Citizen Sleeper
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100% achievements in 1 run roadmap
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A roadmap to unlocking all 27 achievements in 1 run
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This guide is NOT supposed to be an achievement guide nor a walkthrough, but a mere roadmap - even if a fairly detailed one - to unlocking all of the achievements for the game in a single playthrough.

If you need a comprehensive guide, including the achievements, I highly recommend this impressive guide by GoldenSun on Neoseeker >>[].

My roadmap was inspired by NoHeroes94's post on the TrueAchievements forums for Citizen Sleeper >>[] and is meant to expand and improve upon it. NoHeroes94 did a good job overall but their roadmap contains some inaccuracies I aim to correct here and is written from the perspective of an Xbox user, a platform different from a PC (duh), especially when it comes to save data manipulation, which is still required but far easier on a PC, even with the Steam cloud saving enabled.

The goal is to outline the steps needed to unlock all 27 achievements in 1 playthrough, which calls for some planning, specific choices at key points in the game and a dash of save data manipulation for good measure.

I did my best to minimize spoilers as much as possible but obviously some cannot be avoided entirely, especially for the endings, but I tried to sidestep them regardless by being deliberately vague in some cases and using the spoiler tags like these spoiler alert! generously to avoid giving away too much.
Additional notes
Order of unlocking the achievements
For Steps 1 and 2 of this roadmap, the order of unlocking the achievements does NOT matter, but I recommend reading further than your current step so as not to void the achievements listed in Steps 3 and 4. For those, the order DOES matter indeed and you should make sure to follow the roadmap as closely as possible.

Technically, some of the achievements can be unlocked earlier or later than indicated in this roadmap without derailing your 100% achievements run, including:
  • both SQUATTERS RIGHTS and LOOT BOXES can be unlocked at any time after you've gained access to certain locations (see Step 2);
  • MINDCRAFT (see Step 1) can also be unlocked by following the early stages of Character 9's storyline (in Step 3), shortly before the INSERT MIND achievement;
  • LEFT BEHIND can also be unlocked as part of Step 4, PATH 2 by going along with your contractor's plan initially but changing your mind at the last second.
⚠️ Beware: LOOT BOXES is HIGHLY missable unless you know EXACTLY what you need to do with NO margin for error. And while unlocking SQUATTERS RIGHTS or MINDCRAFT later than indicated shouldn't interfere with your 100% achievements run, putting off LEFT BEHIND for later might, depending on whether the game's autosave triggers or not. If it does, you might be forced to restore your Backup Save #2 again. Which shouldn't be a big problem at this point but it's an extra step that can be easily avoided.

Endings and points of no return (PoNR)
The base game features 8 endings in total, inextricably tied to the storylines of some of the characters you meet along the way (characters 9, 10 and 11 as listed below, to be exact). Those usually involve a binary choice and come in pairs, with one FINAL ending that concludes the Sleeper's story, while the other is NON-FINAL and lets you continue and work on other drives and towards other endings.

Each storyline that concludes in an ending features AT LEAST one point of no return (PoNR), after which you are forced to commit to an ending. I'll mark those points with ⛔ below.

Save data manipulation
Unlocking all 27 achievements for this game would normally require 3 separate playthroughs. But through some save data manipulation it CAN be done in just a single run, with backup saves made at certain key points and restored later in order to unlock further endings and their associated achievements.

To locate the save data for Citizen Sleeper on Windows, simply copy and paste this address into any of your Windows Explorer address bars and hit Enter:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Jump Over the Age\Citizen Sleeper

I'll indicate with 💾 exactly when you need to make a backup of your save data and when to restore it.

To do the former, simply copy/paste the save data to another location of your choosing.

To do the latter, you simply need to quit the game entirely, replace the current save data with the backup, launch the game again and load the save. You shouldn't even have to worry about the cloud saves as this method shouldn't interfere with them. At least in my case it didn't, and I had the Steam cloud saving enabled for this game the whole time.

I optimized this roadmap in a way that minimizes the number of times you need to back up and restore your save data to only THREE instances, clearly indicated below. Only TWO are strictly necessary since the very first one, made before attempting the LOOT BOXES achievement, is merely a precaution but recommended nonetheless just to be safe.

