter the door on your left.

Go up the stairs.

Grab the 20th Audio Log.

Then, head back to the hallway.

Return to the Bridge door.

Go upstairs, turn left in the hallway, and enter the bright white room on the right.

Collect the 21st Audio Log.

Take the stairs down to a darker room.

This is where you will find the 22nd Audio Log.

Leave this room through the door you haven't yet used (not the one you entered through) to reach a hallway.

Turn left and you'll see a door on the right that appears to have been forced open.

Enter this door to find a dead body.

There is also a trail of purple blood.

Follow the blood trail to a small room.

This is where you can grab the 23rd Audio Log.

Return to the hallway and continue following the trail.

Eventually, you'll reach the escape pods, and Mila died in front of you.

After that, the middle escape pod will open. The 24th Audio Log will appear in the escape pod; simply interact with it to trigger the final cutscene.

This will unlock an achievement:
Thorough Investigator in The Station

As the final cutscene plays, the final achievement will unlock:
Mission Complete in The Station
Komentarzy: 1
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 23 godz. temu 
Merci Grazie :cure: