Tactics Ogre: Reborn

Tactics Ogre: Reborn

100% Warren Report Events Checklist
由 Pickleton 制作
A checklist for those of us weirdos that can't rest until we 100% every facet of a game.
Links to a checklist of every line that counts as an "event" in the Warren Report.
The Checklist
The link below is to my Mega folder containing drafts of the checklist for 100% Warren Report Events completion.
If using this guide alongside your playthrough, please refer to the first tab "Foreword" for an explanation of my notations.
The "A" column for each section is made so that you can put a mark there for events that you have seen and can check that tally against your in-game Warren Report.

Further, if you would like to have all titles in your Warren Report on a single file, please be advised that the titles related to incapacitates and deaths are missable, so you will need to first complete the game with 0 incaps/deaths, then again with 1-10 of each, then 11-20 each. After that, incaps/deaths have no impact, so go ahead and treat your team as disposable pawns.

An easy way to cheese the incap/death titles is by using a team of zombie units, since zombies being stilled do not count as incapacitates unless pushed into a cliff or exorcised.
There are 2 zombies in the fight with Nybeth in Ch1 (warrior and valkyrie, lvl6), and a renewable supply of them in Phorampa Wildwoods - The Feral Shore (available Ch2).

Finally: I'd like to think that the formatting is consistent, but please let me know either here or on Discord (@pickleton) if you spot any inconsistencies or have any questions.

Thank you, and enjoy!

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2 条留言
Pickleton  [作者] 2024 年 12 月 26 日 下午 4:07 
In some cases, it's based on enemy army size (tends to be in multiples of 20% remaining), but in others it's just a certain turn delay. Without getting into the actual code, it's hard to tell exactly what the triggers are, since this checklist was made almost entirely by just ... playing the game over and over again with an Excel sheet on another monitor.

Heck, for the Ravness battle, it could be anything from Canopus or Ravness requiring not max HP, Canopus talking to Ravness in Ch1 being a condition, or it not appearing if enemy size is reduced beyond a certain threshold. Unfortunately, without someone diving into the code there's no real way to test it other than just ... checking all sorts of variables manually.
BigFatJuicyMonkeys 2024 年 5 月 6 日 上午 11:52 
Should be noted that dialogue only seems to start after killing a certain amount of enemies. You can meet the dialogue requirements but if you don't kill anyone they'll stay quiet.

I also can't seem to activate some dialogue events even after meeting the listed requirement. For example, I can't seem to get Canopus on the final Ravness recruitment battle to talk.