Gothic II: Gold Classic

Gothic II: Gold Classic

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INI Fixes - Quick Looting and No Weapon Swing Tracers
By 1984
Short Guide telling you how to edit ini file to make picking up objects faster as well as removing white weapon traces, along other fixes
Removing stupid white weapon traces after swings:

If you want to increase immersion and atmosphere in game you can disable these stupid weapon tracers for good!go into Gothic.ini and set zShowWeaponTrails=0 (which is easier)

Picking up objects from the ground faster:
You can also disable taking animation which allows you to save time on picking up objects by setting No_Take_Anim=1 in Gothic ini.

Misc Fixes:

Also, you can make corpses stay on in game forever even after being looted.

In Gothic.ini Set spawnRemoveNpcOnlyIfEmpty=1 for it to work.

Additionally, spawnUseDeadNpcRoutinePos=0 this makes corpses stay where you killed them, setting this to 1 makes the corpses appear as per their routine if they were alive.

This is helpful if you need to resurrect someone using marvin mode but you cannot find them. or maybe if you forget to loot them