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FF6 PR Slots cheat
Από Jackofallgames
"Rough" times to click the button... O_O
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Stop beating your head against the wall...

I was getting annoyed with dying 50+ times to the Joker's death (against player characters) activating and decided to do some "research" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I'm just hoping this helps SOMEONE get the achievement that has eluded them (annoyed them, really) to the point they gave up. NO LONGER, now you can get the achievement easily with a macro. This macro simply shows the TIMES required to select the button to stop the slots on the 7 FOR YOU. As i said, it is really not luck, or skill, it is a cheat. Use at your own discretion.
TL;DR: Create a macro with times (see black/green picture in guide) and adjust the final keystroke time until it lands.

  • 1. Macro recorder: The first thing you'll need to make this work is a way to create macros. If you're unaware of what macros are or what they do, essentially, at the press of a single keystroke, it will run through a select few keystrokes automatically, at specific intervals. If you own any "Razer" gear i.e. razer keyboard, tartarus, or mouse... (I doubt it's possible with, say, razer headphones or headphone stands for example) this will be good for what i'm suggesting. If you don't, you'll need a way to record or create a macro that you can use for this. You can probably download free ones on the web. I should add however, 3rd party tools come at a risk, download them at YOUR OWN RISK. I used razer, but it was included with the gear I already own, so not really risky for me.

    Inside one of the pictures included in this guide, is a list of "F" key strokes (which is what i use as the "confirm" button) with times for the button down, button up, and time in between. If you already know what to do with that information, good luck, have fun :)

    If not: read on...

  • 2. Setzer is in your party (obviously) You'll need to have Setzer in your party, so if you haven't gotten him yet, go do that, and come back to the guide.

    Strictly speaking, the rest of this isn't required per se... but it really helped me, so I recommend it.

  • 3. Access to weak, physical attack only, enemies. You can find these easily soon after you get control of the airship (and Setzer) if you go to the Narshe Mines (first area of the game).

  • 4. Phantom magicite, equipped to Setzer (acquired in the Magitek Facility automatically).

  • 5. Settings: Go to Menu > Configuration > Cursor Memory > change to ON
Recording the macro:
Using the software of your choice you'll want to record the button you use to "confirm" 5 times (default is ENTER) and the times I've shown below between each keystroke. When you're done, it should look something similar to this (using the enter button, as it is the default key):

ENTER (down)
0.050 This is what is used to select "Slot" in Setzer's action menu during a battle.
ENTER (up)

0.700 This time seems to be consistent for me, regardless. (should not need to change)

ENTER (down)
0.050 This is what is used to select the first "7"
ENTER (up)

1.050 This time seems to be consistent for me, regardless. (should not need to change)

ENTER (down)
0.050 This is what is used to select the second "7"
ENTER (up)

0.990 THIS time... !@#$ this time. I've tested and re-tested, you will need to adjust this.

ENTER (down)
0.050 This is what is used to select the third (and very elusive) "7"
ENTER (up)

0.050 This time doesn't matter, you are stuck with whatever is shown.

ENTER (down)
0.050 This is what is used to confirm your slots, and launch the selected ability
ENTER (up)

Once you've setup your macro, you should be ready to move to the next step.
Getting in position
Head to the battle area you've chosen with your party, and get ready to get your achievement!

I went to the Narshe Mines 1F (Through the door to the right of the save point). I went with a party of one... Setzer. The enemies in here only do physical attacks, and they are weak. Even without the Phantom Magicite, you'll do fine with all the bunnies that pop up.

  • 1. Make sure to quick save before hand, and when you're ready, enter a battle.

  • 2. Cast Phantom (go to magic > press up > phantom > confirm)... Simply put, all enemies will miss you from here on, allowing you to leave the game running without dying.

  • 3. Wait for Setzer's Menu to pop up...

  • 4. Put your cursor on "Slot".

    • a. If you changed your settings to cursor memory ON, you should only need to do this once. If you didn't you'll need to repeat this step along with the following.

  • 5. Use the Macro

  • 6. Look carefully at the final slot picture (the one on the far right side) and adjust the fourth "confirm" button press according to the following...

    • a. Dragon? Add 1 to the "Thousandths place"

    • b. Diamond? Subtract 1 from the "Thousandths place"

    • c. It happened so fast, you didn't notice? Change nothing, and watch carefully next time

    • d. It landed on 7? Do the happy dance, grin from ear to ear, and enjoy your achievement! GL;HF :)

  • 7. Wait for Setzer's Menu to pop up again...

  • 8. Repeat steps 5 through 7.

