Victoria II

Victoria II

34 évaluations
How to Switch Countries Easily with Heart of Darkness
De Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca
- Heart of Darkness Version -
To Easily Change Countries without going through the Main Menu and such try this!
Press your ~ Tilde Key
Type "tag"
Then put one of the following country tags in to quickly change countries and move troops, change economic data, or just start playing as them.
An example for this for switching to France would be "tag FRA"
Be sure to pause if you plan on switching back to your main country afterwards.
# Special countries...
REB = "countries/rebels.txt"

# Common Great Powers
ENG = "countries/United Kingdom.txt"
RUS = "countries/Russia.txt"
FRA = "countries/France.txt"
PRU = "countries/Prussia.txt"
GER = "countries/Germany.txt"
AUS = "countries/Austria.txt"
USA = "countries/USA.txt"
♥♥♥ = "countries/Japan.txt"
ITA = "countries/Italy.txt"
KUK = "countries/Austria-Hungary.txt"

# Scandinavia
DEN = "countries/Denmark.txt"
FIN = "countries/Finland.txt"
NOR = "countries/Norway.txt"
SCA = "countries/Scandinavia.txt"
SWE = "countries/Sweden.txt"

# Western Europe
BEL = "countries/Belgium.txt"
CAT = "countries/Catalonia.txt"
FLA = "countries/Flanders.txt"
IRE = "countries/Ireland.txt"
NET = "countries/Netherlands.txt"
POR = "countries/Portugal.txt"
SCO = "countries/Scotland.txt"
SPA = "countries/Spain.txt"
WLL = "countries/Wallonia.txt"

# Germany
ANH = "countries/Anhalt.txt"
BAD = "countries/Baden.txt"
BAV = "countries/Bavaria.txt"
BRA = "countries/Braunschweig.txt"
BRE = "countries/Bremen.txt"
COB = "countries/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.txt"
DZG = "countries/Danzig.txt"
FRM = "countries/Frankfurt am Main.txt"
HAM = "countries/Hamburg.txt"
HAN = "countries/Hanover.txt"
HES = "countries/Hesse-Darmstadt.txt"
HEK = "countries/Hesse-Kassel.txt"
HOL = "countries/Holstein.txt"
LIP = "countries/Lippe-Detmold.txt"
LUB = "countries/Lubeck.txt"
LUX = "countries/Luxemburg.txt"
MEC = "countries/Mecklenburg.txt"
MEI = "countries/Saxe-Meiningen.txt"
NAS = "countries/Nassau.txt"
NGF = "countries/North German Fed.txt"
OLD = "countries/Oldenburg.txt"
SAX = "countries/Saxony.txt"
SCH = "countries/Schleswig.txt"
SGF = "countries/South German Fed.txt"
WEI = "countries/Saxe-Weimar.txt"
WUR = "countries/Wurttemberg.txt"

# Italy
LOM = "countries/Lombardia.txt"
LUC = "countries/Lucca.txt"
MOD = "countries/Modena.txt"
PAP = "countries/Papal States.txt"
PAR = "countries/Parma.txt"
SAR = "countries/Sardinia-Piedmont.txt"
SIC = "countries/Two Sicilies.txt"
TRE = "countries/Trieste.txt"
TUS = "countries/Tuscany.txt"
VEN = "countries/Venice.txt"

# Eastern Europe
BOH = "countries/Bohemia-Moravia.txt"
KRA = "countries/Krakow.txt"
CRI = "countries/Crimea.txt"
EST = "countries/Estonia.txt"
HUN = "countries/Hungary.txt"
LIT = "countries/Lithuania.txt"
LAT = "countries/Latvia.txt"
POL = "countries/Poland.txt"
SLV = "countries/Slovakia.txt"
SWI = "countries/Switzerland.txt"
RUT = "countries/Ruthenia.txt"
SIE = "countries/Siebenburgen.txt"
UKR = "countries/Ukraine.txt"
CZH = "countries/Czechoslovakia.txt"

# Balkans
ALB ="countries/Albania.txt"
BOS ="countries/Bosnia-Herzegovina.txt"
BUL ="countries/Bulgaria.txt"
CRE ="countries/Crete.txt"
CRO ="countries/Croatia.txt"
CYP ="countries/Cyprus.txt"
GRE ="countries/Greece.txt"
ION ="countries/Ionian Islands.txt"
MOL ="countries/Moldavia.txt"
MON ="countries/Montenegro.txt"
ROM ="countries/Romania.txt"
SER ="countries/Serbia.txt"
SLO ="countries/Slovenia.txt"
TUR ="countries/Ottoman Empire.txt"
WAL ="countries/Wallachia.txt"
YUG ="countries/Yugoslavia.txt"

