Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

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Serious Medina Defender
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Content: Maps
Type: Additions
Ukuran File
5.363 MB
5 Mei @ 5:24am
29 Mei @ 11:01am
6 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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Serious Medina Defender

Dalam koleksi 2 dari Ultimate Kamahl
Kamahl's Survival maps +needed mods
Item 16
Kamahl's subscriptions
Item 45
Easiest survival map is no more. Medina Defender just got serious! Map is more open so all enemies can roam around so you can't camp in a corner while big enemie is blocking all other enemies.
Featuring enemies from some TSE, modded enemies, boss, new spaws and more.
(Would have added modded weapons if that would be possible)
Map lasts for 20 mins and after that spawns carry on with maximum amount.

-Spawn delay, amount changes
-Enemies don't get stuck on new area spawn spots (for real)
-Boss should not escape anymore
-Added Suprise enemy on coop after boss
-Invisible wall changes
-Srapjacks start moving after 20 sec

-Map can be seen on menu even if this map is the only one of my maps
-small fixes
1 Komentar
🔵Andreiki🔵 28 Mei @ 10:57pm 
When sp/coop maps:steambored: