Braid, Anniversary Edition

Braid, Anniversary Edition

63 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Braid, Anniversary Edition 👑
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Thank you for you patience!
Achievement Info
Many years have passed since the release of the original Braid. The gaming industry has changed, new genres have appeared, and old ones have sunk into oblivion, but the unchanging indie classics will never become outdated or become covered with dust. The moment comes to go back in time and get 100% of the achievements in the game as if for the first time......emit tsrif eht rof fi sa emag eht ni stnemeveihca eht fo %001 teg dna emit ni kcab og ot semoc tnemom ehT .tsud htiw derevoc emoceb ro detadtuo emoceb reven lliw scissalc eidni gnignahcnu eht tub ,noivilbo otni knus evah seno dlo dna ,deraeppa evah serneg wen ,degnahc sah yrtsudni gnimag ehT .diarB lanigiro eht fo esaeler eht ecnis dessap evah sraey ynaM

Complete The Game
Unexplored worlds await you, each of which will present its own unique mechanics related to time shift. Each level is designed in such a way that time will be the solution to any problem if you use it correctly. To finish the game you have to complete Worlds 2-6, then World 1 and Epilogue.

Collecting all 8 starts for unlocking secret ending is not required for any achievement, so you won't find any info about it here.

Solve Puzzles
When you go through Worlds 2-6, you will come across puzzle pieces along the way. Each puzzle consists of 12 pieces, scattered across levels within its own World. They must be collected in order to complete the game and get the achievement.

In Anniversary Edition they added World 7, which also has its own puzzle, for solving it you will also grant you an achievement.

Finish Speed Run
After completing the game for the first time, the speedrun mode will open to you. In it you need to go through levels or parts of the game at speed. We are only interested in the most difficult one - completing the entire game in less than 45 minutes.

I Know What I Am Talking About
Many years ago I already played through this game several times and even got all the achievements in it. It's time to come back and not only repeat my success, but also share it with you.

Spoiler Free Zone.
The description of the achievements does not reveal any spoilers for the game, so you can browse through this guide without fear of spoiling your impression of the game's plot. The ways to get achievements that I will describe in this guide will not spoil your walkthrough, so you can use it along with how you progress through the game. Have a good play!

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Hard.
  • Total achievements: 13.
  • Offline achievements: 13.
  • Online Achievements: 0.
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: 10-20 hours.
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: 1.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: Yes.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None.
Traversed World 2

World 2, Time and Forgiveness, is the first World in Braid.

As the first World, it introduces the game and Tim's ability to reverse time, and various uses of it. It also introduces the player to obstacles found commonly throughout the game.

This world has no mechanic. It plays like normal and time flows normally. Tim can reverse time when he makes mistakes or miscalculations, but he can do nothing beyond that. Complete these levels to unlock an achievement.

Three Easy Pieces
The Cloud Bridge
Leap of Faith
Solved World 2

Level 2-1: Three Little Pieces

Level 2-2: The Cloud Bridge

Level 2-3: Hunt!

Level 2-4: Leap of Faith

The final puzzle should look like this:

Traversed World 3

World 3 takes place in a jungle at sunset and is a reintroduction to more complex puzzles: It mainly introduces green glowing objects that are not affected by time manipulation.

Complete these levels to unlock an achievement.

There and Back Again
Ground Beneath Her Feet
Tight Channels
No Puzzles
No Puzzles
Solved World 3

Level 3-1: The Pit

Level 3-2: There and Back Again

Level 3-3: Phase

Level 3-4: The Ground Beneath Her Feet

Level 3-5: Tight Channels

Level 3-6: Irreversible

Level 3-7: Lair

Level 3-8: A Tingling

The final puzzle should look like this:
Traversed World 4

World 4 links the passage of time to the player character's location on the horizontal plane. As the player moves toward the right, time flows forward, while moving toward the left reverses the flow; standing still or moving vertically will pause time. The player's location must be carefully managed in relation to enemies and objects.

Complete these levels to unlock an achievement.

The Pit
Just Out of Reach
Movement by Degrees
Movement, Amplified
Fickle Companion
Solved World 4

Level 4-1: The Pit

Level 4-2: Jumpman

Level 4-3: Just Out of Reach

Level 4-4: Hunt!

Level 4-5: Movement by Degrees

Level 4-6: Movement, Amplified

Level 4-7: Fickle Companion

The final puzzle should look like this:
Traversed World 5

World 5 involves a "shadow" of the player character appearing after the player rewinds time and performing the actions that the real player character rewound; if the timeline expires, the shadow will complete any initiated falls and jumps but will otherwise stand still before disappearing.

Things coloured in violet can interact both with the main character and its shadow at the same time. Puzzles in this section revolve around using this mechanic to carry out multiple actions at once.

