Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

81 ratings
Starting Strength
By 75338
Simple guide for noobs.
Run around and kill stuff. Die. Repeat. Just keep going you'll figure it out. Have fun. Play w/e class and guns you want or you'll get bored.

The game doesn't have a control keybinds section which is bonkers but ASWD and in menus QE and Space/Esc will do you until the bugs do you, you dig?

STUCK AND STONE! - 92% we will never forget beating the download boss on launch day!
1. Survive and gather resources and learn to kite and recognize what resource is what.

2. Get a weapon up to Level 12. OVERCLOCKS is a big deal.

3. Get some MOVEMENT SPEED and some Mining speed and some +XP Gain. Early noob level Crit % and Crit Dmg might not be high priority unless you focus exclusively? A tiny bit of Life Regen is my personal preference but you quickly get a BLT Ration Pack mod that helps. Mining Speed is huge, so is Walking Speed and Pickup Radius imo. At a certain point it's more a matter of what you can easily gather or have left over to spend. Survival and Damage > nice to have stuff, but if you don't spend your resources before your next run, that run has a lower chance of success. Trade offs and risk assessment is beyond the scope of this intro guide. Armour might be really good to just have a bit of, also.

4. Keep an eye on your MILESTONES between runs. Look for simple close-to-finish upgrades. I keep a notepad while gaming but that's just an old school thing from back when ROGUE was current content ya hear me, son? GET OFF MY LAWN.

5. Anyway. Get each class to Level 3 asap.

6. Learn to keep track of what you're low on & what is just about to be a big upgrade. It sucks losing a run with two new weapons at Level 11 just because you didn't pick the right thing when you leveled up. NO OVERCLOCK FOR YOU!

7. Learn to mine in circles and funnel bugs to where your weapons are stronkest and then you can circle back to pick up goodies.

8. Beat the boss and then do it regularly. Yeah I played the beta demo but I still suck and I'm sure you're better and maybe some of the above priorities are wrong and no doubt there's OP meta builds but I have no clue which ones. In the demo you could mine out a level and just kite the boss but I'm glad they changed it.

NITRA - red dots

RED SUGAR - healing stuff, looks like a red cone on top of the mining blocks

BISMOR - yellow with red spots

JADIZ - green

UMANITE - green thorny freestanding

MORKITE - cyan/teal greenblue in mining blocks

ENOR PEARL - grey pearls in mining blocks

GOLD - yeah you know

BOOLO CAP - little mushrooms, collect 12 mission is a huge priority and Secondary Objectives unlock very early (100 Gold found).

APOCA BLOOM - Absolute priority pickup - just run around and collect flowers since there's so few to collect and they're spread out.

MAGNITE - brownish red metallic freestanding

CROPPA - sickly greenish with red spots
F word if I know. Good luck.

1. When you level up, hit ESC and check out your situation and take a breather. LEVEL 1 ONLY: Immediately mine something. You'll gain a quick level with the XP.

2. Run in a circle around the map was good in the demo but now you want to clear in middle or have a field to fight around or go max speed for resources. Your first priority should be to figure out quickly what the secondary objective is. The full release game places a premium on speed.

3. Blowing up EXPLODER bugs is key when you're low-damage early noob game levels. This is more important than keeping track of magnets was in the beta.

4. WEAVING - once you get some movement speed you can start to plan your damage and weave between waves of enemies.

5. EDGING - no not that you pervert. Run around the edges of the map and/or leave a thin wall so you can escape. You can also "juke" crowds if you're stuck in a corner - move to one side and let the crowd drift toward you, then run along the edge the other way. Bugs will avoid large lava fields btw. Super useful sometimes.

7. V-SHAPED MONSTER STREAMS - You'll notice that if you hang around in a space and then start running, monster streams will be in lines with spaces in between. You can run in between.

8. MAGNETS - Save a magnet somewhere you can grab it right before leaving a level. This can be the difference between a good run and great run with a dead boss at the end.

