Blood and Bacon

Blood and Bacon

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All Chat Commands (NEW! SEP/2024)
By Jetther Terminae
Learn all about Listed, Unlisted & Developer Chat Commands!
This guide contains SPOILERS!
If you don't want to risk seeing them, I recommend not reading it, or browsing through it looking for something specific.

Grammatical Errors
English is not my first language, so spelling errors can happen. And I may not be able to notice these errors so soon... If you find one, report it in comments or privately.

I did this while sick.
I made good part of this Guide while I was tired, suffering from headaches and coughing.
This might have affected my attention to detail and speed, but that doesn't mean that I didn't try to make the best Guide I could on the subject.
Any Feedback is appreciated.

In case you are thinking about using something from my Guide, to put it into something that is yours, like another Guide, a Fandom Wikia page, a Video or perhaps... your own ad-revenued site, etc...

I recommend you to read this Guide below, that I have made specially for people like you.
It talks about what I am confortable with and what-not. It might seem like "mucho texto", but considering you are thinking about creating content (something that takes effort), I think reading it fast won't hurt.

How to Correctly Use This Guide
Is this Guide too big for you?
Problem finding something specific?

Check this Guide below! It will give you quite enough tips to master your "Guide Reading Skills"!!!
About "All Chat Commands" Guide
The purpose behind this Guide is to describe as much as possible what each in-game Chat Command does, as well as document every possible outcome of it's uses.

Commands (Part 1 & 2)
The most obvious ones, that most people much likely already know them, because they are easily available and explained superficially through the ":info" and ":more" commands. Even then, I described them as much as possible, trying to give even more explanation to them than those provided by the game, focusing on listing all possible outcomes of their use.

Unlisted Commands
The ones that aren't listed in-game, and that some people may not know about them. Once again, just like the previous, more obvious ones, I shall list and explain them as much as I can.

(Extra) Developer Commands
These ones, most people definitely don't know them, because they not only are unlisted to us, mere mortals, as they also can only be used by the Developer (BigCorporation). So to be able to know these exist, you would need to be lucky and play in a lobby alongside him and see him using them.
Which just so happened to be my case!
Here I shall describe them as much I can/know about them, just from my experiences. (Although, compared to the other ones above, these ones I know much less about, considering I am unable of testing them myself).

Considering those commands can only be used by the Dev, I believe it would make no harm to let others know about their existance, considering they can't use them and all...
Let me know if you want them removed, BigCorps.
Commands (Part 1)
When typed in chat, it shows a list of commands. But this list isn't complete, the rest of it is included in the command ":more" (and some simply aren't listed).
Description: "INVITE FRIEND"
Only works in Co-Op modes (because you can't invite someone to play in SinglePlayer, obviously).

When typed in chat, it opens the Steam's "Choose Friend to Invite" overlay/screen (The same when you interact with the Phone Boot inside the Barn).

If you execute this command in SinglePlayer, a error message will appear at chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT IN A LOBBY".
On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts.

When typed in chat, it enables/disables Cheats. Typing only " :cheats " toggles it between ON and OFF, but if you want to be more specific, you can type " :cheats on" to allow cheats, or " :cheats off " to disable cheats.

When turned ON, the Cheats section of the Wallet Menu can be acessed normally and cheats can be turned on or off. And a message appears in chat: "CHEATS --> ALLOWED"

When turned OFF, the Cheats section of the Wallet Menu will be locked and won't be able to be opened by anyone (even you, the Host), and any cheat that a player has activated will be disabled...
...With the exception of the "all weapons" cheat, that is always turned on by default after you unlock all weapons, and even this command doesn't disable it. And a message appears in chat: "CHEATS --> DISABLED"

If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"

If you didn't complete Day 30, the Cheats section of the Wallet Menu still won't be able to be opened.
On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts.
When typed in chat, enables/disables Friendly Fire (PvP). Typing only " :friendly " toggles it between ON and OFF, but if you want to be more specific, you can type " :friendly on" to allow players to hurt each other, or " :friendly off " to turn it back to normal.

When turned ON, Players can hurt each other with their guns and grenades, but Melee attacks doesn't do anything against each other.
And a message appears in chat: "FRIENDLY FIRE --> TURNED ON !!"

