Shakes and Fidget

Shakes and Fidget

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Shakes & Fidget F2P Guide
Autorstwa: Norbert
Author: F2P Veteran with thousounds of hours play time and knowledge

In this Guide i will share my F2P experience and wisdom i collected in my long time of playing Shakes and Fidget.
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Shakes & Fidget F2P
At first i would like to mention that this Guide is not for people who need knowledge, have questions about ingame mechanics or need help for an issue. If yes than join the S&F´s Tavern Discord. There are several guides and many people with much experience which can help with everything in and about the game but for people who look for a deeper dive into the meaning behind playing S&F overall or specific F2P is this guide the perfect choice.

According to my experience having access to the knowledge of a perfect playstyle and the resources to realize it is the first step to become a great Player. With that in mind you could say that you only need to read or watch guides and playing by yourself to get deeper and deeper into the subject matter to coming to a point where you achieve the maximum potential you are able to play on. Of course it is not so easy how desribed because the problem is the main concept of Shakes and Fidget and furthermore most important you, yes the player itself is the main problem. Let me explain the overall conceps of S&F is the never ending and every day resetting clicking through the same features every day. WIth that you make every day a bit progress and over time your account get stronger and stronger. Mushrooms of couse make this procedure way faster but also F2P can you archieve nearly everything in the game with just enouth playtime. So simply said just play long enouth to be one of the best. Thats a true quote in every aspect but why dont everyone have a high level account with insane stats? Because you, you and only you are standing yourself in the way which is really normal and is maily not bad. Playing every day the same game with the same things to do can be over time really boring, so you can lose interest in the game. Also other problems like time, money or soroundings can lead to quitting. Some aspects are not to avoid but some are. Most important is to stay focused and dont lose the interest in the game. Best done with goals like level, statpoints, dungeons or in PVP/Guild ranks. Doing so helped me and will also be the key for you to getting to the point everyone wants to be.

I hope this could help you in the topic of perfect Playstyle and motivation.
For questions or personal contact Discord: Norbert6669