マリーのアトリエ Remake ~ザールブルグの錬金術士~

マリーのアトリエ Remake ~ザールブルグの錬金術士~

All Time-Sensitive + Missable Events
作者: Scout
All events that require you to see them at a specific time, and which ones that can be missed entirely.
Note about certain triggers
There are certain specific requirements that'll come up often for an event trigger, and I figured I should explain if you don't already know.

- Just as a reminder, a new year will begin on September 1st, not January 1st. Use that as a frame of reference.

- If the trigger requires you to be at the Atelier, Marie must be awake for the trigger to actually occur. In other words, you cannot rest/sleep through the day(s) that the trigger occurs, as it'll not count those at all. Synthesizing through the day(s) the trigger occurs will also skip over it, so keep that in mind.

- Speaking of triggers, some events will only have a percentage chance of happening, including ones in this guide. As far as I know, the percentage chance is on a day-by-day basis. In other words, you can't just teleport across salburg over and over on the same day to cheese the trigger.

- Any event that tells you that you have to have "Befriended" or "Not Befriended" someone just means that you either need them in your current party, or have them removed from your current party. You don't need to avoid them at all costs.

- Many events will say that Schea needs to be "In good health" or "Cured". This is related to an event that happens late into the story, where Schea's sickness suddenly worsens. Marie needs to make an Elixr to have her feel better; until then, she'll remain sick.

So basically, "In good health" refers to any time Schea isn't terminally ill, before or after. If the requirements reads Schea needs to be "Cured", then this will only be applicable AFTER Schea is given the Elixr.
Market Events
Every year from 6/28 to 6/30, the Market in Salburg will open up, and Schea will ask Marie if she wants to go.

When you go to the Market, certain party members with the LOWEST FRD value will appear as a shop owner to buy things from. They'll always have two things available, and that character's FRD will be increased by 20 if you buy something.

This applies for: Ruven, Hallesch, Mu, Kugel, Schwalbe, and Natalie. All of them have market events that count towards story completion.
Missable Party Members
Some party members are just seen casually wandering around Salburg and you can recruit them at any time, but for others you might need to do some specific things.


Enderk is the knight that Marie is greeted by if she attempts to go to the Royal Castle. To have the ability to hire him, you need to complete the event triggers from the Prince and obtain a special card. The quests are as follows:

Two Men 1:

  • Location: Salburg
  • Date: Anytime on or after Y2, 9/1
  • Chance of trigger: 10%

Two Men 2:

  • Location: Salburg
  • Requirements: Saw "Two Men 1"
  • Chance of trigger: 10%

Weaving Memories:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Saw "Two Men 2" two times or more, Schea in good health
  • Date: 5/23 (King's Birthday)

Two Men 3:

  • Location: Royal Castle
  • Requirements: 10+ days after completing "Weaving Memories"


10 days after you hear a rumor about a female knight, you gotta head to Sky Tavern to then find Kirie within 190 days of this.

Kirielich Wagnah:

  • Location: Sky Tavern
  • Requirements: 10+ days after hearing rumor about female knight; find Kirie at the Tavern within 190 days of this.
  • Chance of trigger: 50%


You gotta defeat Schwalbe and his goons at Meyer Cave. You'll hear a rumor about this location as a bandit/rogue hideout.

Rogues' Hideout:

  • Location: Meyer Cave (Heading here will trigger the boss fight, so be prepared.)

Rogues Regrouped:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: 30+ days after beating Schwalbe at Meyer Cave
  • Chance of trigger: 40%


Lady Thief Der Himmel:

  • Location: Sky Tavern
  • Requirements: Talked to Flair 2 or more times (occassionally at Sky Tavern), 10+ days after hearing rumors about Der Himmel

Wrapping Up Business:

  • Location: Sky Tavern
  • Requirements: Saw "Lady Thief Der Himmel" (listed above), have "Living Rope" in possession

Starting Up Business:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: 10+ days after seeing "Wrapping Up Business"
Missable Events: Specific Dates (One-Shots)
These are events that are missable if you do not view it on or before a certain date AND year. Keep tabs on these ones very often, because you only have one chance to see them in a playthrough.