Extra episodes
There are no achievements tied to the extra episodes (Flux, Refuge and Purge) but I highly recommend checking them out as they offer some of the best narratives in the game, IMO. The final extra episode (Purge) also comes with its own endings, all of them final. For that reason alone, I'd suggest leaving at least that one to the VERY end of your playthrough, after completing Step 4 of the roadmap and getting your 27th achievement.
Roadmap Part 1 (No endings)
Step 1: Complete the drives for the characters 1-8 (13/27 achievements)

Those drives (storylines) aren't tied to any of the endings and can be safely completed in any order, except for Ethan's and Feng's.

In this case, you must finish Ethan's before Feng's. Ethan's storyline NEEDS to be FULLY completed BEFORE Feng's in order to unlock the one missable achievement towards the very end of Ethan's storyline that may become unobtainable if you progress Feng's too far. You can still advance Feng's drives quite a lot but STOP JUST AFTER your first interaction with Feng in the Greenway BEFORE helping him with a certain node there by slotting the first Ripperworm at Conway Access.

Also, do NOT steal shipments from Midline Freight Hub unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure you'll succeed. Otherwise, you might void the LOOT BOXES achievement (as explained in Step 2 below).

Other than that, feel free to explore and alternate between the tasks, including those for the 8 characters listed below, especially when you have to wait for various Cycle Clocks (automatically progressing) to complete in between. For that reason the order in which you progress those storylines and hence unlock the associated achievements may vary but it's ENTIRELY up to you which drives you want to focus on.

For convenience's sake, I list those characters in the order adopted in GoldenSun's Neoseeker guide - except for Ethan and Feng for the reasons explained above - with handy links to their separate pages in it.

1️⃣ Dragos the Salvager >>[]

Clear the debt and return a favour for your first friend on the Eye.
Find a gift from someone like you. Hidden away.

2️⃣ Sabine the Slum Doctor >>[]

Buy yourself some extra time, one vial at a time.
Stop the signal.

3️⃣ Emphis the Food Vendor >>[]

Putting those sample collecting skills to good use.
Trade food and stories with a local.

4️⃣ Tala the Distiller >>[]

Help a friend distil their future.

5️⃣ Ankhita the Stranded Mercenary >>[]

Build a shipmind from fragments.
Find an old crew mate at the edge of the rim.

6️⃣ Riko the Botanist >>[]

Communist, noun. Someone who joins a commune.
Become self-sufficient through botany.

7️⃣ Ethan the Bounty Hunter >>[]

Note: make sure to complete Ethan's storyline before Feng's.

Witness a lifetime of bad decisions catching up with someone.

8️⃣ Feng the Engineer >>[]

One last reminder: make sure to complete Ethan's storyline before Feng's.

Crack the toughest security system on The Eye.

Step 2: Unlock the two non-story achievements (15/27 achievements)

Find a place and make it yours.
Steal three shipments just to see what's inside.

The next 2 achievements are the only ones that are not tied to the story per se and hence are missable, especially if you don't explore the Lowend (for SQUATTERS RIGHTS) and the Free Spoke (for LOOT BOXES) enough. Technically, they can be unlocked at any time but it's more prudent to leave them till you're intimately familiar with the game's mechanics and have access to more resources. Which should be right about now, hopefully :-)

SQUATTERS RIGHTS is relatively easy as it only requires 4 scrap components to fully refurbish the Derelict Unit in the Lowend.

LOOT BOXES, however, is HIGHLY missable and can be easily messed up so read on.

💾 Make Backup Save #1 BEFORE proceeding further, just to be safe.
💾 Restore Backup Save #1 if you mess up.

As soon as you have access to Midline Freight Hub in the Free Spoke, be VERY careful, as you can't afford ANY mistakes for that achievement: you need to steal 3 shipments with POSITIVE outcome in as many tries before the security gets wise to your scheme. Be sure to only attempt this Interface skill-based Repeatable Action with high enough dies (dice) that guarantee a positive outcome, so at least 4-sided (and better yet 5- or 6-sided) ones depending on your Interface skill at this point. On a side note, you may want to quit the game just after your 3rd successful "property redistribution" as after that Midline Freight Hub disappears from the map entirely and normally it offers a decently paying gig (Repeatable Action), especially with high enough Interface skill.

If you need further help with those 2 achievements, follow these guides:
Roadmap Part 2 (Endings)
Step 3: Complete the drives for the characters 9 & 10 with 2 endings each (21/27 achievements)

Each of those 2 storylines culminates in 2 endings (one final and one non-final) so they're best completed towards the conclusion of your run. You can still progress pretty far with both but you NEED to stop at their respective points of no return (PoNRs) if you want to continue your 100% achievements run by first selecting the option for the final ending, watching or skipping the credits, reloading the save and selecting the other option for the non-final ending that will let you carry on with your journey.

