Idle Spiral

Idle Spiral

Spiral Design Bonuses
由 Gnarler 發表
Bonuses for the different spiral designs available in the spiral shop.
This is some of the designs I have found. If you have found more designs, please comment and I will add them.

This may be considered a spoiler, but not really.

* is menu page.
- is Active bonus (only applicable if you are using that spiral design currently)
= is Passive bonus (available at all times once you unlock it)

Simple blue -a 10%
simple Yellow -b 10%
simple red -c 10%
simple violet -d 10%
simple white -e 10%
Blue and Green -HP 50% =HP 10%
Violet and Pink -Crit rate 5% =Crit rate 1%
White and Cyan -Crit damage 20% =Crit damage 5%
Yellow and Red -ATK 50% =ATK 10%
Red and Blue -DEF 50% =DEF 10%

White circles - Rest Regen 200% =Rest regen 50%
Green and pink circles - Rest regen 50% and DEF 30% =Rest regen 10% DEF 5%
Cyan and Red circles -ATK% 30 Rest regen 50% =ATK 5% Rest regen 10%
Blue Dottered line -Line Number multiplier 100% =Line number multiplier 25%
White dottered line - Line number multiplier 25% =A, B, C 5% and Line number multiplier 10%
Orange and Blue dottered line -Line number multiplier 25% =D, E, F 5% and Line number multiplier 10%
Cyan and pink stripe -V+5 =V+2
Blue and Violet stripe -ATK reward +5 =ATK reward +2
Green and Orange stripe - DEF reward +5 =DEF reward +2
Green Winding - EXP reward +3 =EXP reward +1
White and Red winding - EXP reward +10% =EXP reward +3%
Orange and Purple winding - ATK DEF and HP +100% =ATK DEF and HP 30%

Pi -Ohm 50% =Ohm 20%
Diamond -EXP reward 5% =Battle upgrade cost -5%
Rainbow -Equation speed 100% =Equation speed 50%
Kanji - @+100 =Spiral equation slot +1 (background is light blue now)
Laser - +50% Z reactor exp = +20% Z reactor exp

btw what does line number multiplier do? :-P
6 則留言
Prinny 7 月 9 日 上午 6:28 
what is equation slot?
Aurora Latios 6 月 29 日 上午 9:49 
@No - the V+5 / V+2 is something that the second tier Prestige system uses. It's a constant that is added to something.
A Wa1nut 5 月 25 日 上午 2:47 
axel is correct, line number multiplier is the multiplier you can activate to speed up your spiral
No 2023 年 12 月 25 日 下午 9:27 
What does V+5 / V+2 do?
Luna the neko 2023 年 8 月 27 日 上午 6:24 
the line number does increase the power of the 5x boost button in the top left
Axel 2023 年 6 月 21 日 下午 10:32 
I believe line number multiplier increases the power of the 5x boost button in the top left.