When turned OFF, game continue as normal, and a Player's shots just passes through other Players. But Grenades still can do damage and blow peoples arms off (as always).
And a message appears in chat: "FRIENDLY FIRE --> TURNED OFF"

If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"

Only works in Co-Op modes
On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts.
When typed in chat, it changes/defines a (new) password for the Lobby, or clears it.

If you simply type " :password " in the chat, it will clear/remove the necessary password, and anyone will be able to enter the Lobby normally. And a message appears in chat: "PASSWORD --> current password is cleared.

If you type " :password {Password here} ", it will change/define the password as what you typed, so, for example, if you typed " :password password123 ", the (new) password required to enter the Lobby would be " password123 ". And a message appears in chat: "PASSWORD --> current password is password123"

If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"

If you execute this command in SinglePlayer, a error message will appear at chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT IN A LOBBY".

Description: "RESTART THE LEVEL"
On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts.
When typed in chat, restarts the day instantaneously.
If you type " :restart {Day Number here} ", it will restart and select that specific day (Just to remember, it goes from Day 1 to 101). So if you type " :restart 30 ", it will restart and select Day 30.

If you try to select a Day that you didn't reach yet, like, if your highscore is day 10 and you type " :restart 101 ", a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> MAXIMUM DAY EXCEEDED"

If you try to select a Day that doesn't even exist, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> CANNOT RESTART ON THAT DAY"

If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"
Commands (Part 2)
When typed in chat, it shows a list of commands, complementing the " :info " command.
Description: "CHANGE CHARACTER SKIN :skin daisy"
If your arms have been blown up, the command does not work. (Thats because the arms would reapear, but they woudnt be holding any gun, and you actually woudnt have any arms. Basically just to avoid this bug.)

When typed in chat, changes your skin (Character).
If you simply type " :skin ", or a invalid skin name, in SinglePlayer or 2P Co-Op, a error message appears in chat:
"USAGE --> :skin daisy or (skelly,viking,johnny,lando,farmer,man1)"

But the message is a little bit different in 4P Co-Op, Hordes Mode and PaintLand:
"USAGE --> :skin daisy or (skelly,viking,johnny,lando,farmer)"

That means that the correct way to use this command is " :skin {Skin name} ". For example, if you want to become Johnny, you type " :skin johnny ", then you become Johnny and a message appears in chat: "CHARACTER --> {Skin Name}"

If you try to select a skin that you havent unlocked yet, a error message appears in chat: "
If you try to execute the command without arms, a error message appears in chat: "FAILED --> YOU HAVE NO ARMS"


When typed in chat, shows the players' nicknames above them.
(OBS: The command makes changes only for you. Other players needs to execute the command too if they want to see the names)
Its toggles between ON/OFF, but you cant be specific. What I mean is that, if you type " :names on ", or " :names off ", it doesn't change to it.
It just changes between ON/OFF automatically.

While turned ON, the game shows to you other players nicknames above their heads. And a message appears in chat: "SHOW NAMES --> ON"

While turned OFF, theres no names above the players heads (the game continues as normal). And a message appears in chat:

Description: "CHANGE GLOW TYPE"
When typed in chat, toggles glow (highlight) type, between "Flat" and "Edge".
(OBS: The command makes changes only for you. Other players needs to execute the command too if they want to change their glow type)
Its toggles between ON/OFF, but you cant be specific. What I mean is that, if you type " :glow flat ", or " :glow edge ", it doesn't change to it.
It just changes between Flat/Edge automatically.

While turned "Flat", all things that can be highlighted, be it weapons on the wall, pickups on the ground, or players and enemies when you press "E" (by default), will be completelly highlighted (they will shine, with their respective highlight color, basically).
And a message appears in chat: "GLOW TYPE --> FLAT"

While turned "Edge", all things that can be highlighted, be it weapons on the wall, pickups on the ground, or players and enemies when you press "E" (by default), will have an shiny outline around them, with their respective highlight color.
And a message appears in chat: "GLOW TYPE --> EDGE"

Description: "TOGGLE BIG HEADS"
On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts (interestinly, theres no error message in chat, but the command isn't executed and theres no changes if you aren't the Host).

When typed in chat, it turns players heads big, or switchs it back to normal. Typing only " :bobble " toggles it between ON and OFF, but if you want to be more specific, you can type " :bobble on" to turn players heads big, or " :bobble off " to make their heads normal size.

