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NT&V Freight Car Pack | The Key Element For Railroads.
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NT&V Freight Car Pack | The Key Element For Railroads.

I 1 samling av IRMarkHuber
Northern Transcon & Vermont: The Collection of the Past
18 gjenstander

Hello Hello! Welcome back to another... Late.. Upload from The Huber Show! I am your HOOOST Mark Huber and Today we are going to discuss The NT&V's Freight Cars, now this isnt really an interesting topic, I've been late on 3 uploads so there will be another pack coming in around 45 Minutes by the time I am writing this, Now I would like to thank my Loyalists, my Iowa & Ramble Critics and of course my NT&V Engineers, you are the reason why this content REMAIIINS! Boring as ♥♥♥♥, Now as we've said before, this topic isn't really about the NT&V, but about Freight cars in general.
This is the Story of the NT&V Freight cars.

The Hop Scotch Company

The Silaria Company is the American Grain Division for Grain trains, Operating mostly on NT&V Grain trains or otherwise, The company was founded in 1923 for the Eastern Pacific's State-Of-The-Art Covered Hopper trains which had been a mess at the time, and Silaria was created just to smooth out operations with the Eastern Pacific. In 1996, The Eastern Pacific merged with the Trainmaster Railroad, Creating the TrainMaster Eastern Pacific Railroad, (TMEP) So Silaria had to find other buisness elsewhere, and ended up finding the NT&V being intrested in having them operate with their grain trains, and eventually coal trains, NT&V was so intrested they ended up buying 60% of all availible stock with Silaria, giving NT&V Half the ownership of Silaria, Changing the company colors to White and Orange with a Tan Subsitial color. And SIlaria continues to operate to this day with the NT&V for most of their Grain trains and Coal trains, its hard to see an NT&V Grain Train with no Silaria Markings to this day, and if there is one, it's most likley getting converted within a few years so get them while you can!

The Fast Company

The Gallonaria Company is a Subsidiary company for the NT&V with it's Tanker trains, Inaugurated in 2005, Gallonaria was supposed to control the Tanker Trains in the Railroad Industry, But NT&V Ended up Buying Gallonaria in 2009 as their personal carrier for their Tanker trains. And they actually own property, the Gallonaria company owns most of the Oil industries along the NT&V Owned Lines. They actually own 150 RS3's and RS1's across all 50 of their industries. But Gallonaria is innovating fast, and is starting to retire their old ALCO's for a complete replacement for GP15's, the first of which arrived in 2022, And the first RS1 had retired, but not scrapped, that RS1 is in the National Transportation Museum in St. Louis Missouri. and Gallonaria is still here to this day, controlling 45% of the NT&V's Tanker Trains, not in a bad way, in a very good way! These companies are giving way for NT&V's Future. And still survive to this day.

The boring part

You really thought I would talk about Hoppers and Coal cars without a cool history? Yeah no, if you have stuck around for a while, you should know what coal cars are, and you should know what Autoracks are. I'm not explaining each and every car.

Conclusion & Credits

HUGE Thanks to D r a g o n, Tactical Doomer, EmDoggo, long, and KeviDJ For these awesome cars.

And with that, a special thank you to all my NT&V Engineers: The Pennsylvania Railfan, Orange Glass, Royal Hudson 2860, The Backster, Ohio Trucker 1, JoshJohnsonKnownForLifeGuy, Radio, Pyro Tank, CBug519, The Espee Fan, Catoctin Works, Jeranios63, Cerberus, Planes, Chef_Squid, ArticTheFox, Koko and Missy.

And with that, This is Mark Huber, and I bid you all a FOOOOOND Farewell.
4 kommentarer
IRMarkHuber  [skaper] 11. sep. 2024 kl. 14.34 
Use Silaria!
CBug519 15. juni 2024 kl. 18.02 
the history is cool, i might actually make Eastern Pacific State-Of-The-Art Covered Hopper trains at some point (if i can figure out what decent scheme i should put on the hopper, lol)
The Pennsylvania Railfan 2. mars 2024 kl. 0.57 
The Pennsylvania Railfan 2. mars 2024 kl. 0.57 