Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

50 ratings
Tanking Like A Boss
By Maxajax
This guide attempts to teach new players how to carry teams via tanking.
Why I Wrote This
I got Rat Game 2(tm) back in the autumn of 2022 and fell in love with it. However, I did not want to be a burden on my teammates. So I leveled all my characters up to 35 on Recruit before I started playing Legendary with friends. Once I started playing missions on Legendary I quickly realized that spamming light attacks with Mercenary Kruber's greatsword, was not as viable as it had been on Recruit difficulty. This resulted in my friends having to pick me up from the ground far more often than I was comfortable with.
For me, this was not acceptable, because I wanted to be a boon, not a burden. Thus I started thinking about how to stay alive.
Then, one day, Pushing and Push-Attacks were revealed to me in a dream. For those who do not know what that is, when you hold the right mouse button to block, and then hold down the left mouse button, it will make your character do a quick shield bash, which staggers enemies. If you continue holding the LMB at this stage, your character will perform a quick attack, before going back into the blocking stance. This gave me an idea. What if I were to go all-in on blocking, staggering and push attacks? I figured that maybe, if I focused on maximizing my stamina regeneration, block cost reduction and push/block angle, it might even work. As I was contemplating this, I was reminded of a scene from the movie 300. With dreams of awesomeness driving me onwards, I began investing my humble collection of crafting components into making my first Ironbreaker build.
It was not long before it paid off. The moment came when I hit Quick Play on Legendary difficulty and found myself playing Blightreaper. We began making our way through the dark sewers, and when we were almost at the exit, all three of my teammates died. At the time I did not have a single red item, and the rest of my team was so certain that it was a wipe that they all started typing "GG" in the chat. But that is not what happened.
Despite not being able to see, being cornered by a horde, a Stormvermin patrol, a Plague Monk squad and several Specials, my build worked as intended. I had successfully turned my stamina bar into my main HP bar. Any hitpoints I lost were immediately replaced by temporary hitpoints due to constantly staggering enemies. Over the course of several minutes, I tanked everything the AI director could throw at me whilst slowly carving my way through. I emerged from the darkness whilst chanting "Khazukan Kazakit-ha!", resurrected my utterly baffled team, then dragged them through the rest of the mission.
Having found a playstyle that enabled me to not just do my part, but also carry my entire team, I then had to confront the fact that a team can only have one Bardin. This meant that my next question was: "How can I do the same thing with other characters?" Since I believe that I have figured it out, I wish to share my findings with the rest of the community. That is why I am writing this guide. To teach new players who got lulled into a false sense of security by Recruit, and who are struggling with higher difficulties, how to tank like a boss, and carry teams as Bardin, Kruber, Saltzpyre or Kerillian.
General Purpose Equipment
All four builds use the same Necklace, Charm and Trinket. Because of this, they are listed here, in a section of their own. Also because of this, they should be upgraded to Red quality first, as they will enhance all four builds.

- Property 1: Health
- Property 2: Block Cost Reduction
- Trait: Barkskin

- Property 1: Power VS Skaven
- Property 2: Power VS Chaos
- Trait: Decanter

- Property 1: Curse Resistance
- Property 2: Stamina Recovery
- Trait: Shrapnel
Ironbreaker - Talents & Equipment
- Level 5 Talent: Rock-Breaker
- Level 10 Talent: Blood of Grimnir
- Level 15 Talent: Enhanced Power
- Level 20 Talent: Gromril Curse
- Level 25 Talent: Dawi Defiance
- Level 30 Talent: Drengbarazi Oath

- Property 1: Block Cost Reduction
- Property 2: Power VS Skaven
- Trait: Opportunist

- Property 1: Power VS Armoured
- Property 2: Power VS Monsters
- Trait: Conservative Shooter
Foot Knight - Talents & Equipment
- Level 5 Talent: Back Off Ugly
- Level 10 Talent: Staggering Force
- Level 15 Talent: Enhanced Power
- Level 20 Talent: Rock of the Reikland
- Level 25 Talent: It Is Hero Time
- Level 30 Talent: Battering Ram

- Property 1: Block Cost Reduction
- Property 2: Push/Block Angle
- Trait: Opportunist

- Property 1: Crit Chance
- Property 2: Crit Power
- Trait: Conservative Shooter
Warrior Priest - Talents & Equipment
- Level 5 Talent: Eternal Vigilance
- Level 10 Talent: Rising Judgement
- Level 15 Talent: Enhanced Power
- Level 20 Talent: From Fury Fortitude
- Level 25 Talent: Prayer Of Might
- Level 30 Talent: The Comet's Gift

- Property 1: Block Cost Reduction
- Property 2: Push/Block Angle
- Trait: Opportunist

- Property 1: Crit Chance
- Property 2: Attack Speed
- Trait: Swift Slaying
Handmaiden - Talents & Equipment
- Level 5 Talent: Spirit Echo
- Level 10 Talent: Focused Spirit
- Level 15 Talent: Enhanced Power
- Level 20 Talent: Wraith-Walk
- Level 25 Talent: Birch Stance
- Level 30 Talent: Gift Of Ladrielle

- Property 1: Block Cost Reduction
- Property 2: Push/Block Angle
- Trait: Opportunist

- Property 1: Power VS Armoured
- Property 2: Power VS Monsters
- Trait: Conservative Shooter
- If you do not have this weapon unlocked, use a Longbow instead
Mutually Beneficial Auras
- The talent named "Drengbarazi Oath" allows you to buff the entire team's power by 20% during critical moments.