9. If you're working on getting resources or the 2k Nitra milestone, Driller is a good bet.

10. BIOME GOALS. Check the launch page where you choose what HAZARD LEVEL to start a run in a Biome. These are subobjectives.

11. SUPPLY PODS - use Supply Pods to kill more resilient critters. Not so good with crowds unless you have skill.

12. DREADNOUGHT BOSS - Die. Die again. Stutter step. Anticipate the leap attack. Run perpendicular or toward his last location. I played the beta and die to him regularly. You can die too! In HOLLOW BOUGH you can fool him into jumping over the red vines and he'll have to take the long way back around lol. You can also kite him around the SUPPLY POD. What a ponce.

13. LOW-HP enemies like FLYERS die easier. Consider taking a few seconds to burn them down. NOTE that flyers also have a slightly offset hitbox that's actually below the model. Easy to see on slow elite flyers if using the Zhukov.

14. FIND A CHOKE POINT? Stay a while, and listen the sound of dying bugs. Hit ESC and check your secondary objectives.

15. WEAPONS? Keep a notepad with a section for each class and what upgrades you like for each weapon.

16. ACHIEVEMENTS - SCOUT with Zhukov will easily get you the 50% move speed Ach. And is also what you want for the 100x Dodge Ach. Hazard Level 1 Magma Core and go stand in the lava.

17. BUYING UPGRADES - scroll through between runs to see if you can buy 1-3 materials (hint: the mats are in the order at the top of the screen corresponding to the two sets of upgrades they go to, but offset b/c ofc) just to get an upgrade prior to the next run.

18. ACHIEVEMENTS - see the other guide. For the 100x Dodge one:
Player level 16, Scout on Hazard level 1 in Magma Core and got a bunch of health and Life Regen and then would just stand in the lava. You need about 20 Dodges per level, so just kite the elites on each level and you should get it after a few tries even if you're not particularly skilled. Like me.

19. STUTTER STEP - many temporary buffs and some weapons benefit from you pausing while running. Dropping turrets. Some buffs are more difficult to keep up than others. One dodge buff requires you to keep moving.

Look up the irl Starting Strength guide for extra ROCK AND STONE! "Stronk people are harder to kill" said a wise man.

1. Determine your secondary objectives asap. THE METER FILLS UP FASTER THE MORE BUGS YOU KILL SO DON'T KILL FAST UNTIL YOU'VE GATHERED SOME RESOURCES. But you also can't go all pacifist without causing the threat level to increase.

2. Tapping a button gets you moving faster than holding it down as the level starts.

3. SCOUT tends to run in big circles around each level boss and excels at running on lava to avoid crowds of bugs.

4. DRILLER tends to run in small circles around each level boss. All classes love loot bugs. DRILLER LOOOOOVES LOOT BUGS.

5. I tend to get too close to explosions. Don't be me.

6. Once you've gotten the achievements done the slog becomes mastering each Hazard level of each BIOME.

7. DECIDE early in each run what you will focus on - Crit? Fire damage? Projectile weapons? Beam weapons? Getting a new weapon to level 12? Beating the Dreadnought? The latter two are usually mutually exclusive due to how important the OVERCLOCKS are.

8. OVERCLOCKS are usually more important than most other stuff, with the exception of some upgrades that affect several of your weapons - like +10% Beam Damage when 3/4 of your weapons are Beam weapons, etc. I make exceptions for some Rares, most Legendaries, and also Pickup Radius. Early game it can be nice to get some added XP Gain since it'll affect you for several levels, but don't lose sight of those Overclocks, they really are that important. The +2 or +3 "pretend" levels for weapons are mostly good for when you really need that next Overclock, or when you're trying to get a new weapon to level 12. This kinda sucks.

9. Save that MAGNET for right after you've killed the level boss. Unless you're about to go splat anyway. They were common in the beta demo, but alas no more. You probably won't get a magnet, so the poor substitute once you've completed the secondary objective is to run a small-to-medium circle to pick up XP that you left behind until you beat the level boss.
1. Don't make the mistake I made and try to get the BIOME GOAL "upgrade this weapon to level 21" done on the wrong char because I thought the Warthog was a Gunner-only weapon.

