Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 人が評価
Light-weight Mod Recommend
作者: AkisuzuLightz
A personal Light-weight Mod Recommend for medium PCs. All 60 mods here are compatible with each other in latest (probably the final) version 1.17.1-f4 game.
Some popular mods like Procedural Object, Render it, Lumina, Eyecandy X are not included because of they are too complicated to be Light-weight.
Recent update:
  • Add Train Display Mod: Updated and Sub Building Tabs. 2 less important mods are removed.
  • Update First Person Camera to its continual version.

One click to subscribe:

Annoyed by always clicking? See my guide to figure out best hotkey layout for yourself:

Also see my assets, LUTs and saves to figure out best playset for yourself:
Cities built by those mods:
6 件のコメント
N - Gaming 9月21日 11時02分 
If you want to use it for Epic Games download it from (manual: steam CMD set up) or from a steam workshop downloader there is one sometimes it doesn't work but for popular mods it works most of the time (worth the try)
reflex-move© 9月20日 10時45分 
I will leave this cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up and awards

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Aseager85 9月7日 9時00分 
Dane 7月25日 6時11分 
Can you maybe make it so i also can use it for Epic Games?
Doc001 5月19日 15時29分 
Thanks. Although I use most of these already.
notDONEyet 4月8日 2時05分 
nice work