Complete these level to unlock an achievement.

Solved World 5

Level 5-1: The Pit

Level 5-2: So Distant

Level 5-3: Unnamed

Level 5-4: Crossing the Gap

Level 5-5: Window of Opportunity

Level 5-6: Lair

Level 5-7: Fragile Companion

The final puzzle should look like this:
Traversed World 6

World 6 provides the player with a magic ring which, when dropped, warps the flow of time. Nearby the ring, moving objects (including Tim) travel in slow motion at only one-fifth their normal speed. The regular rewind control remains available. Complete these level to unlock an achievement.

Solved World 6

Level 6-1: The Pit?

Level 6-2: There and Back Again

Level 6-3: Phase?

Level 6-4: Cascade

Level 6-5: Impassible Foliage

Level 6-6: Elevator Action

Level 6-7: In Another Castle

The final puzzle should look like this:
Solved World 7

Enter the Commentary World, you can do this at any moment during your play. You will find yourself in a hub location with several doors and an unassembled puzzle. In order to unlock the achievement, you will need to find all the puzzle pieces there, and then assemble it.

All 16 puzzle pieces are hidden in certain locations behind special doors. But you still need to get to these doors. First, let's figure out where to find all doors that lead to the puzzles and how to reach them.

Design Door — Cris Moore
(2 Pieces)

Just run forward and rewind time every time you are hit by a cannonball. The cannon is not affected by time, so at the moment when the projectile hits you, you can rewind time and dodge the cannonball. Or you can simply rewind time after death and advance again and again until you reach the ladder.

Design Door — Casey Muratori
(1 Piece)

There is a non-obvious path to this door that has not been used before in Braid - hidden platforms off the screen. Use enemies to jump onto platforms that are high, then jump to the right and continue moving up until you reach a platform from which you can jump down straight to the door.
Design Door — Marc ten Bosch
(1 Piece)

Jump on top of the enemy, as soon as you are at the highest point of your jump, then press Shift and up arrow to stop time. Come up when a new enemy appears and is right under you, release Shift to jump away from him again and jump onto the platform.
Design Door — Brian Moriarty
(2 Pieces)

Pull the lever and immediately jump and move to the right. This will push you high enough to reach the door. If you first run and then try to jump, your jump will be very low.
Design Door — Monologues
(2 Pieces)

Both puzzle doors are at the top. You can jump there using the clouds, jumping at the enemies that fly out of the cannon.
Design Door — Monologues - Alternative Designs (1 Piece)

This door is located under the cannon, first go through it, then run forward to the area with the key. Place the ring and pull the lever. Have time to catch the key before it falls on the spikes. Next, return to the door using the phantom and jump to the door. To do this, you need to stand below and allow yourself to be killed, and then return time so that a phantom can take your place.
Design Door — Special Topics — Fortress
(1 Piece)

Pull the lever and go down, then move to the right. In a room with three floors, first pull the central lever, and then immediately run into the passage on the first floor, the door will be at the very end (it is not visible initially)
Design Door — Special Topics — Guardrails
(1 Piece)

The same lever in the platform (previous door), but now you must hit a cannonball in order to have time to climb up the stairs to the door and not be killed with it.
Programming Door — Overtaken
(2 Pieces)

First, climb the ladder, and then, with the help of your enemy, climb up to the level on the left. Jump off it and jump onto the cannon, then just go right.
Sound & Music Door — Scaffoldings
(1 Piece)

Climb the ladder, and with the help of enemy, climb higher. Jump from the platform with the key to the door with the lock, you don't need to open it. Jump from it onto the platform, pull the lever, then go down and pull the lower lever. The platform itself will take you to the door.
Visual Art Door — Galleries
(1 Piece)

Go through the door and run to the right until you get to Tim's house, climb up to where the door to World 1 is in the original game
Visual Art Door — Blockade
(1 Piece)

In order to get to this door you need to bring the enemy from the far right part of the location to the far left. To do this, you must raise and lower the platforms, let him ride over the hares and not let him die from cannonballs. After that, jump onto him from the stairs and get to the door.

When you collect all pieces now it's time to go back and assemble it.

Puzzle Pieces
Design — Cris Moore — Extreme Secutiry

Design — Casey Muratori — Grip

Design — Marc ten Bosch — Chamber

Design — Brian Moriarty — Lock

Design — Monologues — Shaft

Design — Monologues — Haft

Design — Monologues — Alternative Designs — Clover

Design — Special Topics — Guardrails

Design — Special Topics — Fortress

Programming — Overtaken

Sound & Music — Scaffoldings

Visual Art — Blockade

Visual Art — Galleries — Double Barrel

In order to unlock this achievement you need to complete the following steps:
  • Complete all levels of World 2, World 3, World 4, World 5 and World 6.
  • Collect all 60 puzzle pieces (12 in each world)
  • Assemble all 5 puzzles from the pieces.
  • Each puzzle opens up part of the staircase to the roof in Tim's House. Once you collect all 5 puzzles, World 1 will open to you.