Make no mistake, each time i did this, I had to adjust the "final slot selection" number AT LEAST 10 times, if not more. I couldn't figure out what the number was based off of, but it seemed to be somewhere between the 0.985 and 0.995 for me. It actually went from 0.985 TO 0.993 for me and then back down to 0.990 during one fight alone. It is a finicky lil' !@#$ face if you ask me, but whatever, I'm over it....
It didn't work....
There seems to be so much confusion and controversy surrounding this achievement, and (more specifically) how it works, it could be that you've done all I guided you towards and somehow, someway, it didn't work the way it was supposed to.

In this case, you'll want to adjust some things, so this is to help troubleshoot the macro and/or game itself...

  • 1. It selected all diamonds/chocobos!?!?!? Reports from other players indicated that the game seems to force the slots in specific situations. It could be that the game specifically selected your slots to come up diamonds/chocobos on the next "Slot" selection. Try again.

  • 2. It didn't land on the first 7! In this case, try to see if the 7 went by just before or after the slot was "selected".

    • a. The 7 went by just before the macro "selected" it? subtract 1 from the "tenths" place. Try again.

    • b. The macro "selected" it just before the 7? add 1 to the "tenths" place. Try again.

  • 3. It didn't land on the second 7! In this case, try to see if the 7 went by just before or after the slot was "selected".

    • a. The 7 went by just before the macro "selected" it? subtract 1 from the "hundredths" place. Try again.

    • b. The macro "selected" it just before the 7? add 1 to the "hundredths" place. Try again.

  • 4. It landed on the first and second 7, but the final 7 was a bar and I died! Reports from players indicated that regardless of what they thought the final picture was, it forced the final slot to be a bar. In this case, the game may have specifically made the next "Slot" to come up with sevens and a bar to kill you, too. Reload from the quick save and try again. If it continues to happen, kill the enemies after the quicksave, quicksave again, and then try it again.

  • 5. Tenths? Hundredths?! THOUSANDTHS!? What the H E Double Hockey Sticks are you talkin about?!?! I.... can't help you. ask your parents. If you're an adult, ask a search engine. I hear google will tell you.

That's it. If you've tried all that and it still fails, I'm not sure what else to do to help. I'm sorry :(

It's very trial and error, but after looking for a way to beat this thing for... probably months at this point... I finally got it doing all this. It took longer to make the guide than to actually put it all into action and get the achievement. I hope it helped you. GL;HF
3 σχόλια
Hermoni 11 Οκτ 2024, 11:07 
After hours trying "legit" this one... i finally used this method.
The game cheat ? OK ! WE'LL CHEAT TOO !!

I needed like 20-30 attempt as the game was cheating with the "no i dont allow you to have the triple 7 on this battle".
Thanks for your timing, that was a nice base to adjust after that.
Uninstall Wizard 4 Μαϊ 2024, 7:47 
THANK YOU! This strategy saved me a ton of time, and I really appreciate it.

My delays were the same as what you wrote, except for the .990. As you said, that needed adjustment.

What I did was change my monitor's refresh rate from 144hz to 60hz (it didn't work otherwise), and then I changed my .990 time to .10704.

To other readers, if you find the .990 timer being finnicky, don't be afraid to go further than the thousandth digit. I adjusted up from .990 ten at a time (from .990 to .100 to .110 and so on), and eventually hit a point where I needed to drill down all the way to the fifth digit to get it to work.

Please also note that if you use AutoHotKey, as I do, then the timing is already in milliseconds. So in AHK, the delay reads "10704" rather than ".10704".

Thank you again! :8bitheart::FFVIultros:
Phoxtane 8 Απρ 2024, 16:34 
This trick worked for me. I'm guessing everyone's delays will be slightly different system-to-system though, as well as what macro software you use.

As predicted, my special number was slightly different from yours, but I ended up tweaking my other delays slightly as well to consistently land the first and second reels on the 7. I also adjusted my last keypress to have a 0.8s delay so I could more easily see what my last reel had ended on, allowing me to more easily fine tune that last reel.

Fair warning: my research shows that the game can randomly cheat the last reel forward to put give you a diamond instead of a 7. People were reporting seeing this after perfecting the "pause" method to grind this achievement. Therefore, even if your timings are correct in your macro it's still not guaranteed... but you also now have a macro and a bulletproof way to give yourself infinite attempts.

(For reference, my delays ended up 0 - 0.05 - 0.7 - 0.05 - 1.1 - 0.05 - 1.07 - 0.05 - 0.8 - 0.05.)