Samurai GUNN 2

Samurai GUNN 2

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Basic Guide For Isao
Av G5 Sos
Basic guide for Isao the samurai with a killer log. idk how to make character guides, but feel free to add on the comments on what I missed
Isao is the latest samurai added in the early access as of November 3, 2022. Isao has a unique passive that loves water where other characters have a jamming effect i.e they cannot shoot a bullet, isao can freely shoot his bullet. He has no dash but instead of dashing, he has the ability of swapping places to his log that spawns in every life.
Isao's Abilities

- Isao spawns with a log, it can be carried and used to be swap position. The log can be picked up by anyone by pressing the Down button in your controls.
- Since isao cannot dash he is unable to shoot on shallow angles.

- Normal Bullet

- Wobble Bullet

- Charged Bullet, also destroys bamboo

- Compared to other characters that prevents them to shoot in water and drops their whole ammo to zero. Isao not only can shoot in water, but also keeps his ammo when getting out.
Acorn Charge

- While holding Acorn Charge, but to do an acorn charge is by holding the Right Bumper or Trigger Isao will glow to blue when the charge is ready.

- Isao can diagonally aim and shoot when fully charged. He is the only one that can shoot a charged bullet that only consumes one ammo as per all other characters that needs to dash in order to shoot diagonally its an big a big advantage to Isao. isao can SLASH and LOG SWAP while still holding his Acorn charge.

- While Charging there are 3 different phases see Isao's abilities^ the no charge, where firing shoots a slow/wobble bullet. The partial charge [flashing white] will fire a fast/normal bullet. Also, at full charge Isao can now fully aim diagonally and will shoot a super bullet when firing.

- If Isao tumbles i.e CLASHING with another sword or SLASHING a super bullet, he will lose all of his charges and will have to restart the charge from the beginning.
Isao's gameplay revolves on mind games and knowing where to position your log. While you spawn with 1 log everytime, this could be a good time to trick to your opponent to get them off guard. As long as you don't bamboozle yourself. if the enemy knows where is your log you can do on a zoning position with the freedom of moving with an acorn shot. Isao has an unusual style to play but as long you get the hang of him, he is satisfying to play.

Gameplay Examples

- Acorn Switcharoo

- Acorn Swap while in the middle air for a win

- A rushdown where the log is on the left while charging acorn shot
I hope this guide gives more idea on how to play isao and showcasing his gameplay. Maybe some fixes will come in the future, I'll update the guide if some changes happened. [Edited] Thankyou @RzX3-Trollops for giving more info and tech for this guide and I totally forgot.