  • Complete World 1
  • After completing World 1, exit Tim's house and run left to start the Epilogue
  • Complete the Epilogue.
Once you complete the Epilogue, the achievement will be unlocked.

Speed Run

After completing the main game, you get access to the Speed Runs mode. In this mode there are 6 speedruns that you can complete. You will get the achievement only for completing the hardest and longest speedrun - Beat Full Game under 45 minutes.

However, this does not mean that the other five speedruns are not interesting for us. These speedruns are designed separately for difficult areas of the game where you can easily get confused and lose a lot of time, so I strongly recommend that you also practice on them in order to prepare yourself for the run.

Here is a list of tips and tricks that I have prepared for those who intend to take the risk of getting this achievement:
  • The world record for speedrunning this game is 22 minutes 56 seconds. An average player can complete the game in 40-44 minutes, depending on how many mistakes he makes.
  • To finish the game you need to complete Worlds 2-6, completely assemble the puzzle pieces in these Worlds, then assemble the puzzles themselves, go through World 1 and the Epilogue. The achievement will unlock once you complete the Epilogue.
  • You can rewind time faster by holding down the Shift key and pressing the down or up arrow keys. Pressing down speeds up time back to speeds -1x, -2x, -4x and -8x. Pressing up rewinds time forward to the moment when the Shift key was pressed at speed x1, x2, x4 and x8. Using this mechanic can save you a lot of time if used correctly.
  • When fighting bosses, try to deal as many hits as possible at once. It would be ideal if, during the battle with the second boss, you drop all the chandeliers on his head in such a way that he dies immediately.
  • The speedrun timer stops if you pause the game. This is very convenient and can help you pass a difficult section after first studying the way to pass.
  • Start assembling the puzzles only after you have collected all its pieces in the World. Do this in Tim’s house, and not on the levels of the World. This will also save time and allow you to quickly move on to the next World without wasting precious seconds.
I know that no matter how detailed the explanation, some of the riddles in Braid are quite complex, so check for a speedrun video. Do everything as in the video below and you will complete the game in the specified time. You can also find other game speed guides on the Internet.

But in any case, keep approximate timecodes for completing the Worlds so that you understand how well you are going, whether you have time left and whether you need to hurry up somewhere and save time. The time indicated takes the completion of all levels + assembly of all puzzles.

World 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 1
Best time to finish
4:30 - 4:40
12:30 - 13:00
19:30 - 20:00
26:30 - 27:00
37:00 - 37:30
42:00 - 42:30

I wish you a successful run! I hope you unlock this achievement and be as proud of yourself as I do about you!

The Comedian 16 Oct, 2024 @ 1:47pm 
Thanks very much!
With your guide I completed 100% of the achievements in both the original Braid and the Anniversary Edition.:steamthumbsup:
The Comedian 11 Oct, 2024 @ 5:06am 
World 7:
Sound & Music Door — Scaffoldings (1 Piece) - New solution:
XEALEEN  [author] 8 Jul, 2024 @ 7:05am 
Hey, Ravix, thank you so much for your words!

I can indeed confirm that I had a desire to add a section to the guide dedicated to how to collect all the stars. I doubted it for a long time and finally decided that since there are no achievements related to stars in the game and unlocking them does not provide any significant advantages, so I did not mention them here.
Ravix 8 Jul, 2024 @ 6:07am 
Such an excellent guide, thank you so much for your work.I admit I don't have as much patience as I had when I first played this game, but it's a real treat to get into it again. I only regret that you didn't talk about the stars, although I understand that they're not mandatory for the 100%
Livendell 20 Jun, 2024 @ 9:21am 
Visual Art Door — Blockade
I thought I could jump to this door with the help of rabbits, but I couldn’t, thanks for the help.
Rinatius 24 May, 2024 @ 4:21am 
World 7:
Sound & Music Door — Scaffoldings (1 Piece) - these level has been changed and there is a grass wall above the locked door.
That's little detail makes a new problem and a Question is "How can we bring a key to this damn door?"
Niragiです 15 May, 2024 @ 5:15am 
CheezyPotatoez 15 May, 2024 @ 12:22am 
MEMEDEMON666 14 May, 2024 @ 6:59pm 
so what about the post game?
you know.... the commentary puzzles
Vermilisix 14 May, 2024 @ 12:53pm 
I've managed to find almost all of the World 7 pieces - just missing 2 of them now.