138 rating
Improved Unit Spacing
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Tag: mod, battle
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26 Jul @ 3:05am
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Improved Unit Spacing

Hi All,

This mod changes unit spacing to a bit more realistic, natural one.
Distances between soldiers are adjusted as well as individual variation between them.

For me lots of base game spacing entries made regiments look a bit too robotic and unnatural, hopefully this mod improves your experienece if you fealt the same!

Compatible with:
Mods that don't change unit spacing.

Incompatible with:
Multiplayer battles unless other person has the same mod (game engine does not see a difference between small mods like this and big overhauls).

If you value my work more than clients of Ea-Nasir valued his, feel free to donate to my Sumerian beer fund at:
24 Komentar
케모노프렌즈 17 Agu @ 4:22am 
edson-guido 11 Agu @ 7:07pm 
@kam2150 Thanks for the help
kam2150  [pembuat] 4 Agu @ 11:48am 
CalicoDJack, its does not affect AI.
kam2150  [pembuat] 4 Agu @ 11:48am 
edson-guido, this is due to value called "unit_max_drag_width", located in kv_rules.

Its not part of spacing table but combat calc table.

You can change the value to higher one (default is 42) but it will make all units spread out more with max drag.
CalicoDJack 3 Agu @ 10:15pm 
Does the mod affect ai at cities battles (no sieges ) ?
edson-guido 3 Agu @ 10:24am 
Hello @kam2150, I use your mod with double unit size mod and this work fine for me, but I have a problem with the chariots: they only have a max of 10 columns, I wish to spread formations to large front. You can explain to me what to change in unit_spacing_battles to do this?
kam2150  [pembuat] 3 Agu @ 12:26am 
Because I haven't posted comparison screens. Might do today.
KillWonder 2 Agu @ 10:30pm 
I don't see the difference in the screenshots
Deluke 30 Jul @ 4:23am 
Love the mod. I feel like units are slightly less organised, but that might just be placebo. I was wondering though, which values did you change to make units take up more space? I want to create even more space between entities for that sweet cinematic effect
Guiflick 29 Jul @ 8:50pm 
Kam do you think your mod "DeI Combat Light" will come to Dynasties this week?