Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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ActionHOI Light
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12 mars 2024 à 11h40
23 janv. à 8h24
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ActionHOI Light

Updated to 1.15!
(Finally. This was so much work! And the mod description is hitting the character limit)
("Light" Version aims to be compatible to as many other mods as possible. All map-related features from the description are absent in Light.)

Are you sick and tired of nothing moving anymore in current vanilla?
Are your games screeching to a halt in 1942?
Would you rather pull out your toenails than to ever use battleplans?
Are you getting bugged by all the bugs and illogical nonsense?

Well I have just the mod for you!

Key Features:
-Lots of Performance improvements.
-Completely overhauled the combat system in order to be more dynamic.

More movement. Less WW1-Simulator. Detailed explanation below.*
-The Battleplanning AI should yield much better results now.
-Game speed redesign
(removed speed 1 + 2. What was speed 3 and 4 is now speed 1 and 2. Higher levels are even faster. Game doesnt auto-pause on lag, but still slows down to avoid input lag and desyncs. Speed 5 should be multiplayer-compatible now.)
-Restored the pre-1.11 system of how combat damage is dealt. This means that big divisions are good again. This is by far the most important change to the combat system.

New features:
Mod Version 0.1.2
- Airport overcrowding penalty lowered to 0.5 from 2.
- Equipment variants now have correct Numbering. First variant will be Nr. 2, next one Nr. 3 etc.

- No more accidents when training your navy. 0% chance.
- Manchukuo actually gets China even with AI Japan (see below)

Future features:
- (planned) I will remove the annoying wailing sound heard over battles
- (planned) I will make city names be readable even from a good distance, even for small cities.
- (planned) get rid of even more useless news articles that matter to nobody. maybe instead have some extra articles that actually matter to players, especially multiplayer players.
- (planned) make AI Japan hesitate declaring on allies if china war still rages on.
- (planned) Loading Screen Tips to make the game more accessible to less experienced players.

More features:
- Popups don't appear centered
- No more confusing Equipment names
- Newspaper sound is no earrape anymore

- Concentrated Industry makes sense now
- Refineries are better (and give oil)
- China surrenders earlier. (At 20% instead of 5%)
- AI Manchu rushes factories and coring China. Manchu is now the optimal puppet to inherit China. Restores Qing Empire.

-All Air Wings are size 200 now. (Spyplanes size 50. Carrier Wings untouched.)
-Spy Reminder Event + Sound
-Fixed the many broken things about Anti Air. Support AA is not broken OP anymore. Including a lot of AA in your Divisions should be better now. SPAA is 1 combat width again, benefits from AA tech, and is really good now. Which is necessary, because...
-Air Support deals way more damage to divisions, both by CAS and TAC

-Rockets come earlier and have a lot more range
-Stratbombers are nerfed if BBA is off. If BBA is on, they are untouched.
-USA can't join the war early and gets rid of isolationism later.
-Equipment Conversion Tech now also gives Ship refit and repair speed

-It is now possible to invade Gibraltar from the west.
-Removed Aussa from the game
Fixed Vichy border

-Fixed many small annoyances (for example Tooltip Delay, Airwing deployment delay, Army Toolbar misclicks, ... and many more)
-No more strange factions
-Better Artworks for Reichskommissariates

My HOI-Discord, where this mod will be primarily played:

*Combat system changes explained in detail:

-Restored the pre-NSB system of how damage is dealt. (Each division will now fight against one other division. This means that big divisions are good again. Stop spamming sh*tties!) This is by far the most important change to the combat system.
-Coordination stat is meaningless now because of that.
(it was already meaningless before, but I digress)
-Reduced the penalty for not fitting the combat width exactly.

Battleplan AI:
-Divisions will now always railroad to the front. No need to spam CTRL-B anymore.
-Told the AI to focus on following the arrow instead of attacking to the side. This should result in more encirclements, better AI micro, more movement on the frontline, and even the possibility to play the game without microing at all if you wish to do so!
-Told the AI to walk into more empty territory. Still does not reliably do that, but it is better than in vanilla. We're getting there.

-Removed the doubling of fuel consumption during combat.
-Increased division fuel stockpile size from 4 to 6 days of driving around or fighting.

-Reduced speed penalties for low supply. (Low organization and low fuel already give a penalty, both are caused by low supply)
-Nullified the attrition from low supply because attrition never affects manpower anyways. (Equipment should not turn to dust because there is nothing to eat. Attrition can never affect manpower anyways in HOI. Tanks exploding from lack of food makes no sense at all.)

-Nullified the speed penalty from enemy air superiority.
-Nullified the speed penalty from being in combat.
{This change is not final. It might result in an unintended amount of overruns. Work in progress.}

Recon & Tactics:
-Having higher recon than the opponent now gives a much higher chance of picking the counter tactic.
(This makes having recon support companies essential, and even gives armored cars a reason to exist.)
-{Future update: After the test game, I may increase the effect of all tactics, which effectively would make recon even more important.}

-Nullified the waiting time after having deployed a new air wing before it will accept orders.

-Reduced the CAS damage penalty at night from 90% to 50%. (This is what i described above as air support doing way more damage now)
On average, this should result in 36% more CAS/TAC damage.
(Several reasons for this:
  1. I felt like CAS didnt do enough damage.
  2. Due to how the day/night cycle works, some airzones will have 2 night sorties and 1 day sortie, and some the other way round. For example CAS deals less damage in eastern france than in western france. This change will lessen this effect.
  3. I changed Anti-Air to be more important, and this change incentivizes making lots of Anti-Air.
  4. Land units get 50% damage reduction at night, so CAS should receive the same.)

-<placeholder for describing the AA changes. will be added later. i ran out of time>

-{No change for now, but I have some ideas on rebalancing entrenchment in a future update}

-Mousetick (for having made the artwork for the new loading screen textbox)
-<placeholder> for the <Merrigold?> Font in the new loading screen textbox
-The unknown author of "Faction ideology Matters". May his steam workshop rest in peace. F.
-<placeholder> for having made the artworks for the Reichskommisar Faces.
-JamesTheSpot for laying the groundwork of the performance optimization process on which I iterated on.
-Pinterest's Old School Nerd for the steam workshop artwork.
-<placeholder> for coming up with the genius AI code for division limiting on which I iterated on.
-MaxVexis for coming up with the original code for the new main menu, that I modified to make it look decent in any resolution.
-GP17 for the thumbnail
-Everything else was made by myself (Rikai).
5 commentaires
Rikai  [créateur] 22 janv. à 8h51 
Yes but only for Manchukuo. No other nation affected. So you should see absoltuely no change in AI behavior (except for frontline micro)
Mirai 22 janv. à 6h33 
I've a question. Does this mod change whether the AI is more/less likely to do certain focuses?
Rikai  [créateur] 19 janv. à 11h47 
I updated the mod for more features but somehow steam wont let me change the description anymore :MMNotGood:
Rikai  [créateur] 11 janv. à 5h08 
Thank you <3
I will re-release this when it hits a more "final" form
Mirai 11 janv. à 4h52 
I've not tried this, but it sounds like a wonderful mod. Good job!