Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer

Why should you prestige?
由 c7 Guilty 發表
Why should you prestige?

OK, first off let’s talk about the benefits of entering prestige mode as outlined below. The first 10 prestiges don’t unlock anything aside from a new prestige emblem and an extra custom class slot every other prestige. Starting at prestige 11 you unlocked additional face tattoos to use on your in game character. At prestige 13 you unlock the ability to change the color of your clan tag and at prestige 14 you unlock the ability to purchase golden camouflage for your weapons (50,000 COD Cash a piece). Finally, prestige 15 unlocks the Prestige Pure playlist, a playlist that matches 15th prestige players against other 15th prestige players, and also entering prestige 15 unlocks the only animated playercard background in the game. Below is a chart to show what is unlocked at each prestige:

Prestige Level Unlocks
Prestige 1 Custom Class 6, Prestige Leaderboards & Playlist
Prestige 3 Custom Class 7
Prestige 5 Custom Class 8
Prestige 7 Custom Class 9
Prestige 9 Custom Class 10
Prestige 11 Face Tattoos
Prestige 13 Clan Tag Colors
Prestige 14 Golden Camo for guns (50,000 CP per)
Prestige 15 Prestige Pure Playlist, Animated Playercard Background
The 15 prestige emblems that will be located next to your gamertag at each prestige are shown below. My recommendation for you is to look at the emblems and unlocks that you will gain for each prestige and decide if it is worth it for you to prestige. I personally like entering prestige mode because I enjoy the satisfaction of leveling up and unlocking things as I play, but a lot of people don’t care about extra emblems or golden camos, in which case I would recommend just staying at level 50 and hording massive amounts of COD cash for everyone to see.
Ranking XP Explained
Level Rank Title Min XP XP to Next % Complete
1 Private 0 300 0.00%
2 Private 300 900 0.02%
3 Private 1200 1500 0.10%
4 Private First Class 2700 2100 0.21%
5 Private First Class 4800 2700 0.38%
6 Private First Class 7500 3400 0.59%
7 Specialist 10900 4100 0.86%
8 Specialist 15000 4800 1.19%
9 Specialist 19800 5500 1.57%
10 Corporal 25300 6200 2.00%
11 Corporal 31500 7100 2.50%
12 Corporal 38600 8000 3.06%
13 Sergeant 46600 8900 3.69%
14 Sergeant 55500 9800 4.40%
15 Sergeant 65300 10700 5.17%
16 Staff Sergeant 76000 11800 6.02%
17 Staff Sergeant 87800 12900 6.95%
18 Staff Sergeant 100700 14000 7.98%
19 Sergeant First Class 114700 15100 9.09%
20 Sergeant First Class 129800 16200 10.28%
21 Sergeant First Class 146000 17400 11.56%
22 Sergeant Major 163400 18600 12.94%
23 Sergeant Major 182000 19800 14.42%
24 Sergeant Major 201800 21000 15.98%
25 Lieutenant 222800 22200 17.65%
26 Lieutenant 245000 23500 19.41%
27 Lieutenant 268500 24800 21.27%
28 Captain 293300 26100 23.23%
29 Captain 319400 27400 25.30%
30 Captain 346800 28700 27.47%
31 Major 375500 30100 29.74%
32 Major 405600 31500 32.13%
33 Major 437100 32900 34.62%
34 Lieutenant Colonel 470000 34300 37.23%
35 Lieutenant Colonel 504300 35700 39.94%
36 Lieutenant Colonel 540000 37200 42.77%
37 Colonel 577200 38700 45.72%
38 Colonel 615900 40200 48.78%
39 Colonel 656100 41700 51.97%
40 Brigadier General 697800 43200 55.27%
41 Brigadier General 741000 44800 58.69%
42 Brigadier General 785800 46400 62.24%
43 Major General 832200 48000 65.92%
44 Major General 880200 49600 69.72%
45 Major General 929800 51200 73.65%
46 Lieutenant General 981000 52900 77.70%
47 Lieutenant General 1033900 54600 81.89%
48 Lieutenant General 1088500 56300 86.22%
49 General 1144800 58000 90.68%
50 Commander 1202800 59700 95.27%
Prestige Commander (Maxed) 1262500 – 100.00%
Perks 1 Explained
Perk Slot 1

Lightweight: Faster movement speed. Speed increase depends on wielded weapon
Lightweight Pro: No fall damageChallenges & Tips:
Melee Kills – Earn 15 melee kills.