- The passive ability named "Protective Presence" reduces the damage your teammates take by 15%.
- The talent named "Rock of the Reikland" doubles the area of effect of the passive ability named "Protective Presence", and makes it reduce the stamina cost of your team's blocks by 20%.

- The talent named "From Fury Fortitude" makes all your kills give 2% fury, and makes kills committed during fury restore health to your teammates.
- The talent named "Prayer of Might" increases the strength of your teammates' staggers by 25%.
- The talent named "The Comet's Gift" makes your "Shield of Faith" ability rez teammates, and restores all damage they took during the preceding three seconds.

- The perk named "Renewal" increases your teammates' stamina regeneration speed by 100%.
- This class rezzes teammates faster, and heals them for 20 health when doing so. Because of this, the task of rezzing teammates should always be delegated to Handmaidens when possible.

- When all these effects are combined, it results in insane synergy. This includes when these builds are being used as bots. However, if you are going to use them as bots, replace the Ironbreaker's Trollhammer Torpedo Launcher with a Handgun.
How Do These Four Builds Work?
- The first way is to keep your shield up by holding the right mouse button, and then hold the left mouse button to perform a Push + Push-Attack to stagger and damage enemies. Letting go and re-depressing the left mouse button will restart this combo. Since the tempo is slower than when you play Slayer, your middle finger's tendons will not wear out before you reach retirement age. The second way is to mix in heavy attacks. This varies per class and weapon moveset and is largely up to your discretion.
- If you have a team that can't kill mobs, you can also do crowd clearing with your heavy attacks.
- You should avoid depleting your stamina entirely, because you can't block without stamina.
- You should also try to avoid enemies getting behind you, because blocking a hit from the back will deplete your entire stamina bar. You can either do this by maneuvering, or you can do this by using the terrain intelligently.
- Only use your ranged weapons when it is appropriate, to conserve ammunition. Examples of this include focusing on Specials when playing Kruber or Kerillian. When playing Bardin, this entails saving your Trollhammer Torpedo ammo to nuke bosses, or to one-shot an entire Patrol after baiting said patrol into clustering up. Deleting a Chaos Warrior also helps speed things up.
- As the tank, your job is to ensure that you give your squishy teammates a window to operate. Within this context, halting the enemies at choke-points is the best approach. If you lack a choke-point, you must at least make sure that you position yourself between the enemy and your squishy teammates to draw the aggro.
Explaining Reasons Behind Choices

Your power rating not only affects your damage, but also your stagger strength. The higher your stagger strength is, the more types of enemies you can stagger. If you get it high enough, that starts to include Skaven Plague Monks and Chaos Berserkers. If they are staggered, they can not attack your squishy teammates.

Improving the strength of your staggers not only allows you to stunlock more dangerous enemies, which prevents them from attacking your teammates, but also increases the amount of temporary health you gain from staggering enemies.

Having Barkskin means that you can be pinned by an Assassin inside of a poison gas cloud, and still survive long enough for your team to recover you. Considering how often this trait has saved my behind, I consider it an absolute must-have.

I enjoy downing a Strength Potion before I start nuking bosses. This trait allows me to enjoy it twice as long. It also does wonders for your Special Ability Bar when you down a Purple Potion, which is hilarious when you are playing Outcast Engineer with the armor piercing autocannon. In the end this does not really matter since this slot will be occupied by a Grimoire. On that note, never let you squishy teammates carry Grims if you can avoid it.

Right after I down my strength potion, I throw a bomb at the boss I am about to nuke, to make him 20% more vulnerable to my trollhammer torpedo / anti boss attack of choice.

Armour-piercing attacks increase my ability to solo hordes of Chaos Warriors and Stormvermin.

Better move-set for both the Push + Push-Attack style and the heavy attack spam. Mace + Shield's heavy chain exists of 2 components. The first is a shield bash which gives you ungodly amounts of temporary health. The second is a horizontal mace sweep that sends the enemy flying like you are playing Sauron. Mace+Shield's Riposte is a downwards smash that deletes your target's skull. The other shield weapons all use pinpoint thrusts. This means that it is far easier to score headshots with Mace+Shield's push-attack.

Because it has a horizontal horde-deleting heavy attack that is based and spammable.
Maxajax  [author] 29 Jul @ 10:30am 
I am Dutch. We are some of the most neurotic people about "making sure things work optimally". Now that you have convinced me that being able to stagger Plague Monks with pushes is more important than preventing stamina depletion from flank attacks, I have to revise all four of the builds.

