Sheepy: A Short Adventure

Sheepy: A Short Adventure

125 次評價
Sheepy Map
由 AndresofAstora 發表
Easily find all secrets and collectables.
I mapped out the game and added some icons for a few different things. You should be able to read it based on whats happening on your game. Leave a comment if you have questions, need help, or just let me know what you think of the maps. Also, a rating would be appreciated. Thanks! :)

Lore / Info
Levers / Elevators / Moving Platforms (Chapter 3 has x6 hidden levers needed to get the vinyl)
Collapsing Platforms
Gravity Portal (those things that launch you a bit)
Boss Fights
Chapter 1 : First Steps
Chapter 2 : Descent
Chapter 3 - Revelation
Chapter 4 : Passage of Time
Chapter 5 : Purgatory
Chapter 6 : Apotheosis
Thanks for checking out my maps, hope they helped!

Here's the entire game map (except the long run section).

15 則留言
tassiya 10 月 2 日 下午 12:06 
You're the best! Thank you!!!
Colorain 9 月 29 日 上午 8:45 
I recommend this game:steamthumbsup:
ΛKΛЯПIΛ 8 月 31 日 下午 2:50 
Map 3 has another achievement that isn't labeled. It's in the lower area under the second long red line. It's tied to the flower achievement :)
Kujon 8 月 14 日 上午 6:08 
Linkling, it doesnt, besides going up is more fun
kanizaki 8 月 10 日 下午 9:23 
in Chapter at long run.
is it does matter if we go up or down?
Grogyfroggy 8 月 8 日 下午 11:23 
will save this for later, thanks :steamthumbsup:
Gilmar0721 7 月 18 日 下午 12:17 
ty :steamthumbsup:
Holland 7 月 15 日 上午 11:18 
Very well done <3
Pikakiki 7 月 6 日 下午 3:12 
Thx man : simple, easy to read. Nice job !
Linkling 6 月 24 日 上午 6:56 
I dont think the spikes in the first boos room sould be referred as traps because they dont hurt the player