Equip a ballistic knife for fast knifing.
Synergistic with steady aim quick melee & ninja backstabs
Escape Death – Escape death 5 times after being hurt.
After taking damage dive to safety by sprinting and pressing down on the crouch button.
The red on your screen will disappear and your character will take a deep breath when he is healed
Offense Medals – Get 10 Offense Medals by killing enemies near their objective.
Play capture the flag. Pick up the enemy teams flag and run around killing people. Every kill while carrying the enemy flag counts towards this challenge
Scavenger: Resupply from dead players.
Scavenger Pro: Start with extra ammunition & replenish tactical grenadesChallenges & Tips:
Resupplies – Resupply 150 times while using Scavenger.
Grenade Kills – Get 5 Lethal Grenade kills with a resupplied grenade.
Try throwing your grenade right when you spawn then immediately finding a scavenger pack. That way any grenade you throw during that life will be resupplied.
Synergistic with Warlord grenade kills
Kill Count – Get 5 kills without dying 5 times.
Ghost: Unable to be detected by enemy radar. Previously Cold Blooded in MW2.
Ghost Pro: Undetectable by aircraft, IR, and sentries. No red crosshair or name when targeted.Challenges & Tips:
Concealed Kills – Kill 20 enemies while they have a Spy Plane or Blackbird active.
Synergistic with Ninja silenced kills
Destroy Aircraft – Destroy 30 aircraft with any non-Killstreak launcher.
Ground war is a good game type to find a lot of aircraft
Enemy care package helicopters can be shot down in one shot
Destroy Sentry Gun – Destroy 1 Sentry Gun.
Equip the sentry gun killstreak yourself, then throw the package over to the enemy spawn. When the enemy places it down be ready to sneak up and knife it.
Flak Jacket: Reduces explosive damage
Flak Jacket Pro: Immune to fire damage and allows you to safely toss back frag grenades.Challenges & Tips:
Protected – Survive 10 explosions while using Flack Jacket.
Demolished – Plant or defuse 10 bombs in Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy.
Demolition is the easiest to get this done. Synergistic with Ninja
Throwbacks – Throw back 5 enemy Frag grenades.
Camp on a perch like the birds nest in firing range and throw decoys next to you. The enemy team should start lobbing grenades at you… throw them back. Even cooked grenades that you just start to pick up and blow up while in the process of throwing count towards a throwback.
Hardline: Killstreaks require 1 less kill to acquire.
Hardline Pro: Change the contents of a Care Package.Challenges & Tips:Share Packages – Share 10 Killstreak reward crates with teammates.
Equip SAM Turret, Care Package and Sentry Gun killstreaks. This way one killstreak of 5 will earn you 3 packages to be shared with your team. Big maps make it easier to call in care packages without the enemy team interfering
Multiple Killstreaks – Earn 7 killstreaks in one match while using Hardline.
Can be done at the same time as share packages above, or put on 3-4-5 killstreaks (UAV, Counter UAV, Care Package) and just play normally. Don’t stay alive for too long after earning all 3 of your killstreaks as you need to reset your killstreak counter.
Killstreak – Get 7 kills without dying in one match.
Perk 2 Explained
Perk Slot 2

Hardened: Increased bullet penetration. Previously FMJ attachment in MW2
Hardened Pro: Bullets do extra damage to aircraft and turrets. Reduced flinch when you are shot.Challenges & Tips:
Penetration Kills – Get 10 kills using Hardened and shooting through walls.
The M60 is good for this but really any gun will work.
Bullets in Aircraft – Shoot 200 bullets into enemy aircraft.
Find a fast firing weapon with a big clip then shoot at a heli
Equipment Shot – Destroy 1 piece of enemy equipment through a wall.
USE HACKER! Synergistic with Hacker destroys
Scout: Hold breath longer during weapon scope
Scout Pro: Faster Weapon SwitchingChallenges & Tips:
Secondary Kills – Get 50 kills with secondary weapons.
Use a pistol only for a few games. Can’t go wrong with a python plus speed reloader
One Shot Kills – Get 50 One Shot, One Kill Medals.
I hate sniping so I never get this
Headshots – Get 30 Headshot kills.