As for work, I make sure people don't explode, so I'm quite happy to do it, so that's not the issue, it's moreso that I wake up at 1 AM to prep, am home at like 1 PM, and have to be in bed at 5 PM, which isn't very unifiable with gaming. Especially when there's multiple games pulling on you.
SirDiesAlot29 27 Jul @ 7:58am 
Good luck with work, it really does suck. Again, never expected an immediate and full-response, or for you to neglect work for Vermintide. You might notice it took me roughly half a month to give you a reply too; I just like talking Vermintide when I get a chance. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll be fine.

As for Handmaiden: she's really hyper-focused on survivability through high-stamina and mobility over anything else like stagger. For a non-DLC loadout the Sword and Dagger works very well.
Personally, I'm a bigger fan of Asrai Alacrity on level 10, and Willow-Stance on level 20 than your choices when making a tankier build, but that's just me.

The only other thing I'll waterboard you with is this: Enhanced Power is usually not a great choice 90% of the time unless you're aiming for a specific breakpoint like the monk one, especially over Smiter. Less damage and stagger overall. The only exception is for ranged-characters, as it's the only lvl 15 talent that affects ranged weapons.
Maxajax  [author] 27 Jul @ 5:30am 
Keep in mind that work has me bent over a barrel atm because the summer is the busiest time. I am not trying to ignore things, I am just dead tired whenever I come home. Hence why the Ironbreaker test took so long.

I am not disinterested in revisiting Foot Knight but honestly since Handmaiden is probably the most lackluster right now in my opinion, I'll probably try to get her to the cataclysm stagger point for plague monks next. Just have to power through a few more weeks.
SirDiesAlot29 26 Jul @ 7:52pm 
Oh I never said your Foot Knight was bad, just that there is an alternative that helps to avoid clutch-scenarios and helps more when they do arise than the standard "put staggering force on" build better in my humble opinion; this being true even at the expense of some *slight* utility through losing the Chaos Warrior stagger bp and his aura. Too many people underestimate how useful attack-speed is on him. Not sure I expected much more than a hand-wave answer and not even a test of that build tbh, but hey, I tried.

And yes, everything I do is tested and rated for at least Cataclysm, I find breakpoints to be pointless to think about otherwise. Again, that plague-monk bp (27% Pwr vs Skaven/Berzerkers + Opportunist) works for EVERY shield weapon in the game. Every, single, one. Worth considering on Handmaiden too honestly if you get the chance.
Maxajax  [author] 11 Jul @ 7:52am 
Foot Knight turned out to be good as-is due to the inherent stagger.
Maxajax  [author] 8 Jul @ 4:09pm 
Modification to the Ironbreaker build has been tested on Cataclysm.
It can now stagger Plague Monks there.
Consequently, the changes have now been incorporated into the guide.
The Ironbreaker build has thus been updated.
Maxajax  [author] 3 Jul @ 11:33am 

I got around to testing it on Ironbreaker.

I changed his Shield+Axe from Block Cost Reduction + Push/Block Angle to Block Cost Reduction + Power VS Skaven.

This has enabled that character to push Plague Monks on Legendary.

I deem the trade-off worth it because I can prevent skaven slaves from backstabbing my stamina away by moving intelligently.

Gonna see about getting some Cataclysm matches in to see if this is sufficient for that breakpoint as well.
SirDiesAlot29 27 Jun @ 3:17pm 
I tend to find that in a really nasty clutch-scenario (i.e. where this much thought into build-crafting actually becomes vital) you're almost definitely going to be swamped by clanrats trying to back shank you. That's practically a given, and as such you're likely going to be operating on half a stamina shield while fighting for your life more often than not. It just comes with the territory.

Hope you have a great rest of the week, it'll be interesting to hear your thoughts on the setup if/when you get the chance to try it! It's definitely a favourite of mine.
Maxajax  [author] 25 Jun @ 11:35pm 
You do make a valid point when you say that being able to stagger 6 berserkers is probably more useful than a wider push angle, but one of the things I am concerned about is the block angle. Specifically, losing all of my stamina because one clanrat went for a back shank during a rez.

However, I am going to see about adopting the changes, and seeing what happens.

Sadly the next 4 days are work days so it is going to be a hot minute before I get the opportunity.
SirDiesAlot29 23 Jun @ 8:34am 
Finally, I find "It's Hero Time" to be way less useful than Inspiring Blow. On Cataclysm you're constantly bombarded with elites, making it easy to keep the ability active for almost every second of a fight. It helps the entire team, not just you, meaning everyone else can spam their abilities far more often. Hero Time also planning for failure, whereas Inspiring Blow lets you be far more proactive in avoiding downs instead of waiting for them. I treat it much like Mercenary's final talent that let's him revive with his shout ability: it's way more useful to use the stagger and healing it provides to avoid downs in the first place, rather than wait for them to pull off a cool revive.

But again, I know lot's of people love Hero Time. It does feel pretty cool to use. Again, I merely offer suggestions based on my experience with the career.