2. To get a non-starting weapon to 21 or higher, you may want to consider aborting the run if you don't get it when you hit level 5, or can't reroll to it.

3. Keep in mind that some weapons will drop regularly for a specific CLASS and only rarely for others - the Voltaic Stun Sweeper is a Scout weapon so will (mostly?) only drop for the Scout, but if you mistakenly go Recon Scout you open yourself up to LIGHT weapons also, which mean the VSS will only show up rarely at level 5. Wish I'd known that earlier. This is for the MC3 biome goal to get the VSS to level 21.

See the wiki at - the list below may not be complete. And patches and weapons are probably coming.

Deepcore GK2 Scout Zhukov NUK17 Scout Jury-Rigged Boomstick Scout Cryo Grenade Scout M1000 Classic Scout Voltaic Stun Sweeper Scout TH-0R Bug Taser Scout Arc-Tek Cryo Guard Scout Drak-25 Plasma Carbine Scout Nishanka Boltshark X-80 Scout "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun Gunner "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver Gunner Incendiary Grenade Gunner BRT7 Burst Fire Gun Gunner Tactical LeadBurster Gunner "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon Gunner Firefly Hunter Drone Gunner "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System Gunner ArmsKore Coil Gun Gunner Seismic Repulsor Gunner LMG Gun Platform Engineer "Warthog" Auto 210 Engineer "Stubby" Voltaic SMG Engineer Hi-Volt Thunderbird Engineer Voltaic Shock Fence Engineer LOK-1 Smart Rifle Engineer Deepcore PGL Engineer Breach Cutter Engineer Shard Diffractor Engineer Plasma Burster Engineer Shredder Swarm Grenade Engineer Subata 120 Driller CRSPR Flamethrower Driller Krakatoa Sentinel Driller High Explosive Grenade Driller Corrosive Sludge Pump Driller Colette Wave Cooker Driller Krakatoa Sentinel Driller Neurotoxin Grenade Driller Impact Axe Driller Neurotoxin Grenade Driller Cryo Cannon Driller K1-P Viper Drone Driller Experimental Plasma Charger Driller

Пу́тин — хуйло́ Putin is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Россия без Путина. Если согласны — ответьте на этот пост, лайкните или дизлайкните его Russia without Putin. If you agree, reply to this post, like or dislike it
Spewie 18 Mar, 2024 @ 2:04am 
Honestly it was a very good very early guide. I've only got 5 hours so far but it helped
75338  [author] 9 Mar, 2024 @ 8:43am 
Пу́тин — хуйло́ Putin is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Россия без Путина. Если согласны — ответьте на этот пост, лайкните или дизлайкните его Russia without Putin. If you agree, reply to this post, like or dislike it
75338  [author] 9 Mar, 2024 @ 8:43am 
@sure_ruse_user Hey thanks, did not know!
Sure_Ruse_User 19 Feb, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
A note for notetaking:
The Steam Overlay (def: Shift+TAB) has a Note(pad) feature
(the bottom row symbols, the third symbol from the left, the pencil/pen.
You can make more than one note/file with it too and it saves it for each game individually. Those are also view- and changeable via the desktop app at the game library.
Tarciryan 17 Feb, 2024 @ 9:27am 
Someone went to the Fextralife school of guide-making. Doesn't matter the quality as long as you're fast.
Knower 15 Feb, 2024 @ 4:07pm 
Imagine taking notes on a video game.
Droopy McCool 15 Feb, 2024 @ 9:49am 
why make a guide if the entire guide is 'no clue, maybe this is ok'
Vega 14 Feb, 2024 @ 11:41pm 
just exist bro 14 Feb, 2024 @ 10:44pm 
I'd like to add that you can use the "suply pod" to kill elite enemies/quest targets. Leave some stone and mine when an elite/quest target comes close to you break and start kiting on the landing spot. Good mechanics to cut down on time and extra experience.