I rarely get this challenge just because once I get the 50 secondary kills I stop using this perk
Steady Aim: Increased hip fire accuracy. (smaller aiming reticule spread)
Steady Aim Pro: Quicker aiming after sprinting and quicker recovery from knife lunge.Challenges & Tips:
Quick Melee – Melee two enemies consecutively within 5 seconds.
Equip a ballistic knife. Synergistic with Light Weight melee kills and Ninja backstabs
Sprint Kills – Get 100 kills after sprinting.
Use an SMG. Synergistic with Marathon miles
Hip Fire Kills – Get 150 hip fire kills using Steady Aim.
Use an SMG
Sleight of Hand: Faster reloads.
Sleight of Hand Pro: Faster aiming down sights with non-scoped weapons.Challenges & Tips:
Aiming Kills – Get 150 kills while aiming down sights.
Reload Kills – Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of reloading 30 times.
Fast Hand Kills – Reload and finish off the enemy you wounded 10 times.
Fire 1 shot of your weapon. When you see an enemy, stun or flash them. After seeing the hit detection quickly reload your gun and kill the enemy. Profit.
Alternatively, use a noob tube (grenade launcher) on a gun. A lot of kills will require both grenades and will count towards a fast hand kill.
Warlord: Allows 2 attachments on primary weapon. Previously Bling in MW2
Warlord Pro: Start with 1 extra lethal and tactical grenade (except smoke)Challenges & Tips:
Two Attachment Kills – Get 150 kills using a gun with two attachments.
Dual mags + Silencer is my favorite combo for a ghost class
Grenade Kills – Get 10 Frag or Semtex kills.
Synergistic with Scavenger
Grenade Multi-kills – Get 1 multi-kill with Frag or Semtex.
Synergistic with Scavenger. Ground war makes this easier. More players = more chances for a multi kill grenade
Perk 3 Explained
Perk Slot 3

Marathon: Longer sprint duration
Marathon Pro: Unlimited SprintChallenges & Tips:
26 Miles – Sprint 26 miles using Marathon.
This sucks… enjoy the grind
First Blood – Get the First Blood Medal 10 times.
Start every round of every game with a marathon class and switch once first blood is taken. You will get this eventually doing that.
Captures – In Capture the Flag, get the Flag Capture Medal 15 times while using Marathon.
Synergistic with lightweight offensive medals
Ninja: Silent footsteps
Ninja Pro: Louder Enemies and you’re completely silent.Challenges & Tips:
Silenced Kills – Get 150 kills using the Suppressor attachment.
Synergistic with Ghost concealed kills
Back Stabs – Get 5 Backstabber Medals.
Synergistic with light weight melee kills and steady aim quick melee
Plants – Plant the bomb 10 times in Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy.
Plant then hide near the bomb. Let the enemy defuse, kill them, then re-plant. Works great when whole team does this. Synergistic with flak jacket defuses
Second Chance: Pull out your pistol before dying
Second Chance Pro: Survive longer, and any teammate can revive you.Challenges & Tips:
Kills – Get 10 kills while in Second Chance.
Revenge – While in Second Chance, kill the enemy who downed you 5 times.
Shoot more
Headshot – Get 1 headshot kill while in Second Chance.
Shoot and get lucky, then contemplate on your actions for using such a ghey perk.
Hacker: Detect enemy equipment & explosives through walls.
Hacker Pro: Can sabotage enemy equipment, turrets, and crates. Invisible to motion sensors.Challenges & Tips:
Destroys – Destroy 10 equipment or explosives while using Hacker.
Synergistic with Hardened equipment shot
Explosive Kills – Kill 25 enemies with a Claymore or C4.
C4 is actually faster if you know how to use them. Double tap reload button to fast detonate C4 in air.
Near Equipment Kills – Kill 25 enemies within the radius of your Jammer or Motion Sensor
Motion sensor is easier. Put it down in the corner of a high traffic area or objective
Tactical Mask: reduces effects of flashbangs and concussion grenades.
Tactical Mask Pro: Reduces the effects of the flash and concussion grenades. Reveals the position of a flashed or stunned enemy.Challenges & Tips:
Flash Kills – Kill 20 enemies that are blinded by your Flashbang.
Concussion Kills – Kill 20 enemies that are stunned by your Concussion Grenade.