# Africa
ALD ="countries/Aldjazair.txt"
CNG ="countries/Congo Free State.txt"
EGY ="countries/Egypt.txt"
ETH ="countries/Ethiopia.txt"
MAD ="countries/Madagascar.txt"
LIB ="countries/Liberia.txt"
MOR ="countries/Morocco.txt"
NAL ="countries/Natalia.txt"
ORA ="countries/Oranje.txt"
SAF ="countries/South Africa.txt"
SOK ="countries/Sokoto.txt"
RHO ="countries/Southern Rhodesia.txt"
TRI ="countries/Tripoli.txt"
TRN ="countries/Transvaal.txt"
TUN ="countries/Tunis.txt"
ZAN ="countries/Zanzibar.txt"
ZUL ="countries/Zulu.txt"

# Cental Asia
ABU ="countries/Abu Dhabi.txt"
AFG ="countries/Afghanistan.txt"
ARM ="countries/Armenia.txt"
AZB ="countries/Azerbaijan.txt"
BUK ="countries/Bukkhara.txt"
GEO ="countries/Georgia.txt"
HDJ ="countries/Hedjaz.txt"
IRQ ="countries/Iraq.txt"
KHI ="countries/Khiva.txt"
KOK ="countries/Kokand.txt"
MUG ="countries/Mughalistan.txt"
NEJ ="countries/Nejd.txt"
OMA ="countries/Oman.txt"
PER ="countries/Persia.txt"
YEM ="countries/Yemen.txt"

# India
HND ="countries/India.txt"
AWA ="countries/Awadh.txt"
BAS ="countries/Bastar.txt"
BER ="countries/Beroda.txt"
BHO ="countries/Bhopal.txt"
BIK ="countries/Bikaner.txt"
BUN ="countries/Bundelkhand.txt"
GWA ="countries/Gwailor.txt"
HYD ="countries/Hyderabad.txt"
IND ="countries/Indore.txt"
JAI ="countries/Jaipur.txt"
JAS ="countries/Jaisalmer.txt"
JOD ="countries/Jodhpur.txt"
KAL ="countries/Kalat.txt"
KAS ="countries/Kashmir.txt"
KUT ="countries/Kutch.txt"
LAD ="countries/Ladakh.txt"
MAK ="countries/Makran.txt"
MEW ="countries/Mewar.txt"
MYS ="countries/Mysore.txt"
NAG ="countries/Nagpur.txt"
NEP ="countries/Nepal.txt"
ORI ="countries/Orissa.txt"
PAN ="countries/Panjab.txt"
SHI ="countries/Shimla.txt"
SIK ="countries/Sikkim.txt"
SIN ="countries/Sind.txt"
TRA ="countries/Travancore.txt"

# Eastern Asia
ATJ ="countries/Atjeh.txt"
BAL ="countries/Bali.txt"
BHU ="countries/Bhutan.txt"
BRU ="countries/Brunei.txt"
BUR ="countries/Burma.txt"
CAM ="countries/Cambodia.txt"
CHI ="countries/China.txt"
DAI ="countries/Dai Viet.txt"
JAV ="countries/Java.txt"
KOR ="countries/Korea.txt"
LUA ="countries/Luang Prabang.txt"
JOH ="countries/Johore.txt"
SIA ="countries/Siam.txt"
TIB ="countries/Tibet.txt"
MGL ="countries/Mongolia.txt"
WIA ="countries/Wiang Chhan.txt"
PHI ="countries/Philippines.txt"
MCK ="countries/Manchukuo.txt"
GXI ="countries/Guangxi Clique.txt"
SXI ="countries/Shanxi.txt"
YNN ="countries/Yunnan.txt"
XBI ="countries/Xibei San Ma.txt"
XIN ="countries/Xinjiang.txt"

# North America
CAL ="countries/Californian Republic.txt"
CAN ="countries/Canada.txt"
CHE ="countries/Cherokee.txt"
COL ="countries/Columbia.txt"
COS ="countries/Costa Rica.txt"
CSA ="countries/CSA.txt"
CUB ="countries/Cuba.txt"
DES ="countries/Deseret.txt"
DOM ="countries/Dominican Republic.txt"
ELS ="countries/El Salvador.txt"
GUA ="countries/Guatemala.txt"
HAI ="countries/Haiti.txt"
HAW ="countries/Hawaii.txt"
MAN ="countries/Manhattan Commune.txt"
MEX ="countries/Mexico.txt"
MTC ="countries/Metis Confederacy.txt"
HON ="countries/Honduras.txt"
NEN ="countries/New England.txt"
NEW ="countries/Newfoundland.txt"
NIC ="countries/Nicaragua.txt"
PNM ="countries/Panama.txt"
QUE ="countries/Quebec.txt"
TEX ="countries/Texas.txt"
UCA ="countries/United States of Central America.txt"

