Gothic 1 Classic
Недостатньо оцінок
No weapon trails
До улюбленого
В улюблених
Type: Addon
Category: Utility
Розмір файлу
876.000 B
14 берез. о 8:42

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No weapon trails

Removes immersion breaking white weapon trail effect after shooting arrows or swinging melee weapons
Коментарів: 8
gv.ryad.goryachev 8 листоп. о 17:38 
I don't understand anything, but it's very interesting
Левое Яйцо 23 берез. о 4:01 
1984  [автор] 22 берез. о 8:21 
to each their own :)
Zionide 21 берез. о 18:40 
Those tracers are one of many big charms with the game imo :D
1984  [автор] 20 берез. о 7:49 

Originally those trails exist to help people with timing weapon swing combos and for arrows I suppose so it is either to tell where you are being shot from.

But the game is very old so they didn't account for disabling it using ini files.

In Gothic 2 you can disable weapon tracers using ini but not the arrow tracers
FaceFisted 19 берез. о 14:43 
scary this even has to be a mod. you'd think there was some kind of quality control, but no. this has to be modded in.
Thanks for your work
koko 16 берез. о 9:35 
it wasn't that big problem tho:DSTskull:
(Ubi) Frost) 16 берез. о 7:07 