Nova Gas Kills – Kill 20 enemies poisoned by your Nova Gas
Flash, Stun & Nova Kills are all synergistic with Scavenger Pro & Warlord Pro as you replenish tac grenades and get extra grenades with warlord. I rarely get the tac mask challenges during leveling as I feel they take to long to complete when I would rather be using ninja, hacker, or marathon
Level By Level Class Loadout
Levels 1-4: Use anything as custom classes and challenges are not unlocked yet. You can get to about level 6 with one good game of HQ.
Levels 5-13: Until I unlock the Famas I usually just use the Mp5K and try to complete some perk challenges. Use these levels to get your knife and steady aim challenges done. I do recommend getting tactical insertions early as a lot of your XP will come from capping HQ points in early levels and using tac inserts makes that easier.
Class Loadout:
Primary: Mp5K + Rapid Fire
Secondary: anything
Equipment/Lethal/Tactical: tac insert, frag, decoys
Perk 1: Lightweight
Perk 2: Steady Aim
Perk 3: Marathon/Ninja
Levels 14-29: Level 17: Unlock AK74u – By far the best SMG in the game. Great alternative to the Famas and unlocks just a few levels after the Famas.
Level 20: Unlock Galil – Great AR. Does more damage than the Famas at the cost of higher recoil and slower rate of fire. Still a great alternative though.
Level 21: Unlock M60/Stoner – Stoner/M60 are situational but if you want to play with these big guns this is your time to shine. Personally, the slower movement, reload and grenade throw speeds while using LMG’s are too unbearable for me.
Level 26: Unlock Aug – The ignored and underrated step sister of the Famas. Statistically it is almost identical to the Famas save a slightly larger recoil pattern.
Class Loadout:
Primary: Famas + Dual mags / Silencer
Secondary: Python Speed Reloader or CZ75 Extended Mags
Equipment/Lethal/Tactical: tac insert, frag/semtex, flash/stun
Perk 1: Hardline/Scavenger/Ghost
Perk 2: Sleight of Hand/Warlord
Perk 3: Marathon/Ninja/SecondChance/HackerLevels 30-45: By the time you reach level 30 hopefully you have the following already completed: Lightweight Pro, Scavenger Pro, Hardline Pro, Steady Aim Pro, Sleight of Hand Pro, Warlord Pro, Ninja Pro & Second Chance Pro. There are also a few challenges from other perks that you should have gotten by now but they probably won’t be pro perks yet. If you aren’t completely finished with some of your challenges don’t sweat it. Occasionally challenges will allude you. One prestige I spent probably over 20 games trying to get the second chance headshot before I finally got it. Just try to wrap them up as soon as possible then move onto the next challenge. Levels 30-45 are a very big chunk of your leveling experience, encompassing almost 50% of the total XP you will earn during a prestige. So just grind through these levels as best you can.Level 30 is an important level for 2 reasons. First of all you you unlock the Strela-3. The Strela-3 is a great secondary for any ghost class as it almost guarantees you a couple of aircraft kills during an HQ game. Secondly, level 30 unlocks Final challenges like the finishing moves. If you are good at Free For All, I suggest you use this time to go complete your finishing move challenges. Finishing moves are when you get the final killcam using certain weapons or killstreaks highlighted in the challenge. Otherwise, if you are bad at FFA or don’t like to play that gametype, continue on with your perk challenges. Both class loadouts and tips are listed below.Levels 45-50: By this time you should have all of your perk challenges completed that you are going to finish for this prestige. The good news is you are only 5 levels away from prestiging. The bad news is that experience wise you still have 25% of the leveling process to get through these final 5 levels. The great thing about the last 5 levels is that this is your time to shine. You should have all the pro perks and weapons you need and have COD cash for days. Use this time to get your best games in during your prestige. There is no worrying about challenges or things now. Just focus on getting kills and completing in game objectives. The better you play during these final 5 levels the faster you will get to prestige.
4 則留言
Mobinm 2024 年 5 月 16 日 下午 12:05 
good job :jug::quick::speedcola:
c7 Guilty  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 21 日 下午 7:01 
please like comment and fav this and share with friends
c7 Guilty  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 21 日 下午 7:01 
@bane thank you
Bane 2023 年 12 月 21 日 下午 5:56 
nice job!