

Swish Swoosh
"Drawing by me :)"
omed_86  [author] 2 Jul @ 9:28am 
Much appreciated :)
germality 2 Jul @ 5:56am 
very cool
omed_86  [author] 30 Mar @ 1:53pm 
Wow nice job! I do 3D modeling too and cars are very difficult! For their mix of soft and sharp lines!
But my 3D work is mostly related to architectural visualization and simple camera animation.
I did have to model a few characters back when I did work for the studio, but I didn't do the rigging or animation. I've practiced rigging on some low poly models though so I have general idea of how it works.

Animation is difficult in all forms, but with 3D you are also facing technicalities, to me it is more like science. You either know how to do it or you don't. :cleanseal:
shoveen1 30 Mar @ 7:25am 
But give it a go, you actually have something going for you and you should use that talent to either build a nice business for yourself or build a career.
shoveen1 30 Mar @ 7:24am 
Then things became harder when we had to build a buggati veyron car, with its engine inside and all the small parts in the engine as well (we were still in our first year), and only 2 people completed that project out of 30. Thats when i knew i had an interest in it, but no real talent or passion for it. And now i do what im passionate about and its made me some good money (luckily, lol).
shoveen1 30 Mar @ 7:22am 
Hands are the worst to draw! lol. But i was very surprised at how hard 3D animation is. I really adire how tight the controls are in soulstice, smc, gow, etc. When i had to rig a character in 3D. its pretty challenging to not only make them move, but move normally and not weirdly (when i was in college), let alone the detail you have to mold in 3D. The best thing i did make in 3D animation was a ferrai f40 with built in machine guns at the front. We had to animate a car chase scene in a mountain road. It was fun, and the whole project took 4 weeks to build and animate everything.
omed_86  [author] 30 Mar @ 5:05am 
Thanks for the encouraging words :)
Lately, I have been considering doing more with my art (career wise) and trying to improve. Sometimes I think I should practice more and play less video games... But i love video games, and they fuel my imagination XD And yes, especially seeing concept art in video games, I always love seeing those and growing up, I would look at them over and over again and try to pick a note or two.

Oh so you're good at drawing from reference! That is great! I guess most people start from cartoons/anime cuz that is what you grow up loving.
lol Most artists will tell you hands are very difficult to draw, it is ok XD When I struggle, I look at my own hands or a photo for reference. Little by little you start to realize new details "Oh that is why my hand drawings looked off!". Like it took me a really long time to realize the palm of your hand has a taper to it, and it is not a square lol
shoveen1 29 Mar @ 6:38pm 
(read previous comment first)...I know, i studied art and design in high school, and from 30 people, theres always only 2 or 3 people that really have it. I studied 3D animation for a year, and i stopped because it was very very hard and out of a class of 30, only 2 or 3 people really had the talent. You have something special here if you keep going. Im good at drawing cartoon characters when i look at something, but i suck at drawing hand gestures and body gestures. Dont even get me started on how sucky i am at painting, lol!

But i hope you carry on, you have a talent that not many people have and if you keep developing it, you can make serious money from it. Add these works to your portfolio. Great stuff
shoveen1 29 Mar @ 6:38pm 
Oh i see. Im gonna be totally honest with you. This looks very professional. Ive seen art like this in God of war concept art from ps2 days. They showed videos of how they sketched the monsters etc, and the concept art of yours is on that level. I urge you, to please keep developing your talent of drawing. Theres not many people out there that have this kind of talent....
omed_86  [author] 29 Mar @ 6:26pm 
Thank you, glad you think so :D To put it shortly, I've been drawing since I was a few years old, but I have still so much to learn!
Though it isn't my profession, I did work as a Concept and character artist for a short period in a small local studio.