Jurassic World Evolution 2

Jurassic World Evolution 2

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[W.I.P] Enclosure Design Ideas for JWE2
By ThatBaryonyx
(I'm currently updating all the images and adding new ideas, so the guide won't be completed for a while)

Stuck on how to design your enclosures? Well you've come to the right place! Here, I'll show you a few designs I use (or made up for this guide and will use in the future) for my enclosures in JWE2. Feel free to copy exactly what I do or take inspiration from it.

Note that these are all intended for sandbox parks
Land Designs
1. Water Trough
Lets say you're building a small enclosure (for something like, let's say Lystrosarus) and want water in it. Chances are that a pool of water won't look very nice. Instead, I'd recommend using a fountain as a place holder for a Water Trough. In order for this to work, you need to disable dinosaur thirst so your dinosaurs don't die (because obviously dinosaurs can't drink from the fountains)

2. "Roundabout"
Not much to say on this one. Pretty much a circular viewing area (not functional of course) that goes into your enclosure. Though I normally use the first example, you could use the second example for small enclosures [I'll add the updated images later]
3. Hotel Balcony
I've been using this one since the JWE1. The idea is that the guests, while they're staying in a hotel, are able to go out onto the balcony to view and feed herbivorous dinosaurs (or carnivores if you're not aiming for any sort of realism). I normally use this one with Hadrosaurs, but you can use it with any dinosaur you'd like!

Lagoon Designs
1. Archelon/Nothosaurus Encounter
With the lagoon rocks, we can make something similar to what Aquariums have with Sea Lions. By making putting three viewing galleries around a lagoon rock like shown below, you're guests can get a close view as the Archelon/Nothosaurus rest upon it. (As an added bonus, you can pretend a trained staff member gets onto the rock and educates guests on them)

2. Lagoon Islands
By deleting a lagoon section within a large lagoon, you can make an "island". The bigger the lagoon, the bigger the island you can make. Not only can you use these "islands" as enclosures, but also guest viewing areas as well! (The viewing tower in these images is just for looks and isn't actually usable by guests)

Aviary Design
1. Hidden Wall
In the Jurassic World and DFW aviaries have a pretty large wall at the base of them, which could look ugly to some. To solve this, you could use the bush within the Taiga foliage section in the decoration tab. (Of course, this doesn't work for the desert and mediterranean biomes. Well, in my opinion at least)

2. Hidden Perch Pole
Just like the last tip, the concrete pole at the base of the decorative aviary perch can stand out from the surrounding enviorment. So, just like the Hidden Wall method, you can hide the pole to make it so that just the metal top shows.

(The small perch wasn't working as a landing point in my tests, so I guess it can be decoration or you can just use different foliage)
Map Specific Ideas
1. Snowy Dome
Want a snowy environment in your park but can't make it fit in? Well, you can make a dome that essentially has a temperature control system that allows snow to be held within it without melting. In these domes, you could add dinosaurs or flying reptiles. (If you don't know how to add dinosaurs into the aviaries, you can look it up on YouTube or something, I'm not explaining it here)

This method can only work on the following maps:
- California
- Canada
- Oregon
- Washington
- Northwest USA
- Sierra Nevada (Its always snowy so it really doesn't make sense)

There you have it, a few ways to design your enclosures in JWE2! Hope you found this guide helpful, and, if you did, I'd like you to consider rating it so many more people can find out about these tips. Have a great rest of your day/evening/night!

Smart Idiot 13 Aug @ 12:10pm 
using the expanded paths and pylons and fences mod i can make the roundabout work functionally
YEET23 26 May @ 10:55am 
I've done an island in the past, and completely forget the concept, until this guide reminded me. thank you
ANGRY Scorpion 22 May @ 7:19pm 
ANGRY Scorpion 22 May @ 7:19pm 
ima make lagoon islands
ClawtailGamerMJ 16 Apr @ 2:04pm 
A pretty nice guide, I like how someone else notice the potential of a sea-lion like Nothosaurus habitat (considering Nothosaurs are considered the sea-lions of the Triassic by some palaeontologists). I'm planning on making an aquatic themed park soon and the idea of an island hadn't occurred to me for a long time, so this guide really helped.
frys 23 Dec, 2023 @ 9:00am 
kingpin, its ideas, he does not need to put paths if hes just doing imaging
|NFI| Kingpin 13 Oct, 2023 @ 10:44pm 
Amazing ideas! Inspired me, though the one with the rock platform, why is there no paths connected to lagoon viewing gallery? Still thanks!
slash2 1 Sep, 2023 @ 4:31pm 
thanks! this helped alot, i usually put no work into my enclosures and they don't look good.
ERROR 28 Aug, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Can we put ideas?
If so, my Aviary idea is you put a decoration that pterosaurs can land on and place decorational trees in a way (if possible) that makes it look like they are on the trees!
Vadderung 21 Aug, 2023 @ 11:26am 
cool, thanks.