While turned ON, players heads becomes this big:
And a message appears in chat: "BOBBLEHEAD --> ON"

While turned OFF, players heads stays normal (as the first image above). And a message appears in chat: "BOBBLEHEAD --> OFF"

On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts.
When typed in chat, kicks an specific player.
If you type only " :kick ", a error message appears in chat: "USAGE --> :kick 1 2 3 from bottom"

The same message appears if you type a invalid number in 4P Co-Op, PaintLand, like " :kick 4 ", and Hordes Mode (Even tho the last one has slots for 5 more players, meaning that even tho" :kick 4 " or " :kick 5" are valid, if you type " :kick 6 ", the error message will be the same as the other 4P modes "USAGE --> :kick 1 2 3 from bottom").
That means that the correct way to use the command is " :kick {Player Number} ", being that the number of the player corresponds from the bottom up.
Interestingly, in SinglePlayer and 2P Co-Op, if you type a invalid number, like " :kick 2 ", a different error message appears: "USAGE --> :kick 1"

Thats because (obviously) in 2P there can only be 1 other player with you (the Host). (Ik why in SinglePlayer there isn't a special message about you not being in a Lobby).
If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"

On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts (interestinly, theres no error message in chat, but the command isn't executed and theres no changes if you aren't the Host).
When typed in chat, all players inside the Barn (except the Host, who typed it) are pushed to the outside. That is usefull to start the Day when someone is AFK inside the Barn or trolling (or is just too slow).
And a message appears in chat: "PUSH OUTSIDE --> ALL"

If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"
Unlisted Commands
Requires that you receive the "gift" from someone else to be executed.

When typed in chat, you send to everyone else in the lobby the "gift" (A SnowCap hat), and a sound of Christmas bells plays (but only the person who typed the command can hear it)...
... And a message appears in chat: "XMAS GIFT SENT --> ALL"

Also, unlike most commands, it appears in others people's chat that you typed it.

If you try to execute the command, but don't have the gift, a error message will appear: "LOCKED --> :you do not have the gift"

Requires The Second Star / SECRET #2 unlocked to be executed.
When typed in chat, it activates/deactivates The Second Star / SECRET #2 and it's effects.
(OBS: The command makes changes only for you. Other players needs to execute the command too if they want to experience the changes in gore)

Actually, its only possible to toggle it between ON/OFF. What I mean is that, if you try to be specific, like " :gore on ", or " :gore off ", it doesn't change to it.
It just changes between ON/OFF automatically.

When changed to ON, a message appears in chat: "EXTRA GORE --> YES YES"

When changed to OFF, a message appears in chat: "GORE OFF --> ME SCARED"

If you try to execute the command, but didn't unlock The Second Star / SECRET #2, a error message will appear: "SECRET --> FEATURE NOT DISCOVERED"

If you want to discover how to unlock The Second Star / SECRET #2, and/or what it does, you can find it all in the Widget bellow to my other guide. created by - Me

On Co-Op modes, can only be executed by Hosts.
When typed in chat, forces all players to use only the Starter Pistol.
Typing only " :pistols " toggles it between ON and OFF, but if you want to be more specific, you can type " :pistols on" or " :pistols off ".

While turned ON, players will only be able to use the Starter Pistol as weapon.
If they try to switch to their Primary Weapon (or had it selected when the command was executed), the game quickly switches back to Secondary.
If they try to pick another Secondary Weapon from the wall (or had them equiped when the command was executed), the game quickly re-equipes the player with the Starter Pistol.
Players still can use Melee attacks and Pickups normally.
And a message appears in chat: "PISTOLS --> ONLY"

While turned OFF, players can pick and equip any gun they want to. And a message appears in chat: "WEAPONS --> FREE"

If you try to execute the command, but isn't the Lobby's Host, a error message will appear in chat: "FAILED --> YOU ARE NOT THE HOST"
(Extra) Developer Commands
Considering those commands can only be used by the Dev, I believe it would make no harm to let others know about their existance, considering they can't use them and all...
Let me know if you want them removed, BigCorps.


