Dead Space

Dead Space

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How to be friends with the marker and not be affected by it
By Damienator
1st step is really simple you just gotta sing a nice song that goes like this "the marker is the only thing I believe in give me 12 markers actually 13 so I can use them to be friends with the one and only true marker" once that's done you will try to go to the marker and talk to him tell the marker "that your alive too and you wanna be normal and be friends with the marker calmly or else it will infect you if you do it calmly it should be your friend also tell the marker you got some chickens nuggets to share with the marker after that it will ask you for a papa John's pizza buy him a pizza pepperoni with cheese 🧀 and no onions if you forget to ask to not have onions it will turn you into a necromorph and no mushrooms and ofc a whole box of burgers and fries
外場最速伝説 9 Nov, 2023 @ 7:30pm 
what a genius