Year 3:

Weapon Shop Master: Dirge of Demons 1

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Talked to Master at least once before this, Marie's REP is 100 or more
  • Date: Y3, 2/10 to 2/20

Year 4:

Mu: Summer Blossoms 2

  • Location: On the way to Strudel Falls
  • Requirements: Saw "Summer Blossoms 1", Mu in the party, and 80+ FRD
  • Date: Y4, 8/1 to 8/30

Schea: A Ray of Light 1

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirement: Schea in good health
  • Date: Y4, 11/5

Schea: A Ray of Light 2

  • Location: Academy (Talk to Aula)
  • Requirement: Saw "A Ray of Light 1" (Listed above)
  • Date: Y4, 11/6 to 2/29

Year 5:

Marie: One Month to Destiny

  • Location: Atelier
  • Date: Y5, 8/1 to 8/19
Missable Events: Year-Round
These are missable events that you can view at any year during the story, but you must view it on or during a specified period of time. In other words, you can view these at any year up to Year 5.


Grace of the Forest:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: 30+ days after seeing "A New Encounter"
  • Date: The 6th to the 9th of any Even-Numbered Month
  • Chance of trigger: 40%

Enduring Renewal:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Saw "Grace of the Forest" (Listed above), Atelier is messy
  • Date: 6th to the 9th of any Odd-Numbered Month
  • Chance of trigger: 30%

Vanishing Sun:

  • Location: Salburg
  • Date: 6/18 (Eclipse)


Spirits of Summer:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Saw the Summer Festival poster in Sky Tavern (Late July to Early August), Schea in good health
  • Date: 8/15


The Martial Tournament:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Enderk in party, Schea in good health
  • Date: 12/28 to 12/30 (Martial Tournament)



  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: FRD with Mu is 55+, no ongoing quest from Mu
  • Date: 12/1 to 12/30


Weaving Memories:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Saw "Two Men 2" two or more times, Schea in good health
  • Date: 5/23 (King's Birthday)
Missable Events: Boss Enemies
These are events you can miss if you defeat a boss enemy with the wrong party member(s). As far as I know, once you've defeated a boss in a playthrough, they will not return.

Enderk (Flammpfeil)

Flammpfeil is the red dragon that can be found at Mount Weiland. You need to encounter and defeat this boss with Enderk in the party.

You must view the scene "Sworn to the Blade" before you actually defeat Flammpfeil to be able to view "Dragon Slayer 2".

By the way, there are two separate events both called "Dragon Slayer", so don't get the names confused.

Lonely Heights:

  • Location: Salburg
  • Requirements: Adventured with Enderk at least once, Enderk's FRD is 40+

Dragon Slayer (1):

  • Location: Mount Weiland
  • Requirements: Encounter Flammpfeil with Enderk in the party

Sworn to the Blade:

  • Location: Nearby Forest
  • Requirements: Saw "Lonely Heights", Enderk's FRD is 55+, Flammpfeil NOT defeated

Dragon Slayer (2):

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Saw "Sworn to the Blade" (the above quest), Enderk's FRD is 70+, Flammpfeil defeated WITH Enderk in party

Kirie (Magician Faren)

Magician Faren is the boss at the final floor of the Erfolg Tower. You need to encounter and defeat this boss with Kirie in the party.

You must defeat this boss with Kirie BEFORE Y5, 12/1 to be able to view the scene "A Smile In Bloom".


  • Location: Erfolg Tower
  • Requirements: Encounter Magician Faren with Kirie in the party

When The Rose Vanishes:

  • Location: Atelier
  • Requirements: Defeated Magician Faren WITH Kirie in party, Kirie's FRD is 75+, no ongoing quest from Kirie
  • Date: Anytime on or after Y5, 12/1

A Smile In Bloom:

  • Location: Salburg
  • Requirements: Defeated Magician Faren WITH Kirie in party, Kirie's FRD is 80+, Saw "Heart of Ice", HAVEN'T seen "When The Rose Vanishes"