Gives all players in the lobby ammo and all pickups. When executed, the following message pop-up appears: "SUPPLIES ADDED BY DEVELOPER"
What is funny is that if the command is executed again, the amount of pickups actually goes above their respective limits. That is, it would be possible to have more than 10 Grenades, 10 Milk, 5 Bulkify and 2 Pills at a time.
... But only while staying playing on that lobby: It resets back to their limits when leaving and joining another lobby. EXCEPT for the Bounceback Pills, that for some reason resets back to 5, instead of the regular limit that is 2. thus it is possible to have a super rare save file with 5 Bouncebacks.
Sadly, I did not register the specific amount of ammo and pickups that is suplied each time the command is run.

Forces other players to change their skins. Displays a regular message pop-up when executed.
It has a similar usage to the regular ":skin" command, with the name of the skin being informed, and I also theorise that a number can also be used to indicate a specific player to be reskined, similar to the ":kick" command.

It is useful for The Developer, for example, to make everyone wear the same skin and then pose for a screenshot.

"Revives" a player that is downed. Displays a regular message pop-up when executed.
I believe that it can also be used along with a specific players number, to revive only them, similar to the ":kick" command.

I say believe because I only saw it being executed (and I being revived) in 2P with The Developer, in which case a number wasn't necessary, a sI was the only other player.

I actually didn't see this one being used, but I know it exists: Because "Developer Commands" make no noise when being executed by a regular player, where as regular messages and commands sent in chat make a " *dong* " sound effect.
And this is one makes no noise. (I discovered it by accident by testing if there was a quick suicide command)
Due to I not having seem it being used, I have 2 theories of it's usage:
1) The ":kill" is used for suicide.
When typed in chat, the command would instantly either kill (or atleast down) The Developer (the one executing the command).

2) The ":kill" command is used for killing/downing other players.
In this case, the command actually would be used to down/kill other players, perhaps even having a similar use to the ":kick" command, that is, having a input going from players 1 to 3 to inform which one is to be killed.
In my opinion, this one is more likely to be true. For a Developer, being able to kill other people who might be causing trouble would be very useful, plus it would make more sense that such a command would be only available for the Developer, as compared to a suicide command, which would normally be more likely available for all, making no sense to be available only to The Developer.

Other Stuff Only The Developer Can Do:
Fly/No Clip

I'm not sure if this is a command (considering I never saw it popping-up in chat), but The Developer is also capable of "flying" around (more like walking on the air), and no-clipping through the ground. Quite cool and useful, ins't it?

Insta-Kill Boars
There were some ocasions that boars all around the map would start dying one by one, until all were dead. It wasn't and all at once/instantaneous thing, but it sure is a fast and easy way for The Developer finish the day quickly, be it to test things, helping people, or just for the sake of saving time.
Perhaps this could be the ":kill" command?

One-Hitting The Farmer
When the 3 Secret/Golden Stars were first released, it was (is) necessary to shoot the Farmer's head a BUNCH of timesto unlock one of them. Because the update was released recently and there was a lot of active players, The Developer was playing and joining lobbies to help people do it.

And to save time, he made it so he was able to do it on just 1 shot to the Farmer's head.

I mean... I'm not sure if I saw it in person, through a video or simply read something, but I think there is reports that the Developer is (or atleast was) capable of "skulling" the Farmer in 1 shot from his trusty pistol.
Updates Section
Date Format: (DD/MM/YYYY)

Guide Created.
Text and Images for sections "Commands (Parts 1 & 2)" and "Unlisted Commands" were recycled/scrapped from the "Book of All" (GIANT guide i was making years ago, which I gave up on).
"REPOSTING/USING MY WORK" Section created.

"DISCLAIMERS" Section Created.

"About "All Chat Commands" Guide" Section Created.

"(Extra) Developer Commands" Section Created.
Made a simple description in 3 minutes.
Made a Icon in 5 minutes.
Formating here and there.
God help me, it's 4:21 AM.
Guide Published.
Updated Guide's Icon to better match the game's theme.

Jetther Terminae  [author] 11 Sep, 2024 @ 7:08pm 
i came back (temporarily) :killpig:
mil 11 Sep, 2024 @ 2:05pm 
bro its been like 4y and u stil playing ts 😭
Jetther Terminae  [author] 7 Sep, 2024 @ 10:01pm 
Leepik28 7 Sep, 2024 @ 4:40am 
16/10 guide