# South America
ARG ="countries/Argentina.txt"
BOL ="countries/Bolivia.txt"
BRZ ="countries/Brazil.txt"
CHL ="countries/Chile.txt"
CLM ="countries/Colombia.txt"
ECU ="countries/Ecuador.txt"
PEU ="countries/Peru.txt"
PRG ="countries/Paraguay.txt"
URU ="countries/Uruguay.txt"
VNZ ="countries/Venezuela.txt"

# Australasia
AST ="countries/Australia.txt"
NZL ="countries/New Zealand.txt"

#new for 1.2
ISR ="countries/Israel.txt"
BYZ ="countries/Byzantium.txt"
ICL ="countries/Iceland.txt"
BAB ="countries/Babylonia.txt"

#new for AHD
TPG ="countries/Taiping.txt"

#AHD 2.3
ARA ="countries/Arabia.txt"
UBD = "countries/United Baltic Provinces.txt"
BYE = "countries/Belarus.txt"
PLC = "countries/Poland-Lithuania.txt"
GCO ="countries/Gran Colombia.txt"

JAN = "countries/JanMayen.txt"
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Switching Countries Heart of Darkness Released Colonial Nations
##HoD Dominions
dynamic_tags = yes # any tags after this is considered dynamic dominions
D01 = "countries/D01.txt"
D02 = "countries/D02.txt"
D03 = "countries/D03.txt"
D04 = "countries/D04.txt"
D05 = "countries/D05.txt"
D06 = "countries/D06.txt"
D07 = "countries/D07.txt"
D08 = "countries/D08.txt"
D09 = "countries/D09.txt"
D10 = "countries/D10.txt"
D11 = "countries/D11.txt"
D12 = "countries/D12.txt"
D13 = "countries/D13.txt"
D14 = "countries/D14.txt"
D15 = "countries/D15.txt"
D16 = "countries/D16.txt"
D17 = "countries/D17.txt"
D18 = "countries/D18.txt"
D19 = "countries/D19.txt"
D20 = "countries/D20.txt"
D21 = "countries/D21.txt"
D22 = "countries/D22.txt"
D23 = "countries/D23.txt"
D24 = "countries/D24.txt"
D25 = "countries/D25.txt"
D26 = "countries/D26.txt"
D27 = "countries/D27.txt"
D28 = "countries/D28.txt"
D29 = "countries/D29.txt"
D30 = "countries/D30.txt"
D31 = "countries/D31.txt"
D32 = "countries/D32.txt"
D33 = "countries/D33.txt"
D34 = "countries/D34.txt"
D35 = "countries/D35.txt"
D36 = "countries/D36.txt"
D37 = "countries/D37.txt"
D38 = "countries/D38.txt"
D39 = "countries/D39.txt"
D40 = "countries/D40.txt"
D41 = "countries/D41.txt"
D42 = "countries/D42.txt"
D43 = "countries/D43.txt"
D44 = "countries/D44.txt"
D45 = "countries/D45.txt"
D46 = "countries/D46.txt"
D47 = "countries/D47.txt"
D48 = "countries/D48.txt"
D49 = "countries/D49.txt"
D50 = "countries/D50.txt"
12 commentaires
julkkis666 17 nov. 2019 à 15h18 
note that switching tags (in my experience) usually disables the AI unit movement. this is fixed by saving and reloading.
Coconut2 25 févr. 2017 à 6h49 
Wheres Qinghai?
Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca  [créateur] 29 sept. 2016 à 9h34 
One Trick 28 sept. 2016 à 13h31 
Oh nevermind, Sikh Empire is my mods version of Panjab. Whoops.
One Trick 28 sept. 2016 à 13h29 
Would you happen to know the tag for the Sikh Empire? I can't find it on here, or anywhere else for that matter...
Samuron 16 avr. 2016 à 7h42 
As of the new 3.0.4 beta patch this isnt working anymore, or i'm to dumb
ちこ Chiko 4 juin 2015 à 16h30 
Thank you so much!! I could never find the tags for other countries that arent what you'd think they would be.
Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca  [créateur] 3 janv. 2015 à 9h24 
Krook 3 janv. 2015 à 5h53 
where is Hevenly kingdom?
Mr. Gobbler 20 déc. 2014 à 8h21 
ok thanks