You might have already met the 11th character but do NOT progress their storyline beyond their first PoNR pretty early on (more on that in Step 4).

9️⃣ NeoVend the Vending Machine >>[]

What's the weirdest thing you've ever gotten out of a vending machine?

NeoVend's point of no return: Slotting a certain item the Gardener's Seed at its dedicated place Riko's Growbed in the Greenway.

Do NOT proceed unless you're ready to commit because it starts a countdown to a scene that offers 2 choices, each with their own ending.

If you want to continue your 100% achievements run, make sure to start with the 1st option Break the thread to unlock:

Accept the offer, break the thread, and join the chorus.

After watching/skipping the credits and reloading the save, select the 2nd option Follow the thread now to unlock:

Turn away and follow the thread back home.

1️⃣0️⃣ Bliss the Ship Mechanic >>[]

Buy into the Hub's competitive repair market.

Bliss' point of no return: Completing the 4th contract "Refitting Amber" Step Clock.

Do NOT proceed unless you're ready to commit because it automatically starts a scene that offers 2 choices, each with their own ending.

If you want to continue your 100% achievements run, make sure to start with the 1st option I'm going and stick to it to unlock:

Set off to the Starward belt, with a friend outrunning their shadow.

After watching/skipping the credits and reloading the save, select the 2nd option I'm staying now and stick to it to unlock:

Everything can be repaired with enough time and effort.

Step 4: Complete the drives for the last character(s) with 4 endings (27/27 achievements)

1️⃣1️⃣ Lem the Shipyard Worker & Mina >>[]

As mentioned above, we deliberately left this character for the VERY end of the playthrough. This is by far the most involved storyline as it culminates in one of 4 endings, one of which requires a specific choice pretty early on.

Once you gain access to Lem & Mina's Unit in the Lowend and Sidereal Hull at the same time with their respective Step Clocks, STOP to consider your choices.

Lem & Mina's point of no return #1: Fully completing the Step Clock at either Lem & Mina's Unit or Sidereal Hull.

💾 Make Backup Save #2 BEFORE proceeding further.

Unlike the previous PoNRs, going past this one by completing either of those Step Clocks doesn't lead to a scene ending the game but It DOES lock you into one of the two possible paths that eventually culminate in endings. The recommended order for the 100% achievements run is as follows.


Ignore the Step Clock at Lem & Mina's Unit ("Ticket Out") altogether and complete the one at Sidereal Hull instead, and you'll eventually unlock:

Do whatever it takes to get that ticket.

Following this path to completion, you'll eventually see Lem and Mina again at Sidereal Horizon's launch and face a choice. This time, start with the 2nd option Board to unlock:

Nothing will get in the way of your escape. Apart from you.

After watching/skipping the credits and reloading the save, select the 1st option Call out now and stick to it Call out again > Call Lem down > Hand him the ID to unlock:

Let them go.

💾 Restore Backup Save #2

After restoring the save, follow the other path now.


First complete the Step Clock at Lem & Mina's Unit ("Ticket Out") and ONLY THEN complete the one at Sidereal Hull, unlocking the following achievement immediately:

Help a friend and have fun with Bun-bun.

Progress till you've completed the data extraction at Celis Ship for your contractorCastor, then STOP to consider your choices again.

Lem & Mina's point of no return #2: Returning to your contractor after extracting the data for them.

💾 Make Backup Save #3 BEFORE proceeding further.

Returning to your contractor, you'll also talk to someone else Lem and be faced with a choice that will determine the possible endings. Either way, you'll need to follow this storyline to completion in order to unlock the associated achievement.

At this point, it doesn't really matter whether you'll decide to go along with your contractor's plan or not. Whatever your decision, you'll need to restore Backup Save #2 to select the other option and unlock the last ending. But if you want to continue your run AFTER that ending (to free roam or complete the extra episodes), here's the suggested order.

First, go along with your contractor's plan and give Lem the IDs, eventually earning:

Leave The Eye carried by someone else's dream.

💾 Restore Backup Save #3

After restoring the save, this time do NOT go along with your contractor's plan and destroy the IDs, eventually earning:

Stay in the orbit of others.

And with that, all 27 achievements should now be unlocked, yay!

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远上不名山 26 апр. 2024 в 20:49 